CHAPTER IIDisease control measures for category A diseases of aquaculture animals in the restricted zone

Section 2Disease control measures in the protection zone

Article 97Duration of disease control measures in the protection zone, repopulation of establishments covered by the protection zone


The competent authority shall maintain the disease control measures in the protection zone provided for in Section 2 of this Chapter until:


the measures in Article 96 are carried out and completed; and


the competent authority has, based on the outcome of the investigations conducted in accordance with Article 88, ruled out any occurrence of the relevant category A disease in the other establishments within the protection zone.


When the conditions set out in paragraph 1 are met:


the competent authority shall apply the measures provided for in Section 3 of this Chapter in the protection zone for the period of time set out in Article 101; and


the establishments referred to in Article 96(1) and (2) and previously covered by the protection zone may be repopulated.