Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/885Show full title

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/885 of 26 June 2020 as regards measures to prevent the introduction into and the spread within the Union of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae Takikawa, Serizawa, Ichikawa, Tsuyumu & Goto

Article 4Phytosanitary certificate

Specified plants originating in third countries shall be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate, which includes under the heading ‘Additional declaration’ the information that one of the following conditions is fulfilled:


The specified plants have been grown throughout their life in a country where the specified pest is known not to occur.


The specified plants have been grown throughout their life in a pest-free area, established as regards the specified pest by the National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO) of the country of origin in accordance with the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations’ (FAO) International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) No 4(1). The name of the pest-free area shall be included in the certificate under the heading ‘Place of Origin’.


The specified plants have been produced in a pest-free place or a pest-free site of production, established as regards the specified pest by the NPPO of the country of origin in accordance with the FAO’s ISPM No 10(2). The specified plants have been grown in a structure with a degree of isolation and protection from the outside environment that effectively excludes the specified pest. At that place or site the specified plants have been officially inspected twice at the most appropriate times for detecting symptoms of infection during the last complete cycle of vegetation prior to the export and found free from the specified pest.

That place or site of production is surrounded by a zone with a radius of at least 100 metres, where official inspections were carried out twice at the most appropriate times for detecting symptoms of infection during the last complete cycle of vegetation prior to the export and any specified plants showing symptoms of infection which were found during those inspections were immediately destroyed.


The specified plants have been produced in a pest-free place of production established as regards the specified pest by the NPPO of the country of origin in accordance with the FAO’s ISPM No 10. At that place the specified plants have been officially inspected, sampled and tested twice at the most appropriate times for detecting symptoms of infection during the last complete cycle of vegetation prior to the export and found free from the specified pest.

That place of production is surrounded by a zone with a radius of 4 500 metres (‘the surrounding zone’), where one of the following conditions has been fulfilled:


official inspections, sampling and testing have been carried out twice at the most appropriate times for detecting symptoms of infection during the last complete cycle of vegetation prior to the export. The specified pest has not been found during the official inspection, sampling and testing;


all specified plants within a radius of 500 m from that place of production have been immediately destroyed;


each specified plant within a radius of 500 m from that place of production has been regularly tested at the most appropriate times for detecting symptoms of infection and found free from the specified pest.

In the case of points (ii) and (iii), all specified plants within that zone at a distance of 500 m to 4 500 m from the place of production have been destroyed or tested according to a sampling scheme able to confirm with 99 % reliability that the level of presence of the specified pest in the specified plants is below 0,1 %.


Requirements for the establishment of pest free areas. ISPM No 4 (1995), Rome, IPPC, FAO 2016.


Requirements for the establishment of pest free places of production and pest free production sites. ISPM No 10 (1999), Rome, IPPC, FAO 2016.