CHAPTER 6 U.K. Supplies

Section 2 U.K. Ores, source materials and special fissile materials coming from inside the Community

Article 57U.K.

1.The right of option of the Agency shall cover:

(a)the acquisition of rights to use and consume materials owned by the Community under the provisions of Chapter 8;

(b)the acquisition of the right of ownership in all other cases.

2.The Agency shall exercise its right of option by concluding contracts with producers of ores, source materials and special fissile materials.

Subject to Articles 58, 62 and 63, every producer shall offer to the Agency the ores, source materials or special fissile materials which he produces within the territories of Member States before they are used, transferred or stored.

Article 58U.K.

Where a producer carries out several stages of production from extraction of the ore up to and including production of the metal, he may offer the product to the Agency at whichever stage of production he chooses.

The same shall apply to two or more connected undertakings, where the connection has been duly communicated to the Commission and discussed with it in accordance with the procedures laid down in Articles 43 and 44.

Article 59U.K.

If the Agency does not exercise its right of option on the whole or any part of the output of a producer, the latter:


may, either by using his own resources or under contract, process or cause to be processed the ores, source materials or special fissile materials, provided that he offers to the Agency the product of such processing;


shall be authorised by a decision of the Commission to dispose of his available production outside the Community, provided that the terms he offers are not more favourable than those previously offered to the Agency. However, special fissile materials may be exported only through the Agency and in accordance with the provisions of Article 62.

The Commission may not grant such authorisation if the recipients of the supplies fail to satisfy it that the general interests of the Community will be safeguarded or if the terms and conditions of such contracts are contrary to the objectives of this Treaty.

Article 60U.K.

Potential users shall periodically inform the Agency of the supplies they require, specifying the quantities, the physical and chemical nature, the place of origin, the intended use, delivery dates and price terms, which are to form the terms and conditions of the supply contract which they wish to conclude.

Similarly, producers shall inform the Agency of offers which they are able to make, stating all the specifications, and in particular the duration of contracts, required to enable their production programmes to be drawn up. Such contracts shall be of not more than 10 years' duration save with the agreement of the Commission.

The Agency shall inform all potential users of the offers and of the volume of applications which it has received and shall call upon them to place their orders by a specified time limit.

When the Agency has received all such orders, it shall make known the terms on which it can meet them.

If the Agency cannot meet in their entirety all the orders received, it shall, subject to the provisions of Articles 68 and 69, share out the supplies proportionately among the orders relating to each offer.

Agency rules, which shall require approval by the Commission, shall determine the manner in which demand is to be balanced against supply.

Article 61U.K.

The Agency shall meet all orders unless prevented from so doing by legal or material obstacles.

When concluding a contract, the Agency may, while complying with the provisions of Article 52, require users to make appropriate advance payments either as security or to assist in meeting the Agency's own long term commitments to producers where these are essential to carrying out the order.

Article 62U.K.

1.The Agency shall exercise its right of option on special fissile materials produced in the territories of Member States in order:

(a)to meet demand from users within the Community in accordance with Article 60; or

(b)to store such materials itself; or

(c)to export such materials with the authorisation of the Commission which shall comply with the second subparagraph of Article 59(b).

2.Nevertheless, while continuing to be subject to the provisions of Chapter 7, such materials and any fertile wastes shall be left in the possession of the producer, so that he may:

(a)store them with the authorisation of the Agency; or

(b)use them within the limits of his own requirements; or

(c)make them available to undertakings in the Community, within the limits of their requirements, where for carrying out a programme duly communicated to the Commission, these undertakings have with the producer a direct connection which has neither the aim nor the effect of limiting production, technical development or investment or of improperly creating inequalities between users in the Community.

3.The provisions of Article 89(1)(a) shall apply to special fissile materials which are produced in the territories of Member States and on which the Agency has not exercised its right of option.

Article 63U.K.

Ores, source materials and special fissile materials produced by Joint Undertakings shall be allotted to users in accordance with the rules laid down in the statutes or agreements of such undertakings.