This section has no associated Explanatory Memorandum
4.—(1) Regulation (EU) No 640/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a catch documentation programme for bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus() is amended as follows.
(2) In Article 1 (subject matter and scope)—
(a)the existing text becomes paragraph 1;
(b)after that paragraph insert—
“2. This Regulation does not apply to
(a)the domestic trade, import, export or re-export of bluefin tuna fish parts other than the meat and for these purposes ‘fish parts other than the meat’ include heads, eyes, roes, guts and tails;
(b)bluefin tuna caught by recreational fishing boats where sale of the fish is prohibited.”.
(3) In Article 2 (definitions)—
(a)in point (a)—
(i)for “Bluefin” substitute “bluefin”, and
(ii)for “falling within the codes of the Combined Nomenclature” substitute “and any reference to bluefin tuna in this Regulation means such fish, or parts of such fish, falling within any of the commodity codes of the customs tariff of the United Kingdom as;
(b)after point (a) insert—
“(aa)‘bluefin tuna catch document’ means an electronic bluefin tuna catch document unless Article 5A applies, in which case it means a paper bluefin tuna catch document;
(ab)‘catch quota’ has the same meaning as in section 52 of the Fisheries Act 2020 but where the term is used in relation to a specific UK fishing boat it is to be interpreted as a reference to the particular amount of catch quota available for use by that fishing boat either as a result of the distribution of catch quota to a specific fishing boat by the boat’s licensing authority or as a result of catch quota being available to a particular group of fishing boats or to fishing boats fishing with particular gear;
(ac)‘designated port’ means a port or place close to the shore designated under Article 30(1) of Regulation 2016/1627 or designated by a contracting party, or a non-contracting cooperating party, to the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, where landing or transhipping operations of bluefin tuna are permitted;”;
(c)in point (b)—
(i)for “‘Domestic trade’” substitute “‘domestic trade’ or ‘trade domestically’”;
(ii)for “Area” substitute “area”;
(iii)for “United Kingdom catching vessel or trap” substitute “UK fishing boat”;
(iv)for the words from “or which” to the end, substitute “and ‘trade’ in this context includes placing on the market or offering for sale”;
(d)after point (b) insert—
“(ba)‘electronic bluefin tuna catch document’ means an entry on the electronic catch document system which is completed with the information, where relevant, specified in Annex 2 and otherwise conforms to the requirements of this Regulation;
(bb)‘electronic catch document system’ means the system adopted by ICCAT for electronically recording bluefin tuna catch information;
(bc)‘enactment’ has the meaning given by section 20(1) of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018;”;
(e)for points (c) and (d) substitute—
“(c)‘export’ means, in relation to bluefin tuna caught in the ICCAT Convention area by a UK fishing boat and—
(i)landed into Great Britain, the subsequent movement of that bluefin tuna outside Great Britain, or
(ii)not landed into Great Britain, the landing of that bluefin tuna into Northern Ireland or the territory of any other State;
(ca)‘fishing boat’ has the same meaning as in section 52 of the Fisheries Act 2020;
(cb)‘Great Britain zone’ means the sea within British fishery limits() but excluding any waters within—
(i)12 miles of the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea adjacent to the Isle of Man is measured, and
(ii)the Northern Ireland zone;
(cc)‘ICCAT’ means the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas();
(cd)‘ICCAT Convention area’ means the area covered by the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas;
(d)‘import’ means the movement of bluefin tuna caught in the ICCAT Convention area by any fishing boat, or by a trap, into Great Britain and includes such movement into Great Britain or the Great Britain zone for transhipment purposes but the term does not include the landing of bluefin tuna into Great Britain by UK fishing boats;
(da)‘licensing authority’ means either the Marine Management Organisation(), the Scottish Ministers, the Welsh Ministers or the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland and where the term is used in respect of—
(i)a UK fishing boat it means the authority that granted the boat’s licence under section 15 of the Fisheries Act 2020 (the term ‘licensed’ is interpreted accordingly) which, for a UK fishing boat registered to a port—
(aa)in England, means the Marine Management Organisation;
(bb)in Scotland, means the Scottish Ministers;
(cc)in Wales, means the Welsh Ministers;
(dd)in Northern Ireland, means the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland, or
(ii)a particular area it means—
(aa)for England, the Marine Management Organisation;
(bb)for Scotland, the Scottish Ministers;
(cc)for Wales, the Welsh Ministers,
and any reference to a licensing authority carrying out a particular function is to be interpreted as including any person or body to whom the licensing authority has delegated the function in question;
(db)‘lot’ means a quantity of bluefin tuna products of the same presentation all of which originated from the same fishing grounds and a particular fishing boat, or group of fishing boats involved in the same fishing operation, or from the same trap;
(dc)‘Northern Ireland zone’ has the same meaning as in section 52 of the Fisheries Act 2020;
(dd)‘paper bluefin tuna catch document’ means a catch document, other than an electronic bluefin tuna catch document, which is completed with the information, where relevant, specified in Annex 2, is in the form required by Article 5A and otherwise conforms to the requirements of this Regulation;”;
(f)in point (e) for “Re-export” substitute “re-export”;
(g)after point (e) insert—
“(ea)‘recreational fishing boat’ means a fishing boat used wholly for the purpose of conveying persons wishing to fish for pleasure;
(eb)‘Regulation 2016/1627’ means Regulation (EU) 2016/1627 of the European Parliament and of the Council on a multiannual recovery plan for bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean();
(ec)‘trap’ means fixed gear anchored to the seabed, usually containing a guide net that leads bluefin tuna into an enclosure or series of enclosures where it is kept prior to harvesting;
(ed)‘UK fishing boat’ has the same meaning as in section 52 of the Fisheries Act 2020.”;
(h)omit points (f) to (m).
(4) For Articles 3, 4 and 5 substitute—
“Article 3Bluefin tuna catch document: prohibitions
1. Subject to paragraphs 2, 3 and 4, it is prohibited—
(a)to land or tranship any quantity of bluefin tuna at a designated port in Great Britain or in the Great Britain zone without a completed and validated bluefin tuna catch document for each fish;
(b)for a UK fishing boat to land or tranship any quantity of bluefin tuna at a designated port outside of Great Britain or the Great Britain zone without a completed and validated bluefin tuna catch document for each fish;
(c)for a person to trade domestically, import into, export from, or re-export from, Great Britain any quantity of bluefin tuna without a completed and validated bluefin tuna catch document for the lot.
2. The bluefin tuna catch document referred to in paragraph 1 does not require validation where Article 4(5) applies.
3. Where the total quantity of bluefin tuna landed by a UK fishing boat into a designated port in Great Britain or in the Great Britain zone is—
(a)less than one metric tonne, or
(b)no more than three fish,
the boat’s fishing logbook or the sales note for the fish may be used as a temporary catch document pending validation of the bluefin tuna catch document for up to seven days but this temporary catch document may not be used for export of the fish.
4. Where a fishing boat is required to land any bluefin tuna caught as by-catch, the prohibition on landing the fish without a bluefin tuna catch document in paragraph 1(a) and (b) does not apply where sale of the fish is prohibited and the fish is subject to confiscation on landing.
5. Where paragraph 1(a) applies to a fishing boat and the boat is also landing or transhipping tuna of the species Thunnus orientalis (“Pacific tuna”), the requirement for a completed and validated bluefin tuna catch document also applies to each Pacific tuna landed or transhipped.
6. Where—
(a)a fishing boat lands or tranships in contravention of a prohibition in paragraph 1(a) or (b), the master, the owner and the charterer (if any) are each guilty of an offence;
(b)a person contravenes a prohibition in paragraph 1(c), the person is guilty of an offence.
Article 3ABluefin tuna catch document
1. Each licensing authority must seek to restrict any access it facilitates to the electronic catch document system, for the purpose of entering information—
(a)only to UK fishing boats that the authority has licensed;
(b)so that each electronic bluefin tuna catch document will be uniquely identifiable and unique to the UK fishing boat to which the catch relates.
2. Each licensing authority must seek to ensure that paper bluefin tuna catch documents—
(a)are only used where Article 5A applies;
(b)are only given to UK fishing boats that the authority has licensed;
(c)contain unique document identification numbers which are uniquely identifiable, unique to the UK fishing boat in question and non-transferrable.
Article 4Bluefin tuna catch document: validation
1. On each occasion where a UK fishing boat lands (except where Article 3(4) applies) or tranships any quantity of bluefin tuna, the master of the boat must complete a bluefin tuna catch document and, subject to paragraph 5, request its validation by the boat’s licensing authority.
2. Upon a request made under paragraph 1, the licensing authority must not validate the bluefin tuna catch document unless the authority is satisfied—
(a)where appropriate following an inspection of the bluefin tuna landed, that all the information contained in the catch document has been established to be accurate;
(b)that the total quantity of bluefin tuna covered by the validation request is within the United Kingdom’s catch quota and the catch quota for the fishing boat in question;
(c)that the catching and landing of the bluefin tuna in question was carried out in full compliance with all relevant requirements placed on the fishing boat in question via any other enactment or via conditions attached to the boat’s licence under paragraph 1 of Schedule 3 to the Fisheries Act 2020.
3. On each occasion where a person trades domestically or exports any quantity of bluefin tuna, the person must, subject to paragraphs 5 and 6, request validation of the bluefin tuna catch document applicable to the lot by the licensing authority of the fishing boat which completed the catch document or by the licensing authority for the area from which the person is trading or exporting the fish.
4. Upon a request made under paragraph 3, the licensing authority must not validate the bluefin tuna catch document unless the authority is satisfied, following verification of information and, where appropriate, inspection of the lot, that the information contained in the catch document is accurate.
5. Validation of the bluefin tuna catch document is not required where the fish to which the catch document relates is tagged in accordance with Article 5.
6. Where the first domestic trade of a bluefin tuna lot is facilitated by a completed and validated electronic bluefin catch document, that catch document may be used for all subsequent domestic trade of that lot and no further entry on the electronic catch document system is required.
Article 5Tagging
A licensing authority may require any fishing boat that it has licensed to affix a tag to each bluefin tuna caught by the boat in the ICCAT Convention area. Where this requirement is imposed, the tag must—
(a)be affixed to the fish prior to landing,
(b)be tamper-proof, and
(c)contain the following minimum information—
(i)a unique tag number which is linked to the bluefin tuna catch document;
(ii)information identifying the fishing boat that caught the tuna;
(iii)date of capture or landing;
(iv)the area in which the fish was caught;
(v)the gear used to catch the fish;
(vi)the type of product and the individual weight of the fish;
(vii)where applicable, the importer or exporter’s details;
(viii)where applicable, the point of export.
Article 5APaper bluefin tuna catch documents
1. A paper bluefin tuna catch document may be used only in accordance with this Article.
2. Where the total quantity of bluefin tuna landed by a boat is—
(a)less than one metric tonne, or
(b)no more than three fish,
a paper bluefin tuna catch document may be used for up to seven days pending conversion of the catch document into an electronic bluefin tuna catch document, but the paper catch document may not be used for export of the fish.
3. A paper bluefin tuna catch document may be used for the import or domestic trade of bluefin tuna caught prior to 1st January 2017.
4. A paper bluefin tuna catch document may be used in the event that technical problems arise with the electronic catch document system which prevent the completion or validation of the relevant electronic bluefin tuna catch document provided—
(a)the technical problems which prevent the completion or validation of the catch document arise with the electronic catch document system itself and not with a system used by the master of the fishing boat, the licensing authority or the relevant authority of the boat’s flag State, to access the electronic catch document system,
(b)the relevant procedures specified by ICCAT to be followed in the event of technical problems with the electronic catch document system have been followed and the technical problem has not been resolved, and
(c)the paper catch document is not used for any longer than necessary once the technical problems have been resolved so as to allow the paper catch document to be converted into an electronic bluefin tuna catch document.
5. A paper bluefin tuna catch document may be used for tuna of the species Thunnus orientalis (“Pacific tuna”) to comply with the requirement in Article 3(5).
6. A paper bluefin tuna catch document may be used for import from, or export to, another State that is not a contracting party, or a non-contracting cooperating party, to the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas where the State in question does not have access to the electronic catch document system and it is not reasonably practicable in the circumstances to facilitate the use of an electronic bluefin tuna catch document through ICCAT.
7. Where a paper bluefin tuna catch document is used it must—
(a)either be in the format set out in Annex 3 or be a printout of a completed electronic bluefin tuna catch document,
(b)be completed with the information, where relevant, specified in Annex 2, and
(c)be issued, numbered, completed and validated in accordance with the instructions set out in Annex 4.
8. Each licensing authority must retain a copy of each paper bluefin tuna catch document it has validated or received for a minimum period of two years.”.
(5) For Article 6 (general provisions) substitute—
“Article 6Re-export certificate
1. It is prohibited for a person to re-export any quantity of bluefin tuna without a completed and validated bluefin tuna re-export certificate for the lot.
2. On each occasion where a person re-exports any quantity of bluefin tuna, the person must—
(a)complete a re-export certificate for the lot,
(b)request its validation by the licensing authority for the area from which the lot is being re-exported, and
(c)ensure the completed re-export certificate is accompanied by a copy of the validated bluefin tuna catch document(s) relating to the lot.
3. In this Article “re-export certificate” means—
(a)a certificate in the form of an entry on the electronic catch document system linked to the catch document for the lot which is completed with the information, where relevant, specified in Annex 5, or
(b)where the provisions in Article 5A apply in relation to a paper bluefin tuna catch document for the lot or in relation to technical problems with the electronic catch document system which prevent the completion or validation of a bluefin tuna re-export certificate, a certificate in the form required by Annex 5 and completed with the information, where relevant, specified in that Annex.
4. Where a person contravenes the prohibition in paragraph 1, the person is guilty of an offence.”.
(6) In Article 7 (re-export validation)—
(a)omit paragraph 1;
(b)in paragraph 2, for the words before point (a) substitute “Upon a request made under Article 6(2)(b), the licensing authority must not validate the re-export certificate unless the authority is satisfied—”;
(c)omit paragraph 3;
(d)after the omitted paragraph 3 insert—
“4. Each licensing authority must—
(a)promptly send a copy of any re-export certificate it has validated to the competent authorities of the State where the bluefin tuna is due to be imported and to the ICCAT Secretariat;
(b)retain a copy of each re-export certificate it has validated or received for a minimum period of two years.”.
(7) In the heading to Chapter 4 (communication and verification)—
(a)omit “COMMUNICATION AND”, and
(8) Omit Article 8.
(9) In Article 9 (verification)—
(a)in paragraph 1—
(i)for the words from “A fisheries” to “authorities”, in the first place it occurs, substitute “The licensing authorities must ensure that appropriate measures are put in place to attempt to”;
(ii)for “. The competent authorities shall request and examine” substitute “and, where identified, that”;
(iii)after “bluefin tuna” in the second place it occurs, insert “are requested and examined”;
(iv)omit the final sentence;
(b)in paragraph 2—
(i)for “The competent authorities may also examine” substitute “Where appropriate, the examination referred to in paragraph 1 may include an examination of”;
(ii)before “catch” insert “bluefin tuna”;
(iii)omit “shall carry out”;
(c)in paragraph 3—
(i)before “catch” in the first place it occurs, insert “bluefin tuna”;
(ii)for “a fisheries administration” substitute “the licensing authority”;
(iii)for “cooperate with the competent authorities” substitute “communicate with the relevant authority”;
(d)in paragraph 4—
(i)for “fisheries administration” substitute “licensing authority”;
(ii)before “catch document” insert “bluefin tuna”;
(iii)for the words from “the exporting CPC” to the end, substitute—
(a)the relevant authority for the exporting State, where the exporting State is a contracting party, or a non-contracting cooperating party, to the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, and
(b)where known, the relevant authority for the flag State of the fishing boat, where the flag State is a contracting party, or a non-contracting cooperating party, to the Convention.”;
(e)in paragraph 5—
(i)for “a fisheries administration” substitute “the licensing authority”;
(ii)omit the words from “or, in the case” to the end;
(f)in paragraph 6—
(i)for “a fisheries administration” substitute “the licensing authority”;
(ii)for “paragraph 1” substitute “this Article”;
(iii)before “catch” insert “bluefin tuna”;
(iv)for “shall” substitute “must”;
(g)after paragraph 6 insert—
“7. In paragraph 1 “the licensing authorities” means the Marine Management Organisation, the Scottish Ministers and the Welsh Ministers.”.
(10) After Article 9 insert—
“Article 9APenalties for offences
1. A person who commits an offence under Article 3(6) or 6(4) of this Regulation is liable—
(a)on summary conviction in England and Wales, to a fine;
(b)on summary conviction in Scotland, to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum;
(c)on conviction on indictment, to a fine.
2. The court by or before which a person is convicted of an offence under this Regulation may order the forfeiture of any fish in respect of which the offence was committed and any fishing gear used in committing the offence.
3. Where the court does not order the forfeiture of fish under paragraph 2, the court may instead impose a fine on the person not exceeding the value of the fish in respect of which the offence was committed. Any fine to which a person is liable under this paragraph is in addition to any other penalty (whether pecuniary or otherwise) to which the person is liable in respect of that offence under this Regulation or under any other enactment.
Article 9BOffences by bodies corporate etc
1. Where an offence under this Regulation is committed by a body corporate and it is proved that the offence—
(a)was committed with the consent or connivance of a person falling within paragraph 2, or
(b)is attributable to any neglect on the part of such a person,
that person (as well as the body corporate) is guilty of the offence and liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.
2. The persons are—
(a)a director, manager, secretary or similar officer of the body corporate;
(b)any person purporting to act in such a capacity.
3. Where the affairs of a body corporate are managed by its members, paragraph 1 applies in relation to the acts and defaults of a member, in connection with that management, as if the member were a director of the body corporate.
4. Where an offence under this Regulation has been committed by a Scottish partnership and it is proved that the offence—
(a)has been committed with the consent or connivance of a partner of the firm or a person purporting to act as such a partner, or
(b)is attributable to any neglect on the part of such a person,
that person (as well as the partnership) is guilty of an offence and liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.
Article 9CEnforcement
1. A British sea-fishery officer may seize any fish in respect of which an offence has been committed under this Regulation where the fish are on the fishing boat on which the offence has been or is being committed or are in the ownership or custody of, or under the control of, the owner, the master or the charterer (if any) of the fishing boat.
2. For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this Regulation, section 8 of the Sea Fisheries Act 1968() (general powers of British sea-fishery officers) has effect as it has effect in relation to the provisions mentioned in subsection (1) of that section.
3. A marine enforcement officer has an enforcement function in relation to any offence or suspected offence by any person under this Regulation.
4. Section 238 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009() (enforcement of the fisheries legislation) applies in relation to the enforcement function conferred by paragraph 3 as it applies in relation to the enforcement of “the fisheries legislation” (as defined in that section).
5. In this Article—
‘British sea-fishery officer’ means any person who by virtue of section 7 of the Sea Fisheries Act 1968() is a British sea-fishery officer;
‘marine enforcement officer’ has the same meaning as in section 235(1) of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.”.
(11) Omit Chapters 5 and 6.
(12) For Annex 1 substitute—
For the purposes of the definition of bluefin tuna in Article 2(a), the commodity codes in the first column of the following table apply. The descriptions in the second column of the table are for information purposes only.
Commodity Code | Description |
0301 9410 00 | Live Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) |
0302 3511 00 | Fresh or chilled Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), excluding fillets and other meat for the industrial manufacture of prepared or preserved fish |
0302 3519 00 | Fresh or chilled Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), excluding fillets and other meat |
0303 4512 00 | Frozen Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), excluding fillets and other meat for the industrial manufacture of prepared or preserved fish |
0303 4518 00 | Frozen Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), excluding fillets and other meat |
0304 4990 30 | Fresh or chilled fillets of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) |
0304 5990 15 | Other Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) meat, fresh or chilled |
0304 8700 10 | Frozen fillets of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) |
0304 9999 40 | Other Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) meat, frozen |
0305 2000 18 | Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), other, salted or in brine |
0305 2000 74 | Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), other, smoked |
0305 2000 75 | Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), other, dried |
0305 3990 30 | Fillets of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked |
0305 4980 10 | Smoked Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), including fillets, other than edible fish offal |
0305 5985 40 | Dried Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), other than edible fish offal, whether or not salted but not smoked |
0305 6980 30 | Salted Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) but not dried or smoked and Atlantic bluefin tuna in brine, other than edible fish offal |
1604 1441 10 | Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) whole or in pieces but not minced, prepared or preserved in vegetable oil |
1604 1446 11 | Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) for processing, whole or in pieces but not minced, prepared or preserved other than in vegetable oil and fillets knowns as loins |
1604 1446 19 | Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) whole or in pieces but not minced, prepared or preserved other than in vegetable oil and fillets knowns as loins |
1604 1448 10 | Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) whole or in pieces but not minced, prepared or preserved other than in vegetable oil and other than fillets knowns as loins |
1604 2070 30 | Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) other than whole or in pieces but not minced, preserved |
1604 2070 35 | Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) other than whole or in pieces but not minced, other than preserved”. |
(13) In Annex 4 (instructions)—
(a)in Part 1, in section (2) for “A fisheries administration” substitute “Each licensing authority”;
(b)in Part 2—
(i)in point (a) of section (1)—
(aa)omit the second paragraph, and
(bb)in the third paragraph, omit “first transfer into towed cages,”;
(ii)in point (b) of section (1), omit “‘Flag’: United Kingdom”;
(iii)in section (2), omit the first and third paragraphs;
(c)omit Parts 3 and 4;
(d)in Part 5—
(i)in section (1), in point (a) omit the first and second paragraphs;
(ii)in section (2) for “fisheries administration” substitute “licensing authority”;
(e)in Part 8—
(i)in section (1), in point (a) omit the second paragraph;
(ii)in section (2)—
(aa)in the first paragraph, for “fisheries administration” substitute “relevant licensing authority”;
(bb)in the second paragraph, for “fisheries administration” in the first place it occurs, substitute “relevant licensing authority” and for “authorities of the fisheries administration” substitute “the authorities”;
(cc)in the fourth paragraph, omit the words from “or trap” to “CPC”;
(dd)in the fifth paragraph, for “United Kingdom or re-exporting CPC” substitute “licensing authority”.
(14) In Annex 5 (data to be included in the ICCAT bluefin tuna re-export certificate), in Part 7—
(a)omit the words from “in the United Kingdom” to “bluefin tuna”;
(b)for “CPC” in the second place it occurs, substitute “State”.
(15) Omit Annex 6.