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in Bulgarian: лицензия, валидна единствено в Испания / Делегиран Регламент (ЕC) 2020/760 на Комисията
in Spanish: certificado válido únicamente en España / Reglamento Delegado de la Comisión (UE) 2020/760
in Czech: licence platná pouze ve Španělsku / Nařízení Komise v přenesené pravomoci (EU) 2020/760
in Danish: licensen er kun gyldig i Spanien / Kommissionens delegerede forordning (EU) 2020/760
in German: Lizenz nur in Spanien gültig / Delegierte Verordnung (EU) 2020/760 der Kommission
in Estonian: litsents kehtib ainult Hispaanias / komisjoni Delegeeritud Määrus (EL) 2020/760
in Greek: πιστoπoιητικό πoυ ισχύει μόνo στην Iσπανία / εξουσιοδότηση Κανονισμός (ΕE) 2020/760 της Επιτροπής
in English: licence valid only in Spain / Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/760
in French: certificat valable uniquement en Espagne / Règlement délégué (UE) 2020/760 de la Commission
in Croatian: dozvola važeća samo u Španjolskoj / Delegirana uredba Komisije (EU) 2020/760
in Italian: titolo valido unicamente in Spagna / Regolamento Delegato (UE) 2020/760 della Commissione
in Latvian: licence ir derīga tikai Spānijā / Komisijas Delegeta Regula (ES) 2020/760
in Lithuanian: licencija galioja tik Ispanijoje / Komisijos deleguotasis reglamentas (ES) 2020/760
in Hungarian: az engedély kizárólag Spanyolországban érvényes 2020/760/EU felhatalmazáson alapuló bizottsági Rendelet
in Maltese: liċenzja valida biss fi Spanja / Regolament Delegat tal-Kummissjoni (UE) 2020/760
in Dutch: certificaat uitsluitend geldig in Spanje / Gedelegeerde Verordening (EU) 2020/760 van de Commissie
in Polish: pozwolenie ważne wyłącznie w Hiszpanii / Rozporządzenie Delegowane Komisji (UE) 2020/760
in Portuguese: certificado válido apenas em Espanha / Regulamento Delegado (UE) 2020/760 da Comissão
in Romanian: licență valabilă doar în Spania / Regulamentul Delegat (UE) 2020/760 al Comisiei
in Slovak: licencia platná iba v Španielsku / Delegovane Nariadenie Komisie (EU) 2020/760
in Slovenian: dovoljenje veljavno samo v Španiji / Delegirana Uredba Komisije (EU) 2020/760
in Finnish: todistus voimassa ainoastaan Espanjassa / komission Delegoitu Asetus (EU) 2020/760
in Swedish: intyg endast gällande i Spanien / kommissionens delegerade förordning (EU) 2020/760
in Bulgarian: лицензия, валидна единствено в Португалия / Делегиран Регламент (ЕC) 2020/760 на Комисията
in Spanish: certificado válido únicamente en Portugal / Reglamento Delegado (UE) de la Comisión 2020/760
in Czech: licence platná pouze v Portugalsku / Nařízení Komise v přenesené pravomoci (EU) 2020/760
in Danish: licensen er kun gyldig i Portugal / Kommissionens delegerede forordning (EU) 2020/760
in German: Lizenz nur in Portugal gültig / Delegierte Verordnung (EU) 2020/760 der Kommission
in Estonian: litsents kehtib ainult Portugalis / komisjoni Delegeeritud Määrus (EL) 2020/760
in Greek: πιστoπoιητικό πoυ ισχύει μόνo στην Πoρτoγαλία / εξουσιοδότηση Κανονισμός (ΕE) 2020/760 της Επιτροπής
in English: licence valid only in Portugal / Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/760
in French: certificat valable uniquement au Portugal / Règlement délégué (UE) 2020/760 de la Commission
in Croatian: dozvola važeća samo u Portugalu / Delegirana uredba Komisije (EU) 2020/760
in Italian: titolo valido unicamente in Portogallo / Regolamento Delegato (UE) 2020/760 della Commissione
in Latvian: licence ir derīga tikai Portugālē / Komisijas Delegeta Regula (ES) 2020/760
in Lithuanian: licencija galioja tik Portugalijoje / Komisijos deleguotasis reglamentas (ES) 2020/760
in Hungarian: az engedély kizárólag Portugáliában érvényes 2020/760/EU felhatalmazáson alapuló bizottsági rendelet
in Maltese: liċenzja valida biss fil-Portugall / Regolament Delegat tal-Kummissjoni (UE) 2020/760
in Dutch: certificaat uitsluitend geldig in Portugal / Verordening Gedelegeerde (EU) 2020/760 van de Commissie
in Polish: pozwolenie ważne wyłącznie w Portugalii / Rozporządzenie Delegowane Komisji (UE) 2020/760
in Portuguese: certificado válido apenas em Portugal / Regulamento Delegado (UE) 2020/760 da Comissão
in Romanian: licență valabilă doar în Portugalia / Regulamentul Delegat (UE) 2020/760 al Comisiei
in Slovak: licencia platná iba v Portugalsku / Delegovane Nariadenie Komisie (EU) 2020/760
in Slovenian: dovoljenje veljavno samo v Portugalski / Delegirana Uredba Komisije (EU) 2020/760
in Finnish: todistus voimassa ainoastaan Portugalissa / komission Delegoitu Asetus (EU) 2020/760
in Swedish: intyg endast gällande i Portugal / kommissionens delegerade förordning (EU) 2020/760
in Bulgarian: Захар от квоти от списъка на отстъпките в рамките на СТО, внасяна в съответствие с дял III, глава 3 от Регламент за изпълнение (ЕС) 2020/761 [TRQ]. Пореден номер…
in Spanish: Azúcar concesiones OMC, importado de conformidad con el título III, capítulo 3, del Reglamento de Ejecución (UE) 2020/761 [TRQ]. N.o de orden …
in Czech: Koncesní cukr WTO dovezený v souladu s hlavou III kapitolou 3 prováděcího nařízení (EU) 2020/761 [TRQ]. Pořadové číslo…
in Danish: WTO-indrømmelsessukker importeret i overensstemmelse med afsnit III, kapitel 3, i gennemførelsesforordning (EU) 2020/761 [toldkontingent]. Løbenummer ...
in German: Im Rahmen von WTO-Zugeständnissen gemäß Titel III Kapitel 3 der Durchführungsverordnung (EU) 2020/761 eingeführter Zucker [TRQ]. Laufende Nummer …
in Estonian: WTO kontsessioonidega hõlmatud suhkur, mis on imporditud kooskõlas rakendusmääruse (EL) 2020/761 III jaotise 3. peatükiga [tariifikvoot]. Seerianr…
in Greek: Ζάχαρη παραχωρήσεων ΠΟΕ, εισαγόμενη σύμφωνα με τον τίτλο III κεφάλαιο 3 του εκτελεστικού κανονισμού (ΕΕ) 2020/761 [TRQ]. Αύξων αριθμός ...
in English: WTO concessions sugar imported in accordance with Chapter 3 of Title III of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/761 [TRQ]. Order No…
in French: «Sucre concessions OMC» importé conformément au règlement d’exécution (UE) 2020/761, titre III, chapitre 3. [contingent tarifaire]. No d’ordre ...
in Croatian: šećer u okviru koncesija WTO-a uvezen u skladu s glavom III. poglavljem 3. Provedbene uredbe (EU) 2020/761 [TRQ]. Redni broj …
in Italian: Zucchero concessioni OMC importato a norma del titolo III, capo 3, del regolamento di esecuzione (UE) 2020/761 [TRQ]. Numero d’ordine …
in Latvian: PTO koncesiju cukurs, ko importē saskaņā ar Īstenošanas regulas (ES) 2020/761 [tarifa kvotas] III sadaļas 3. nodaļu. Kārtas Nr.
in Lithuanian: PPO nuolaidos cukrui, importuotam pagal Įgyvendinimo reglamento (ES) 2020/761. III antraštinės dalies 3 skyrių [Tarifinės kvotos]. Eilės Nr. ...
in Hungarian: Az (EU) 2020/761 végrehajtási rendelet III. címének 3. fejezetével összhangban behozott WTO engedményes cukor [vámkontingens]. Rendelésszám: ...
in Maltese: Il-konċessjonijiet tad-WTO taz-zokkor importat skont il-Kapitolu 3 tat-Titolu III tar-Regolament ta’ Implimentazzjoni (UE) 2020/761 [TRQ]. Numru tal-ordni...
in Dutch: Suiker in het kader van WTO-concessies, ingevoerd overeenkomstig titel III, hoofdstuk 3, van Uitvoeringsverordening (EU) 2020/761 [TRQ]. Volgnummer …
in Polish: Cukier w ramach koncesji WTO przywożony zgodnie z tytułem III rozdział 3 rozporządzenia wykonawczego (UE) 2020/761 [kontyngent taryfowy]. Numer porządkowy...
in Portuguese: Concessões de açúcar no âmbito da OMC importado nos termos do título III, capítulo 3, do Regulamento de Execução (UE) 2020/761
in Romanian: : Zahăr concesii OMC importat în conformitate cu titlul III capitolul 3 din Regulamentul de punere în aplicare (UE) 2020/761 [TRQ]. Nr. de ordine…
in Slovak: Koncesný cukor WTO dovezený v súlade s kapitolou 3 hlavy III vykonávacieho nariadenia (EÚ) 2020/761 [TRQ]. Poradové číslo ...
in Slovenian: Sladkor iz koncesij STO, uvožen v skladu s poglavjem 3 naslova III Izvedbene uredbe (EU) 2020/761 [TRQ]. Zaporedna št. ...
in Finnish: WTO-myönnytysten puitteissa täytäntöönpanoasetuksen (EU) 2020/761 III osaston 3 luvun mukaisesti tuotu sokeri [TRQ]. Järjestysnumero...
in Swedish: Socker enligt WTO-medgivanden importerat i enlighet med avdelning III kapitel 3 i genomförandeförordning (EU) 2020/761 [tullkvot]. Löpnr…
in Bulgarian: Прилагане на Регламент за изпълнение (ЕС) 2020/761 [TRQ], захар от Балканите. Пореден номер…
in Spanish: Aplicación del Reglamento de Ejecución (UE) 2020/761 [TRQ], azúcar Balcanes. N.o de orden …
in Czech: Použití prováděcího nařízení (EU) 2020/761 [TRQ], cukr z balkánských zemí. Pořadové číslo…
in Danish: Anvendelse af gennemførelsesforordning (EU) 2020/761 [toldkontingent], Balkansukker. Løbenummer ...
in German: Anwendung der Durchführungsverordnung (EU) 2020/761 [TRQ], Balkan-Zucker. Laufende Nummer …
in Estonian: Rakendusmääruse (EL) 2020/761 kohaldamine [tariifikvoot], Balkani suhkur. Seerianr …
in Greek: Εφαρμογή του εκτελεστικού κανονισμού (ΕΕ) 2020/761 [TRQ], ζάχαρη Βαλκανίων.
in English: Application of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/761 [TRQ], Balkans sugar. Order No…
in French: Application du règlement (UE) 2020/761 [contingent tarifaire], «sucre Balkans». No d’ordre...
in Croatian: : Primjena Provedbene uredbe (EU) 2020/761 [TRQ], šećer s Balkana. Redni broj …
in Italian: Applicazione del regolamento di esecuzione (UE) 2020/761 [TRQ], zucchero Balcani. Numero d’ordine …
in Latvian: Īstenošanas regulas (ES) 2020/761 [tarifa kvotas] piemērošana, Balkānu cukurs. Kārtas Nr.
in Lithuanian: Įgyvendinimo reglamento (ES) 2020/761 [Tarifinės kvotos] taikymas, cukrus iš Balkanų šalių. Eilės Nr. …
in Hungarian: Az (EU) 2020/761 végrehajtási rendelet alkalmazása [vámkontingens], balkáni cukor. Rendelésszám: ...
in Maltese: L-applikazzjoni tar-Regolament ta’ Implimentazzjoni (UE) 2020/761 [TRQ], zokkor tal-Balkani. Numru tal-ordni...
in Dutch: Toepassing van Uitvoeringsverordening (EU) 2020/761 [TRQ]. Balkansuiker. Volgnummer …
in Polish: Stosowanie rozporządzenia wykonawczego (UE) 2020/761 [kontyngent taryfowy], cukier z krajów bałkańskich. Numer porządkowy...
in Portuguese: Aplicação do Regulamento de Execução (UE) 2020/761, Açúcar dos Balcãs
in Romanian: Aplicarea Regulamentului de punere în aplicare (UE) 2020/761 [TRQ], zahăr din Balcani. Nr. de ordine…
in Slovak: Uplatňovanie vykonávacieho nariadenia (EÚ) 2020/761. [TRQ], cukor z Balkánu. Poradové číslo ...
in Slovenian: Uporaba Izvedbene uredbe (EU) 2020/761 [TRQ], balkanski sladkor. Zaporedna št. ...
in Finnish: Täytäntöönpanoasetuksen (EU) 2020/761 soveltaminen [TRQ], Balkanin maista peräisin oleva sokeri. Järjestysnumero...
in Swedish: Tillämpning av genomförandeförordning (EU) 2020/761 [tullkvot], balkansocker. Löpnr…
a Delete as appropriate | |||
1. Exporter (name and address) : | 2. Certificate N°: | ORIGINAL | |
3. Issuing authority : | |||
4. Consignee (name and address) : | |||
5. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY BEEF AND VEAL Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/761 | |||
6. Means of transport : | |||
7. Marks, numbers, number and kind of packages, description of goods: | 8. Gross weight (kg) | 9. Net weight (kg) | |
10. Net weight (in words): | |||
11. CERTIFICATION BY THE ISSUING AUTHORITY: I hereby certify that the beef described in this certificate complies with the specification shown overleaf. Place: Date: | |||
… Signature and stamp (or printed seal) | |||
To be completed either by typewriter or hand in block capitals |
1. Exporter (name and address) : | 2. Certificate N°: | ORIGINAL |
4. Consignee (name and address) : | 3. Issuing authority : | |
5. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY BEEF AND VEAL Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/761 | ||
6. Means of transport : | ||
7. Markings, numbers, quantity and type of packages, description of goods: | 8. Gross weight (kg) | 9. Net weight (kg) |
10. Net weight (in words): | ||
11. ATTESTATION BY THE ISSUING AUTHORITY: I, the undersigned, certify that the beef/veal described in this certificate originates in Chile Place: … Date: … Signature and stamp (or printed seal) To be filled out either by typewriter or hand in block capitals |
1. Consignor (full name and address) | CERTIFICATE N° 0000 ORIGINAL Serbia | |||
2. Consignee (full name and address) | CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY For exports to the EU of bovine animals and meat of bovine animals [application of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/761] | |||
NOTES A. This certificate shall be prepared in one original and two copies B. The original and its two copies shall be typewritten or completed by hand. In the latter case, they must be completed in black ink and in block capitals | ||||
3. Marks, numbers, numbers and nature of packages or head of cattle; description of goods | 4. Combined Nomenclature code | 5. Gross weight (kg) | 6. Net weight (kg) | |
7. Net weight (kg) (in words): | ||||
8. I, the undersigned …, acting on behalf of the authorised issuing body (box 9) certify that the goods described above were subjected to health inspection at …, in accordance with the attached veterinary certificate of … originate in and come from Serbia and correspond exactly to the definition contained in Annex II to the Interim Agreement on trade and trade related matters between the European Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Serbia of the other part set out in Decision 2010/36/EC (OJ L 28, 30.1.2010, p. 1) | ||||
9. Authorised issuing body | Place: | Date: | ||
(Stamp of issuing body) | … (signature) |
1. Consignor (full name and address) | CERTIFICATE N° 0000 ORIGINAL Montenegro | |||
2. Consignee (full name and address) | CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY For exports to the EU of bovine animals and meat of bovine animals [application of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/761] | |||
NOTES A. This certificate shall be prepared in one original and two copies B. The original and its two copies shall be typewritten or completed by hand. In the latter case, they must be completed in black ink and in block capitals | ||||
3. Marks, numbers, numbers and nature of packages or head of cattle; description of goods | 4. Combined Nomenclature code | 5. Gross weight (kg) | 6. Net weight (kg) | |
7. Net weight (kg) (in words): | ||||
8. I, the undersigned … acting on behalf of the authorised issuing body (box 9) certify that the goods described above were subjected to health inspection at …, in accordance with the attached veterinary certificate of …, originate in and come from Montenegro and correspond exactly to the definition contained in Annex II to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement set out in Decision 2010/224/EU, Euratom (OJ L 108, 29.4.2010, p. 1) | ||||
9. Authorised issuing body | Place: | Date: | ||
(Stamp of issuing body) | … (signature) |
a This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence | ||||
1. Consignor (full name and address) | CERTIFICATE N° 0000 ORIGINAL Kosovoa | |||
2. Consignee (full name and address) | CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY For exports to the EU of bovine animals and meat of bovine animals [application of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/761] | |||
NOTES A. This certificate shall be prepared in one original and two copies B. The original and its two copies shall be typewritten or completed by hand. In the latter case, they must be completed in black ink and in block capitals | ||||
3. Marks, numbers, numbers and nature of packages or head of cattle; description of goods | 4. Combined Nomenclature code | 5. Gross weight (kg) | 6. Net weight (kg) | |
7. Net weight (kg) (in words): | ||||
8. I, the undersigned … acting on behalf of the authorised issuing body (box 9) certify that the goods described above were subjected to health inspection at …, in accordance with the attached veterinary certificate of … originate in and come from Kosovoa and correspond exactly to the definition contained in Annex II to the Stabilisation Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and Kosovoa, of the other part (OJ L 71, 16.3.2016, p. 3) | ||||
9. Authorised issuing body | Place: | Date: | ||
(Stamp of issuing body) | … (signature) |
1. Consignor (full name and address) | CERTIFICATE N° 0000 ORIGINAL EXPORTING COUNTRY: | |||
2. Consignee (full name and address) | CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY For exports to the EU of dried boneless meat of bovine animals [application of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/761] | |||
NOTES A. This certificate shall be prepared in one original and two copies B. The original and its two copies shall be typewritten or completed by hand. In the latter case, they must be completed in block letters in ink | ||||
3. Marks, numbers, number and nature of packages: description of goods | 4. Combined Nomenclature subheading | 5. Gross weight (kg) | 6. Net weight (kg) | |
7. Net weight (kg) (in words): | ||||
8. I, the undersigned … acting on behalf of the authorised issuing body (box 9) certify that the goods described above correspond exactly to the origin and definition contained in Annex VIII to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/761 | ||||
9. Authorised issuing body | Place: | Date: | ||
(Stamp of issuing body) (signature) |
1. Consignor (full name and address) | CERTIFICATE N° 0000 ORIGINAL Bosnia and Herzegovina | |||
2. Consignee (full name and address) | CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY For exports to the EU of bovine animals and meat of bovine animals [application of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/761] | |||
NOTES A. This certificate shall be prepared in one original and two copies B. The original and its two copies shall be typewritten or completed by hand. In the latter case, they must be completed in black ink and in block capitals | ||||
3. Marks, numbers, numbers and nature of packages or head of cattle; description of goods | 4. Combined Nomenclature code | 5. Gross weight (kg) | 6. Net weight (kg) | |
7. Net weight (kg) (in words): | ||||
8. I, the undersigned … acting on behalf of the authorised issuing body (box 9) certify that the goods described above were subjected to health inspection at …, in accordance with the attached veterinary certificate of … originate in and come from the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and correspond exactly to the definition contained in Annex II to the Interim Agreement on trade and trade related matters between the European Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina of the other part set out in Decision 2008/474/EC (OJ L 169, 30.6.2008, p. 10) | ||||
9. Authorised issuing body | Place: | Date: | ||
(Stamp of issuing body) | … (signature) |
1. Consignor (full name and address) | CERTIFICATE N° 0000 ORIGINAL Republic of North Macedonia | |||
2. Consignee (full name and address) | CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY For exports to the EU of bovine animals and meat of bovine animals [application of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/761] | |||
NOTES A. This certificate shall be prepared in one original and two copies The original and its two copies shall be typewritten or completed by hand. In the latter case, they must be completed in black ink and in block capitals | ||||
3. Marks, numbers, numbers and nature of packages or head of cattle; description of goods | 4. Combined Nomenclature code | 5. Gross weight (kg) | 6. Net weight (kg) | |
7. Net weight (kg) (in words): | ||||
8. I, the undersigned … acting on behalf of the authorised issuing body (box 9) certify that the goods described above were subjected to health inspection at …, in accordance with the attached veterinary certificate of …, originate in and come from the Republic of North Macedonia and correspond exactly to the definition contained in Annex III to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement set out in Decision 2004/239/EC, Euratom (OJ L 84, 20.3.2004, p. 1) | ||||
9. Authorised issuing body | Place: | Date: | ||
(Stamp of issuing body) | … (signature) |
a Delete as appropriate | ||||||
b This clause is deleted for cheeses of sheep`s of buffalo milk, for Glaris, Tilsit and Butterkase and for special milk for infants | ||||||
1. Seller | 2. Serial N° of issue | ORIGINAL | ||||
3. Buyer | CERTIFICATE for the entry of certain milk products under certain headings or subheadings of the Combined Nomenclature | |||||
4. Number and date of invoice | 5. Country of origin | 6. Member State of destination | ||||
IMPORTANT A. A separate certificate must be made out for each form of presentation of each product. B. The certificate must be in an official language of the European Union. It may also contain a translation into the official language or one official language of the exporting country. C. The certificate must be made out in accordance with the Union provisions in force. D. The original, and where appropriate, a copy of the certificate, must be presented to the customs office in the Union at the time when the product is being put into free circulation. | ||||||
7. Marks, numbers, quantity and kind of packages: detailed description of product and particulars of its form of presentation. | 8. Gross weight (kg) | 9. Net weight (kg) | ||||
10. Raw material used | ||||||
11. Fat content by weight (%), in the dry matter | ||||||
12. Water content by weight (%), in the non-fatty matter | ||||||
13. Fat content, by weight (%) | ||||||
14. Ripening period | ||||||
15. Union free-at-frontier price (EUR) per 100 kg net weight equal to or more than: | ||||||
16. Observations: | ||||||
| ||||||
18. Issuing body | Place | |||||
Year | Month | Day | ||||
(Signature and stamp of issuing body) |
a Delete as appropriate | ||||||
1. Seller | 2. Serial N° of issue | ORIGINAL | ||||
3. Number and date of invoice | CERTIFICATE for the entry of certain New Zealand butter subject to the tariff quota referred to under quota order number 09.4195 and 09.4182 | |||||
4. Number and date of invoice | 5. Country of origin | |||||
IMPORTANT A. A separate certificate must be made out for each form of presentation of each product. B. The certificate must be in an official language of the European Union. It may also contain a translation into the official language or one official language of the exporting country. C. The certificate must be made out in accordance with the Union provisions in force. D. The original, and where appropriate, a copy of the certificate together with its corresponding import licence and a declaration for release for free circulation must be presented to the customs office in the Union at the time when the product is being released into free circulation. | ||||||
7. Marks, numbers, number and kind of packages, detailed CN description and 8-digit CN code of the product preceded by “ex” and particulars of its form of presentation.
| 8. Gross weight (kg) | 9. Net weight (kg) μ s | ||||
10. Raw material used | ||||||
13. Fat content, by weight (%) | ||||||
16. Observations: | ||||||
Year | Month | Day | ||||
18. Issuing body | Place: | |||||
Year | Month | Day | ||||
Valid until: | ||||||
Year | Month | Day | ||||
(Signature and stamp of issuing body) |
For the purpose of Annex XIV.5 Part A the definitions set out below apply:
‘producer’ means a single production plant or factory in which butter is produced for export to the European Union under the tariff quotas with order numbers 09.4182 and 09.4195;
‘cypher’ means the quantity of butter produced according to one product-purchasing specification in one production plant during a single manufacturing run;
‘lot’ means a quantity of butter covered by an IMA 1 certificate presented to the competent customs authority for entry for free circulation under the tariff quotas with order numbers 09.4182 and 09.4195;
‘competent authorities’ means the authorities in the Member States responsible for controls on imported products;
‘product identification list’ means a list which identifies, for each lot, the quota number of its corresponding IMA 1 certificate, the production plant or factory and the cypher or cyphers, and which provides a description of the butter. It may also identify the specification to which the butter was manufactured, the production season, the number of boxes corresponding to each cypher, the total number of boxes, the nominal weight of the boxes, the exporter’s serial number, the means of transport from New Zealand to the European Union and the voyage number.
An IMA 1 certificate shall cover butter manufactured according to one product-purchasing specification in one plant. It may cover more than one cypher of the same product-purchasing specification from the same plant.
The IMA 1 certificate shall be considered to be duly completed and authenticated by an issuing body listed in Part A6, only if it contains all the following information:
in box 1, the name and address of the seller;
in box 2, the serial number of issue identifying the country of origin, the import arrangements, the product, the quota year and the individual certificate number, starting again from one each year;
in box 4, the number and date of the invoice;
in box 5, ‘New Zealand’;
in box 7:
reference to the product identification list (product ID list), which must be attached,
the CN code preceded by ‘ex’ and the detailed description as given in Annex IX for quotas with order numbers 09.4182 and 09.4195,
the factory registration number,
the date of manufacture of the butter, and
the arithmetic mean of the tare weight of the wrapper;
in box 8, the gross weight in kilograms;
in box 9:
the net nominal weight per box,
the total net weight in kilograms,
the number of boxes,
the arithmetic mean of the net weight of the boxes designated by the symbol ‘μ’,
the standard deviation of the net weight of the boxes designated by the symbol ‘σ’;
in box 10: from milk or cream;
in box 13, not less than 80 % but less than 85 % fat;
in box 16: ‘New Zealand butter quota for …[year] in accordance with Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/761’;
in box 17:
the date on which the most recently manufactured butter covered by the IMA 1 was or will be six weeks old,
the total quota for the year in question,
the date of issue and, where appropriate, the last day of validity,
signature and stamp of the issuing body;
in box 18, exact address and contact details of the issuing body.
Controls by the competent authorities shall be carried out on one lot.
The competent authorities shall take a random sample from the lot. The sample size shall be determined according to the following formula:
n = 3√(N)
where n is the sample size; and
N is the number of boxes in the lot.
However, the minimum sample size, n, shall be 10.
The competent authorities shall calculate the arithmetic mean and standard deviation of the net weights obtained from the sample.
The competent authorities shall make appropriate checks to verify the information on tare weight given on the IMA 1 certificate, which may include a comparison with the weight of plastic wrappers used in the European Union or examination of a certificate from the manufacturer of the plastic wrappers used on the lot.
The standard deviation of the net weight of the boxes specified in the IMA 1 certificate shall be checked according to the following procedure.
The ratio s/σ shall be compared with the minimum ratio specified for a given sample size in the following table, where s is the sample standard deviation and σ is the standard deviation of the net weight of the boxes specified in the IMA1 certificate.
Where the ratio s/σ is lower than the appropriate minimum ratio in the reference data table then s shall be used when the control results are interpreted in accordance with the next section rather than σ.
a The minimum ratios have been calculated using tabulated Chi2-values (5 % quantile; n-1 degrees of freedom). | |||||
b The minimum sample size, n, shall be 10. | |||||
Minimum ratio a s/σ for a given sample size (n) | |||||
n | s/σ | n | s/σ | n | s/σ |
10b | 0,608 | 21 | 0,737 | 32 | 0,789 |
11 | 0,628 | 22 | 0,743 | 33 | 0,792 |
12 | 0,645 | 23 | 0,749 | 34 | 0,795 |
13 | 0,660 | 24 | 0,754 | 35 | 0,798 |
14 | 0,673 | 25 | 0,760 | 36 | 0,801 |
15 | 0,685 | 26 | 0,764 | 37 | 0,804 |
16 | 0,696 | 27 | 0,769 | 38 | 0,807 |
17 | 0,705 | 28 | 0,773 | 39 | 0,809 |
18 | 0,714 | 29 | 0,778 | 40 | 0,812 |
19 | 0,722 | 30 | 0,781 | 41 | 0,814 |
20 | 0,730 | 31 | 0,785 | 42 | 0,816 |
43 | 0,819 |
The competent authorities shall compare the results of sampling with the information on the IMA 1 certificate using the following formula:
w ≤ W + ((2,326σ)/√n)
w is the arithmetic mean of the net weight of the sample boxes,
W is the mean net weight per box specified on the IMA 1 certificate,
σ is the standard deviation of the net weight per box specified on the IMA 1 certificate. However, the sample standard deviation of the net weight per boxes shall be used instead of σ where required under the previous section on interpretation of control results - standard deviation, and
n is the sample size.
Where w satisfies the above formula, the mean net weight specified on the IMA 1 certificate (W) shall be used to determine the net weight of the lot imported into the Union.
Where w does not satisfy the above formula, w shall be used to determine the net weight of the lot imported into the Union.
The declared weight shall be attributed in part 2 of column 29 of the import licence and the excess over the declared weight shall be released for free circulation at rate of duty applicable to third countries (erga omnes).
The competent authorities shall check the percentage fat content on half of the boxes which are sampled under the previous sections. However, the minimum sample size, n, shall be 5.
The sampling method to be used shall be International Dairy Federation (IDF) Standard 50C/1995.
The method for determining the fat content to be used shall be the ISO 17189 method or a method established by the latest versions of the relevant European or international standards, as the case may be.
The competent authorities shall draw duplicate samples, one of which shall be held in secure custody in case of dispute.
The laboratory undertaking the tests shall be authorised by a Member State to carry out official analyses and be recognised by that Member State as having competence in applying the method referred to in Part A3 of this Annex XIV.5, as demonstrated by meeting the repeatability criterion when analysing blind duplicates and by successful participation in proficiency tests.
Compliance with the fat content requirements shall be assumed if the arithmetic mean of the sample results does not exceed 84,4 %.
The competent authorities shall notify the Commission without delay of each case of non-compliance.
In case the compliance requirement under (a) is not met, the lot covered by the relevant import declaration and IMA 1 certificate shall be imported in accordance with Article 51(1), except where the results of the analysis of the duplicate samples as referred to under the next section do comply with the requirements.
The importer concerned may challenge the results of the analysis obtained by a competent authorities’ laboratory within ten calendar days of receiving these results, undertaking to pay for the costs of testing the duplicate samples. In this case the competent authorities shall send sealed duplicates of the samples analysed by its laboratory to a second laboratory. This second laboratory shall be authorised by a Member State to carry out official analyses and be recognised by that Member State as having competence in applying the method described in Part A3 of this Annex XIV.5, as demonstrated by meeting the repeatability criterion when analysing blind duplicates and by successful participation in proficiency tests.
This second laboratory shall communicate the results of its analysis to the competent authorities promptly.
The findings of the second laboratory are final.
Where full duty is paid on a lot because the maximum fat content requirement is not complied with, the corresponding IMA 1 certificate may be cancelled and the IMA 1 issuing body may add the quantities concerned to those for which IMA 1 certificates may be issued for the same quota year.
IMA 1 issuing bodies may cancel an IMA 1 certificate or part thereof for a quantity covered by it which is destroyed or rendered unfit for sale in circumstances beyond the control of the exporter. Where part of the quantity covered by an IMA 1 certificate is destroyed or rendered unfit for sale, a replacement certificate may be issued for the remaining quantity The replacement certificate shall be valid only up to the same date as the original. In this case, box 17 of the replacement IMA 1 certificate shall contain the words ‘valid up to 00.00.0000’.
Where all or part of the quantity covered by an IMA 1 certificate is destroyed or rendered unfit for sale due to circumstances beyond the exporters' control, the IMA 1 issuing body may add these quantities to those for which IMA 1 certificates may be issued for the same quota year.
When the exporter is obliged to change the Member State of destination indicated on an IMA 1 certificate before a corresponding import licence is issued, the original IMA 1 certificate may be amended by the IMA 1 issuing body. Such an amended original IMA 1 certificate, duly authenticated and appropriately identified by the issuing body, may be presented to the licensing authority and to the customs authorities.
When a clerical or technical error is discovered on an IMA 1 certificate before a corresponding import licence is issued, the original certificate may be corrected by the issuing body. Such a corrected original IMA 1 certificate may be presented to the licensing authority and to the customs authorities.
When, in exceptional circumstances beyond the control of the exporter, a product intended for import in a given year becomes unavailable and the only means of filling the quota, in the light of normal shipping time from the country of origin, is to replace it with a product originally intended for import the following year, the issuing body may issue a new IMA 1 certificate for the replacement quantity, between the sixth and the tenth calendar day after giving due notification to the Commission of the details of the IMA 1 certificate or part thereof to be cancelled for the year concerned and of the first IMA 1 certificate or part thereof issued for the following year to be cancelled.
If the Commission considers that this provision does not apply to the circumstances of the case concerned, it may object within seven calendar days, stating the reason for its objection. Where the quantity to be replaced is greater than that covered by the first IMA 1 certificate issued for the following year, the required quantity may be obtained by cancelling additional IMA 1 certificates, in sequence, or part thereof as necessary.
All quantities in respect of which IMA 1 certificates or part thereof have been cancelled for the year concerned shall be added to the quantities for which IMA 1 certificates may be issued for that quota year.
All quantities brought forward from the following quota year for which an IMA 1 certificate or certificates have been cancelled shall be added back to the quantities for which IMA 1 certificates may be issued for that quota year.
In addition to boxes 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 17 and 18 of the IMA 1 certificate, the following must be completed:
As regards Cheddar cheeses falling within CN code ex 0406 90 21 and listed under tariff quotas with order numbers 09.4514 and 09.4521:
box 7, by specifying ‘whole Cheddar cheeses’,
box 10, by specifying ‘exclusively home-produced cows’ milk’,
box 11, by specifying ‘at least 50 %’,
box 14, by specifying ‘at least three months’,
box 16, by specifying the period for which the quota is valid.
As regards Cheddar cheeses intended for processing falling within CN code ex 0406 90 01 and listed under tariff quotas with order numbers 09.4515 and 09.4522:
box 7, by specifying ‘whole Cheddar cheeses’,
box 10, by specifying ‘exclusively home-produced cows’ milk’,
box 16, by specifying the period for which the quota is valid.
As regards cheeses for processing falling within CN code 0406 90 01 and listed under tariff quotas with order numbers 09.4515 and 09.4522:
box 10, by specifying ‘exclusively home-produced cows’ milk’,
box 16, by specifying the period for which the quota is valid.
Third country | CN code and product description | Issuing body | ||
Name | Location | |||
Australia | 0406 90 01 0406 90 21 | Cheddar and other cheese for processing Cheddar | Australian Quarantine Inspection Service Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry | PO Box 60 World Trade Centre Melbourne VIC 3005 Australia Tel.: (61 3) 92 46 67 10 Fax: (61 3) 92 46 68 00 |
New Zealand | ex 0405 10 11 | Butter | Ministry for Primary Industries | Pastoral House 25 The Terrace PO Box 2526 Wellington 6140 Tel. +64 4 894 0100 Fax + 64 4 894 0720 www.mpi.govt.nz |
ex 0405 10 19 | Butter | |||
ex 0405 10 30 | Butter | |||
ex 0406 90 01 | Cheese for processing | |||
ex 0406 90 21 | Cheddar |
Identification of group in accordance with Additional Notes in Chapter 4 of the Harmonised Tariff Schedule of the United States | Quota identification | Annual quantity available | |
Group number | Group description | kg | |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) |
16 | Not specifically provided for (NSPF) | 16-Tokyo | 908 877 |
16-Uruguay | 3 446 000 | ||
17 | Blue Mould | 17- Uruguay | 350 000 |
18 | Cheddar | 18-Uruguay | 1 050 000 |
20 | Edam/Gouda | 20-Uruguay | 1 100 000 |
21 | Italian type | 21-Uruguay | 2 025 000 |
22 | Swiss or Emmenthaler cheese other than with eye formation | 22-Tokyo | 393 006 |
22-Uruguay | 380 000 | ||
25 | Swiss or Emmenthaler cheese with eye formation | 25-Tokyo | 4 003 172 |
25-Uruguay | 2 420 000 |
Identification of quota referred to in column (3) of Part B1: …
Name of Group referred to in column (2) of Part B1: …
Origin of quota:
Uruguay Round: | ☐ | Tokyo Round: | ☐ |
Name/address of applicant | Product code of the Combined Nomenclature | Quantity applied for in kg | Harmonised Tariff Schedule of the USA Code | Name/address of designated importer |