2Independence, openness and inclusiveness
The Board is not, in the exercise of its functions, to be subject to the direction or control of the Assembly or of the Assembly Commission.
The Board must—
generally act in an open and transparent manner, and
publish on the Assembly's website such information as will enable the public to be kept informed as to its activities.
Subsection (2) does not prevent the Board from considering a matter in private and from maintaining the privacy of its consideration of that matter, if, in the opinion of the Board, the nature of that matter makes it appropriate to do so.
The Board must, before exercising any of its functions, consult those of the following who are likely to be affected, unless the Board considers that there are circumstances that make it inappropriate to do so—
Assembly members,
staff employed by Assembly members (or by groups of Assembly members),
relevant trade unions, and
such other persons as it considers appropriate.
The Board must, when consulting Assembly members, have regard to subsection (1).