Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/761Show full title

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/761 of 17 December 2019 laying down rules for the application of Regulations (EU) No 1306/2013, (EU) No 1308/2013 and (EU) No 510/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the management system of tariff quotas with licences

ANNEX XU.K. Tariff quotas in the sector of pigmeat

Order number 09.4038
International agreement or other act Council Decision 94/800/EC of 22 December 1994 concerning the conclusion on behalf of the European Community, as regards matters within its competence, of the agreements reached in the Uruguay Round multilateral negotiations (1986-1994)
Tariff quota period1 July to 30 June
Tariff quota sub-periods

1 July to 30 September

1 October to 31 December

1 January to 31 March

1 April to 30 June

Licence applicationIn accordance with Articles 6, 7 and 8 of this Regulation
Product description

Boned loins and hams, fresh, chilled or frozen which shall include:

  • ‘Boneless loins’: loins and cuts thereof, without tenderloin, with or without subcutaneous fat or rind

  • ‘tenderloin’: cuts including the meats of muscles musculus major psoas and musculus minor psoas, with or without head, trimmed or not trimmed

  • ham and cuts of ham

Origin Erga omnes
Proof of origin at licence application. If yes, body authorised to issue itNo
Proof of origin for release into free circulationNo
Quantity in kg [F112 680 000 kg, divided as follows: 25 % for each sub-period]
CN codesEx02031955, ex 0203 29 55
In-quota customs dutyEUR 250 per 1 000 kg
Proof of tradeNo
Security for import licenceEUR 20 per 100 kg
Specific entries to be made on the licence application and on the licenceNo
Period of validity of a licenceIn accordance with Article 13 of this Regulation
Transferability of licenceYes
Reference quantityNo
Operator registered in LORI databaseNo
Specific conditionsNo
Order number 09.4170
International agreement or other act Council Decision 2006/333/EC of 20 March 2006 on the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the United States of America pursuant to Article XXIV:6 and Article XXVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1994
Tariff quota period1 July to 30 June
Tariff quota sub-periods

1 July to 30 September

1 October to 31 December

1 January to 31 March

1 April to 30 June

Licence applicationIn accordance with Articles 6, 7 and 8 of this Regulation
Product description

Boned loins and hams, fresh, chilled or frozen, which shall include:

  • ‘Boneless loins’: loins and cuts thereof, without tenderloin, with or without subcutaneaous fat or rind

  • ‘tenderloin’: cuts including the meats of muscles musculus major psoas and musculus minor psoas, with or without head, trimmed or not trimmed

OriginUnited States of America

Proof of origin at licence application.

If yes, body authorised to issue it

Proof of origin for release into free circulationYes. A certificate of origin issued by the competent authorities of the United States of America in accordance with Articles 57, 58 and 59 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447
Quantity in kg [F11 770 000 kg net weight, divided as follows: 25 % for each sub-period]
CN codesEx02031955, ex 0203 29 55
In-quota customs dutyEUR 250 per 1 000 kg
Proof of tradeYes. 25 tonnes
Security for import licenceEUR 20 per 100 kg
Specific entries to be made on the licence application and on the licenceSection 8 of the import licence application and of the import licence shall indicate the country of origin; box ‘yes’ in that section shall be crossed
Period of validity of a licenceIn accordance with Article 13 of this Regulation
Transferability of licenceYes
Reference quantityNo
Operator registered in LORI databaseNo
Specific conditionsNo
Order number 09.4271
International agreement or other act Council Decision (EU) 2017/1247 of 11 July 2017 on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of the Association Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part, with the exception of the provisions relating to the treatment of third-country nationals legally employed as workers in the territory of the other party
Tariff quota period1 January to 31 December
Tariff quota sub-periods

1 January to 31 March

1 April to 30 June

1 July to 30 September

1 October to 31 December

Licence applicationIn accordance with Articles 6, 7 and 8 of this Regulation
Product descriptionMeat of domestic swine, fresh, chilled or frozen
Proof of origin at licence application. If yes, body authorised to issue itNo
Proof of origin for release into free circulationYes. In accordance with Title V of Protocol 1 to the Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part
Quantity in kg20 000 000 kg (net weight), divided as follows: 25 % for each TRQ sub-period
CN codes0203 11 10, 0203 12 11, 0203 12 19, 0203 19 11, 0203 19 13, 0203 19 15, 0203 19 55, 0203 19 59, 0203 21 10, 0203 22 11, 0203 22 19, 0203 29 11, 0203 29 13, 0203 29 15, 0203 29 55, 0203 29 59
In-quota customs dutyEUR 0
Proof of tradeProof of trade required only when Article 9(9) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/760 applies. 25 tonnes
Security for import licenceEUR 50 per 100 kg
Specific entries to be made on the licence application and on the licenceSection 8 of the import licence application and of the import licence shall indicate the country of origin; box ‘yes’ in that section shall be crossed
Period of validity of a licenceIn accordance with Article 13 of this Regulation
Transferability of licenceYes
Reference quantityYes
Operator registered in LORI databaseNo
Specific conditionsNo
Order number 09.4272
International agreement or other act Council Decision (EU) 2017/1247 of 11 July 2017 on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of the Association Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part, with the exception of the provisions relating to the treatment of third-country nationals legally employed as workers in the territory of the other party
Tariff quota period1 January to 31 December
Tariff quota sub-periods

1 January to 31 March

1 April to 30 June

1 July to 30 September

1 October to 31 December

Licence applicationIn accordance with Articles 6, 7 and 8 of this Regulation
Product descriptionMeat of domestic swine, fresh, chilled or frozen, excluding hams, loins and boneless cuts
Proof of origin at licence application. If yes, body authorised to issue itNo
Proof of origin for release into free circulationYes. In accordance with Title V of Protocol 1 to the Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part
Quantity in kg20 000 000 kg (net weight), divided as follows: 25 % for each TRQ sub-period
CN codes0203 11 10, 0203 12 19, 0203 19 11, 0203 19 15, 0203 19 59, 0203 21 10, 0203 22 19, 0203 29 11, 0203 29 15, 0203 29 59
In-quota customs dutyEUR 0
Proof of tradeProof of trade required only when Article 9(9) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/760 applies. 25 tonnes
Security for import licenceEUR 50 per 100 kg
Specific entries to be made on the licence application and on the licenceSection 8 of the import licence application and of the import licence shall indicate the country of origin; box ‘yes’ in that section shall be crossed
Period of validity of a licenceIn accordance with Article 13 of this Regulation
Transferability of licenceYes
Reference quantityYes
Operator registered in LORI databaseNo
Specific conditionsNo
Order number 09.4282
International agreement or other act Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada, of the one part, and the European Union and its Member States, of the other part (CETA), whose provisional application has been approved by Council Decision (EU) 2017/38 of 28 October 2016
Tariff quota period1 January to 31 December
Tariff quota sub-periods

1 January to 31 March

1 April to 30 June

1 July to 30 September

1 October to 31 December

Licence applicationIn accordance with Article 66 of this Regulation
Product descriptionMeat of swine, fresh, chilled or frozen, hams, shoulders and cuts
Proof of origin at licence application. If yes, body authorised to issue itNo
Proof of origin for release into free circulationYes. In accordance with Article 66 of this Regulation
Quantity in kg

[F1TRQ period 2021: 68 048 000 kg, divided as follows: 25 % for each sub-period

TRQ periods from 2022: 80 548 000 kg, divided as follows: 25 % for each sub-period]

CN codes0203 12 11, 0203 12 19, 0203 19 11, 0203 19 13, 0203 19 15, 0203 19 55, 0203 19 59, 0203 22 11, 0203 22 19, 0203 29 11, 0203 29 13, 0203 29 15, 0203 29 55, 0203 29 59, 0210 11 11, 0210 11 19, 0210 11 31, 0210 11 39
In-quota customs dutyEUR 0
Proof of tradeYes. In accordance with Article 8 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/760. 25 tonnes
Security for import licence6,5 EUR per 100 kg carcass weight equivalent
Specific entries to be made on the licence application and on the licence

Section 8 of the import licence application and of the import licence shall indicate the country of origin; box ‘yes’ in that section shall be crossed

If the import licence application concerns several products covered by different CN codes, all the CN codes and their descriptions shall be entered in boxes 16 and 15, respectively, of the licence application and the licence itself. The total quantity shall be converted into carcass weight equivalent

Period of validity of a licenceIn accordance with Article 66 of this Regulation
Transferability of licenceNo
Reference quantityNo
Operator registered in LORI databaseNo
Specific conditionsThe conversion factors laid down in Annex XVI to this Regulation shall be used to convert product weight to carcass weight equivalent for the products covered by order number 09.4282