Regulation 3
The numbered notes below refer to the matters bearing the corresponding number on the tabular part of the form.
(1) Enter in the column below this heading the names of all schools covered or to be covered by the authority’s scheme in the financial year in question listing primary schools first, secondary schools next, and special schools last.
(2) Enter in the column below this heading opposite the name of each school the reference number for that school allocated by the Department for Education or the Welsh Office, as the case may be.
(3) Enter in the column below this heading opposite the name of each school the number of registered pupils at the school.
(4) Enter in the column below this heading opposite the name of each school the amount of that part of the school’s budget share for the year which results from the application of the authority’s allocation formula under the authority’s scheme, disregarding any provision for making transitional adjustments or adjustments required by reason of the school’s being covered by the authority’s scheme for part only of the year.
(5) Enter in the column below this heading oposite the name of each school the amount of the school’s budget share for the year, or, in the case of a school required to be covered by the authority’s scheme for part only of the year, the amount which would have equalled that share had the school been required to have been covered by the authority’s scheme for the whole of the financial year. In such a case list at the foot of the table each school; state immediately after the name of the school the period for which it is required to be covered by the scheme, its budget share and the methods used by the authority to determine that share for the period for which the school is required to be covered by the authority’s scheme.
(6) Enter in the column below this heading opposite the name of each school the planned expenditure per pupil at the school arising from the division of the amount entered in accordance with note (5) above by the pupil number for the school stated in accordance with note (3) above.
(7) Enter in the column headed “pupil numbers” the aggregate of the numbers referred to in note (3) above in respect of primary schools; in the column headed “formula budget” the aggregate of the amounts referred to in note (4) above in respect of such schools; in the column headed “budget share per school” the aggregate of the amounts referred to in note (5) above in respect of such schools; and, in the column headed “budget share per pupil” the planned expenditure per pupil arising from the division of the aggregate of the amounts referred to in note (5) in respect of such schools by the aggregate of the numbers referred to in note (3) in respect of such schools.
(8) Enter in the column headed “pupil numbers” the aggregate of the numbers referred to in note (3) above in respect of secondary schools; in the column headed “formula budget” the aggregate of the amounts referred to in note (4) above in respect of such schools; in the column headed “budget share per school” the aggregate of the amounts referred to in note (5) above in respect of such schools; and, in the column headed “budget share per pupil” the planned expenditure per pupil arising from the division of the aggregate of the amounts referred to in note (5) in respect of such schools by the aggregate of the numbers referred to in note (3) in respect of such schools.
(9) Enter in the column headed “pupil numbers” the aggregate of the numbers referred to in note (3) above in respect of special schools; in the column headed “formula budget” the aggregate of the amounts referred to in note (4) above in respect of such schools; in the column headed “budget share per school” the aggregate of the amounts referred to in note (5) above in respect of such schools; and, in the column headed “budget share per pupil”, the planned expenditure per pupil arising from the division of the aggregate of the amounts referred to in note (5) in respect of such schools by the aggregate of the numbers referred to in note (3) in respect of such schools.
(10) Enter in the columns headed “pupil numbers”, “formula budget” and “budget share per school” respectively the aggregates of the amounts to be entered in those columns in accordance with notes (7), (8) and (9) above.