Scheduled European Diplomas
4.—(1) Part II (scheduled European diplomas) of Schedule 2 to the Act is amended as follows.
(2) Before the entry relating to Belgium there is inserted the following entry—
The diploma the title of which will be notified by Austria to EEA States and to the Commission in accordance with Community Council Directive No. 78/686/EEC.”.
(3) After the entry relating to Denmark there is inserted the following entry—
“Todistus hammaslääketieteen lisensiaatin tutkinnosta/bevis om odontologi licentiat examen” (certificate of the degree of licentiate in dentistry) awarded by a university faculty of medicine and a certificate of practical training issued by the National Board of Medico-Legal Affairs.”.
(4) In the entry relating to Germany, paragraph (2) is omitted.
(5) After the entry relating to Greece there is inserted the following entry—
“Próffrá tannlæaknadeild Háskóla Íslands” (diploma from the dental faculty of the University of Iceland).”.
(6) For the entry relating to Italy there is substituted the following entry—
“Diploma di Laurea in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria” accompanied by a “Diploma di Abilitazione all” esercizio dell’ Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria’ issued by the State Examining Commission.”.
(7) After that entry there is inserted the following entry—
Any diploma which—
(a)has been awarded in any EEA State to which Community Council Directive No. 78/686/EEC applies;
(b)is listed elsewhere in this Part of this Schedule; and
(c)is accompanied by a certificate, issued by the competent authority in that EEA State, as to the completion of practical training.”.
(8) After the entry relating to the Netherlands there is inserted the following entry—
“Bevis for bestått odontologisk embetseksamen” (diploma of the degree cand. odont.) awarded by a university faculty of dentistry.”.
(9) For the entry relating to Spain there is substituted the following entry—
“Título de Licenciado en Odontología” awarded by the rector of a university.”.
(10) After that entry there is inserted the following entry—
“Tandläkarexamen” (university diploma in dentistry) awarded by schools of dentistry and a certificate of practical training issued by the National Board of Health and Welfare.”.