MINIMUM RADIUS OF PROTECTION AND SURVEILLANCE ZONES(as referred to in Article 21 of this Regulation)

Indicated as radius of a circle centred on the establishment

Category A diseases

Protection Zone

Surveillance Zone

Foot and mouth disease

3 km

10 km

Infection with rinderpest virus

3 km

10 km

Infection with Rift Valley fever virus

20 km

50 km

Infection with lumpy skin disease virus

20 km

50 km

Infection with Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides SC (Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia)


3 km

Sheep pox and goat pox

3 km

10 km

Infection with peste des petits ruminants virus

3 km

10 km

Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia


3 km

African horse sickness

100 km

150 km

Infection with Burkholderia mallei (Glanders)



Classical swine fever

3 km

10 km

African swine fever

3 km

10 km

Highly pathogenic avian influenza

3 km

10 km

Infection with Newcastle disease virus

3 km

10 km