[Heating and hot water – direct emission heating systemS
6.11. Every building must be designed and constructed in such a way that the means by which space within the building is heated or cooled and by which hot water is made available in the building is not by means of a direct emission heating system.
This standard does not apply to—
(a)alterations to, or extension of, a pre-2024 building,
(b)emergency heating,
(c)heating provided solely for the purpose of frost protection.
[(d)a bioenergy or peat heating system,
(e)secondary heating.]
[Interpretation of this standard
In this standard—
“bioenergy or peat heating system” in relation to a building, means a fixed combustion appliance installation the purpose of which is to produce thermal energy by which space within the building is heated or cooled, or by which hot water is made available in the building, and which for fuel is designed to use—
“biofuel” means liquid or gaseous fuel which is produced wholly from biomass,
“biomass” means material, other than fossil fuel, which is, or is derived directly or indirectly from, plant matter (such as wood), animal matter, fungi or algae,
“emergency heating” in relation to a building, means a fixed combustion appliance installation which is installed to be used only in the event of the failure of the heating or hot water service system which is designed and installed for use during normal operation of the building,
“main heating system” in relation to a building, means the heating or hot water service system designed and installed to be the means by which the demand for space heating and hot water is met during normal operation of the building,
“secondary heating” in relation to a building, means a fixed combustion appliance installation which is designed to provide space heating or hot water in addition to that provided by the main heating system of the building.]]