Provisions coming into force in relation to England and Wales the day after the day on which this Order is made
2. The following provisions of the Act (so far as they are not yet in force) come into force, in relation to England and Wales, the day after the day on which this Order is made—
(a)section 1 except subsection (7);
(b)sections 2 to 8;
(c)section 9 except —
(i)subsection (1) so far as it inserts—
(aa)new sections 5A and 5B so far as relating to fire and rescue authorities in Wales;
(bb)new sections 5C and 5D so far as relating to power of the Welsh Ministers to make orders; and
(cc)new sections 5F to 5L;
(ii)subsection (2) so far as relating to fire and rescue authorities in Wales;
(iii)subsections (3), (6) and (7)(a) and (c);
(iv)subsection (7)(b) so far as it inserts new section 62(1A)(a) and (d); and
(v)subsection (7)(b) so far as it inserts new section 62(1A)(b) so far as relating to power of the Welsh Ministers to make orders;
(d)section 10 except—
(i)subsections (1) to (3) and (5) so far as relating to fire and rescue authorities in Wales; and
(ii)subsection (4);
(e)sections 11 to 14;
(f)Part 2 of Schedule 25 and section 237 so far as relating to that Part, except the following—
(i)so far as relating to fire and rescue authorities in Wales, in Part 2 of Schedule 25 the entries for sections 5 and 19 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 and section 237 so far as relating to those entries; and
(ii)in Part 2 of Schedule 25 the entry for section 62(3) of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004, and section 237 so far as relating to that entry;
(g)Part 3 of Schedule 25 and section 237 so far as relating to that Part.