CHAPTER IDisease control measures for category A diseases in kept terrestrial animals

Section 1Preliminary disease control measures in the event of suspicion of a category A disease in kept animals

Article 5Obligations on operators in the event of suspicion of a category A disease in kept animals in an establishment

In the event of suspicion of a category A disease in kept animals, operators shall take the following disease control measures in order to prevent the spread of the category A disease from the affected animals and establishments under their responsibility to other unaffected animals or to humans until the competent authority rules out the presence of the category A disease:

  1. (a)

    isolate all animals suspected of being infected with the category A disease;

  2. (b)

    keep the manure, including litter and used bedding, and any product, material or substance likely to be contaminated with and to transmit category A diseases isolated and protected from insects and rodents, kept animals of non-listed species and wild animals to the extent technically and practically feasible;

  3. (c)

    implement the appropriate additional biosecurity measures to avoid any risk of spread of the category A disease;

  4. (d)

    cease all movements of kept animals of listed species from or to the establishment;

  5. (e)

    prevent non-essential movements of animals of non-listed species, products, materials, substances, persons and means of transport from or to the establishment;

  6. (f)

    ensure that production, health and traceability records of the establishment are updated;

  7. (g)

    provide the competent authority, on its request, with any relevant information regarding the category A disease; and

  8. (h)

    follow any instructions given by the competent authority regarding the control of the category A disease, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/429 and this Regulation.

Article 6Investigation by the competent authority in the event of suspicion of a category A disease in kept animals in an establishment


In the event of suspicion of a category A disease in kept animals in an establishment, in accordance with Article 9(1), (3) and (4) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689, the competent authority shall immediately conduct an investigation to confirm or rule out the presence of the suspected listed disease.


In the course of the investigation referred to in paragraph 1 the competent authority shall ensure that official veterinarians perform at least:


clinical examinations of kept animals of listed species at the establishment; and


collection of samples for laboratory examinations.

Article 7Preliminary restriction and biosecurity measures in the event of suspicion of a category A disease in kept animals in an establishment


In the event of suspicion of a category A disease in an establishment, the competent authority shall place the establishment under official surveillance and immediately impose the following preliminary restriction and biosecurity measures, in order to prevent the spread of the category A disease from the affected animals and the establishment to other unaffected animals or to humans:


prohibition of movements of kept animals of listed species into and from the establishment;


prohibition of movements of kept animals of non-listed species into and from the establishment;


prohibition of movements of any product, material or substance likely to be contaminated with or likely to transmit category A diseases from the establishment;


isolation of kept animals of listed species and protection from wild animals, animals of non-listed species and, when necessary, from insects and rodents;


prohibition of killing of animals of listed species, unless authorised by the competent authority; and


prohibition of non-essential movements of products, materials, substances, persons and means of transport into the establishments.


By way of derogation from point 1(a), (b) and (c) the competent authority may authorise movements of animals and products from the establishment where a category A disease is suspected, after carrying out a risk assessment and provided that:


the movements of animals and products comply with all conditions and biosecurity measures necessary in order to avoid the spread of the disease;


in the establishment of destination there are not other kept animals of listed species; and


the establishment of destination is not a slaughterhouse.


Where derogations provided for in paragraph 2 are granted, the competent authority may impose the disease control measures provided for in paragraph 1 in the establishment of destination.


The competent authority may order preventive killing, in accordance with Article 12(1) and (2), of animals of listed species in the establishment where a category A disease is suspected when the epidemiological situation so requires.


All animal by-products from dead animals, which have died or have been killed in the establishment where a category A disease is suspected shall be processed or disposed of in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 to ensure that the suspected disease agent is inactivated and to prevent the spread of the disease to unaffected animals or to humans.

Article 8Inventory and records analysis in the event of suspicion of a category A disease in kept animals in an establishment


In the event of suspicion of a category A disease, the competent authority shall order and verify that, without delay, operators of the establishments where a category A disease is suspected compile and maintain an up-to-date inventory of the following:


the species, categories and number of animals kept on the establishment; for poultry, the number of animals may be estimated;


the individual identification number of all the animals of species for which the individual identification is compulsory in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/203514;


the species, categories and number of kept animals of listed species which have been born, died, showed clinical signs or are likely to be infected or contaminated with the category A disease in the establishment;


any product, material or substance likely to be contaminated with or likely to transmit the relevant category A disease in the establishment; and


when relevant, all places likely to enable the survival of the vectors of the relevant category A disease in the establishment.


Where the establishment consists of several epidemiological units, the information in paragraph 1 shall be specified for each epidemiological unit.


In the framework of the epidemiological enquiry, as referred to in Article 57 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, the competent authority shall analyse at least the following records of the establishment where a category A disease is suspected:


the inventory referred to in paragraph 1;


the records concerning the origin and date of arrival and departure at or from the establishment of kept animals of listed species;


the records concerning the origin and date of arrival and departure at or from the establishment of other relevant transport movements;


the production records; and


the records concerning to visits to the establishment, if available.


The records analysis referred to in paragraph 3 shall cover, at least, the monitoring period set out in Annex II for the relevant disease, calculated backwards from the date on which the suspicion was notified.

Article 9Temporary restricted zones in the event of suspicion of a category A disease in kept terrestrial animals in an establishment


In the event of suspicion of a category A disease in kept animals in an establishment, the competent authority may establish a temporary restricted zone taking into account the following circumstances:


the location of the establishment in an area with a high density of kept animals of listed species for which a category A disease is suspected;


the movement of animals or persons in contact with kept animals of listed species for which a category A disease is suspected;


the delay in confirming the category A disease pursuant to Article 11;


the insufficient information on the possible origin and routes of introduction of the suspected category A disease; and


the disease profile, in particular the routes and speed of transmission of the disease and the persistence of the disease in the animal population.


In the establishments within the temporary restricted zone the competent authority shall apply at least the measures provided for in Article 7.


The competent authority may maintain the temporary restricted zone until the moment that the presence of the category A disease has been ruled out in the establishment where it was suspected or the presence of that disease has been confirmed and a restricted zone is established pursuant to Article 21.


The competent authority may order preventive killing, in accordance with Article 12(1) and (2), or slaughtering of animals of listed species, in the temporary restricted zones when the epidemiological situation so requires.

Article 10Measures to apply in the event of suspicion of a category A disease in food and feed businesses, border control posts, animal by-products establishments or any other location of relevance, including means of transport


In the event of suspicion of a category A disease in accordance with Article 9(1), (3) and (4) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689 in food and feed businesses, border control posts, animal by-products establishments or any other location of relevance, including means of transport, the competent authority shall apply:


the relevant provisions laid down in Articles 5 to 9; and


if needed, additional measures adapted to the specific situation in order to prevent the spread of the category A disease to unaffected animals or to humans.


The competent authority shall also apply provisions laid down in Articles 5 to 9 in the establishments of origin of the animals or products present in the establishments and locations referred to in paragraph 1 which are suspected to be infected.

Section 2Disease control measures in the event of the official confirmation of a category A disease in kept animals

Article 11Official confirmation of a category A disease in kept terrestrial animals

The competent authority shall officially confirm an outbreak of a category A disease in kept terrestrial animals when a case is confirmed in accordance with Article 9(2), (3) and (4) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/689.

Article 12Disease control measures in the event of official confirmation of an outbreak of a category A disease in kept animals in an establishment


Following the official confirmation of an outbreak of a category A disease in an establishment in accordance with Article 11, the competent authority shall order that, in addition to measures provided for in Article 7, the following disease control measures are immediately applied under the supervision of official veterinarians:


all animals of listed species kept in the affected establishment shall be killed as soon as possible on the spot, within the establishment, in such a way as to avoid any risk of spreading the relevant category A disease agent during and after killing;


all appropriate and necessary biosecurity measures shall be taken to avoid any possible spread of the category A disease to unaffected kept or wild animals or to humans;


bodies or parts of kept animals of listed species which have died or which have been killed pursuant to point (a) of this paragraph shall be disposed of in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009;


all potentially contaminated products, materials or substances present in the establishment shall be isolated until:

  1. (i)

    they are disposed of or processed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009, in the case of animal by-products (including those resulting from the killing and products of animal origin and germinal products);

  2. (ii)

    cleaning and disinfection measures are completed in accordance with the Article 15, in the case of other materials and substances fit for cleaning and disinfection;

  3. (iii)

    disposal is completed under the supervision of official veterinarians, in the case of feeding stuff and other materials unfit for cleaning and disinfection.


The competent authority shall order and supervise that:


the transport from the affected establishment of animal by-products referred to in paragraphs 1(c) and 1(d)(i) complies with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009;


the transport from the affected establishment of materials or substances referred to in paragraph 1(d)(iii) complies with its instructions regarding biosecurity and biosafety conditions to prevent the spread of category A disease agent.


The competent authority shall collect samples for laboratory examination from kept animals of listed species, before or when they are killed or dead, for the purposes of the epidemiological enquiry referred to in Article 57 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429.


By way of derogation of point (a) of paragraph 1, the competent authority may, after carrying out a risk assessment and taking into account the possibility of applying other risk-mitigating measures, decide:


to order the killing of kept animals of listed species at the nearest suitable place in such a way as to avoid any risk of spreading the category A disease during killing or transport; or


postpone the killing of kept animals of listed species, provided that those animals are subject to emergency vaccination as provided for in Article 69 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429.

Article 13Specific derogations from Article 12(1)(a)


In the event of an outbreak of a category A disease in establishments keeping animals of listed species in two or more epidemiological units, the competent authority may grant derogation from Article 12(1)(a) to the epidemiological units in which the disease has not been confirmed, after carrying out a risk assessment, and, when necessary, after obtaining favourable results in laboratory examinations, and provided that:


the epidemiological enquiry referred to in Article 57 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 has not revealed any epidemiological link between the epidemiological units in which the category A disease has been confirmed and those in which the disease has not been confirmed, to suspect the spread of the category A disease between them; and


the competent authority has confirmed that, at least during the monitoring period, set out in Annex II for the relevant disease, before the confirmation of the category A disease, the epidemiological units in which the disease has not been confirmed were kept completely separated and handled by different personnel.


The competent authority may grant derogation from Article 12(1)(a) to the following categories of animals provided that the conditions in paragraph 3 are fulfilled:


animals kept in a confined establishment;


animals kept for scientific purposes or purposes related to conservation of protected or endangered species;


animals officially registered in advance as rare breeds; and


animals with a duly justified high genetic, cultural or educational value.


The competent authority shall ensure that the following conditions are fulfilled when granting the derogation provided for in paragraph 2:


the competent authority has carried out an assessment of the effects of granting such derogation and, in particular, of the effects on the animal health status of the Member State concerned and of the adjacent countries and the outcome of this assessment indicated that the animal health status is not endangered;


appropriate biosecurity measures are applied to prevent the risk of transmission of the category A disease to unaffected kept animals or to wild animals or to humans taking into account:

  1. (i)

    the disease profile; and

  2. (ii)

    the affected species of animals;


the animals are subject to appropriate isolation and clinical surveillance, including laboratory examinations, until the competent authority can ensure that the animals do not pose a risk of transmission of the category A disease.


The competent authority may grant specific derogations from Article 12(1)(a) to equine animals kept in establishments where an outbreak of the category A diseases referred to in Annex III has been confirmed under the conditions set out in that Annex.

Article 14Additional disease control measures in the event of an outbreak of a category A disease in kept terrestrial animals in an establishment


The competent authority may establish, in addition to the measures provided for in Article 12, sampling procedures for kept animals of non-listed species and wild animals of listed species, based on the information obtained from the epidemiological enquiry referred to in Article 57 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/429.


The competent authority may, after carrying out a risk assessment of the further spread of the relevant category A disease and taking into account the possibility of applying other risk-mitigating measures, order the killing of kept animals of non-listed species and wild animals in such a way as to avoid any risk of spreading the category A disease during killing, transport and until disposal of the entire bodies or parts of the dead animals.

Article 15Preliminary cleaning and disinfection and control of insects and rodents in the affected establishment


Immediately after the completion of the measures provided for in Article 12, and when relevant in Article 14, the competent authority shall order and supervise a preliminary cleaning and disinfection and, when relevant, control of insects and rodents, in the affected establishment in order to avoid spreading of the category A disease.


The preliminary cleaning, disinfection and control referred to in paragraph 1 shall be:


performed in accordance with the procedures set out in points A and B of Annex IV using the appropriate biocidal products to ensure destruction of the relevant category A disease agent; and


adequately documented.


When the competent authority grants one of the derogations provided for in Article 13(2) and (4), it shall order the preliminary cleaning, disinfection and the control referred to in paragraph 1 adapting the procedures referred to in point 2(a) to the specific situation without detriment to the control of spreading of the category A disease from the affected animals and affected establishments and locations to other unaffected animals or to humans.


In addition to the measures referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, the competent authority shall order and supervise that the means of transport used for the transport of animals to and from the affected establishment are properly cleaned and disinfected and, where relevant, subjected to measures ensuring the control of insects and rodents.

Article 16Derogations and special rules for the preliminary cleaning and disinfection and control of vectors

The competent authority may grant derogation to the requirement regarding cleaning and disinfection and control of insects and rodents set out in Article 15 in the case of:

  1. (a)

    pastures epidemiologically linked to the affected establishment, under specific procedures to ensure effective inactivation of the relevant category A disease agent taking into account the disease profile, the type of establishment and the climatic conditions; and

  2. (b)

    manure, including litter and used bedding, from the affected establishment, under specific procedures to ensure effective inactivation of the relevant category A disease agent in accordance with scientific evidence.

Article 17Identification of epidemiologically linked establishments and other locations of relevance, including means of transport


In the frame of the epidemiological enquiry, as referred to in Article 57 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/429, and in order to identify all the epidemiologically linked establishments and other locations of relevance, including means of transport, the competent authority shall trace all kept animals present in the establishment where an outbreak of a category A disease has been confirmed and any products, materials, substances, means of transport or people likely to spread the relevant category A disease including:


those dispatched into and from the establishment; and


those that have entered into contact with the establishment.


The tracing referred to in paragraph 1 shall cover at least the monitoring period, set out in Annex II for the relevant disease, calculated backwards from the date the suspicion was notified.


After carrying out a risk assessment, the competent authority may exclude from the tracing referred to in paragraph 1 those products considered as safe commodities, as provided for in Annex VII.

Article 18Measures to be applied in the epidemiologically linked establishments and other locations of relevance, including means of transport


When the tracing provided for in Article 17(1) demonstrates that animals of listed species were dispatched from or to the affected establishment during the period referred to in paragraph 2 of that Article, the competent authority shall:


carry out investigations and impose restriction and biosecurity measures in accordance with Article 6, Article 7 and Article 8 in the establishments of destination or origin of the movement; or


immediately extend the measures in Article 12 to the establishment of origin or the establishment of destination of the movement in the case that there is epidemiological evidence of spreading of the disease to, from or through that establishment.


The competent authority shall apply the measures referred to in paragraph 1 in other establishments and locations of relevance, including means of transport, likely to be contaminated as a result of contact with animals, products, materials, substances, persons or means of transport from the affected establishment identified in the frame of the tracing referred to in Article 17 or based on any other relevant information from the epidemiological enquiry, as referred to in Article 57 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/429.

Article 19Measures to be applied to the products identified by the tracing


The competent authority shall order and supervise that semen, oocytes and embryos identified as contaminated by the tracing referred to in Article 17 are disposed of in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1069/2009.


The competent authority shall order and supervise the treatment, processing or disposing of the products identified by the tracing referred to in Article 17, at least up to:


the first food processing establishment in the case of products of animal origin;


the hatchery or the establishment where eggs were sent for hatching, in the case of hatching eggs which did not yet hatch; and


the first establishment of processing in the case of animal by products, except manure; or


the location where it is stored, in the case of manure, including litter and used bedding.


The competent authority shall establish official surveillance on poultry hatched during the tracing period referred to in Article 17(2) from hatching eggs originating from the affected establishment; this surveillance shall be established in all the establishments of destination of the hatching eggs and shall be maintained for a period of time of 21 days after hatching.


The competent authority shall order and supervise that the transport from the establishments of animal by-products is subject to the provisions laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009.


The competent authority shall order and supervise that materials or substances likely to be contaminated or likely to transmit the relevant category A disease comply with its instructions regarding biosecurity and biosafety conditions to prevent the spread of category A disease agent.

Article 20Measures to be applied in the event of official confirmation of an outbreak of a category A disease in food and feed businesses, border control posts, animal by-products establishments and any other location of relevance, including means of transport


In the event of official confirmation of an outbreak in accordance with Article 11 in food and feed businesses, border control posts, animal by-products establishments or any other locations of relevance, including means of transport, the competent authority shall apply:


the relevant provisions laid down in Articles 12 to 19; and


if needed, additional measures adapted to the specific situation in order to prevent the spread of the category A disease from the affected animals and affected establishments and locations to other unaffected animals or to humans.


The competent authority shall apply provisions laid down in Articles 12 to 19 also in the establishments of origin of the affected animals or products present in the establishments and locations referred to in paragraph 1.