

CHAPTER I Disease control measures for category A diseases in aquaculture animals

Section 1 Preliminary disease control measures in the event of suspicion of a category A disease in aquaculture animals

Article 75Temporary restricted zones around the establishment

The competent authority may establish a temporary restricted zone around the establishment where there is a suspicion of category A disease and where preliminary disease control measures are applied as referred to in Article 72 and Article 73 taking into account the following circumstances:


the location of the establishment in an area with other establishments keeping aquaculture animals of listed species for which a category A disease is suspected;


the movement of animals in the vicinity of the suspected establishment;


the delay in confirming the category A disease pursuant to Article 77;


the insufficient information on the possible origin and routes of introduction of the suspected category A disease; and


the disease profile, in particular the routes and speed of transmission of the disease and the persistence of the disease in the relevant population of aquaculture animals of listed species.