(introduced by section 33)


Column 1Person/CategoryColumn 2Potentially applicable standards
The Welsh Ministers (“Gweinidogion Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Promotion standards

Record keeping standards

Ministers of the Crown (“Gweinidogion y Goron”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

Government departments (“Adrannau'r Llywodraeth”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

Persons exercising, on behalf of the Crown, functions conferred by or under an Act or Measure (“Personau sy'n arfer, ar ran y Goron, swyddogaethau a roddir gan neu o dan Ddeddf neu Fesur”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F1 The Board of Community Health Councils in Wales (“Bwrdd Cynghorau Iechyd Cymuned Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

[F1 British Transport Police Authority (“Awdurdod Heddlu Trafnidiaeth Prydain”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

[F1 Civil Nuclear Police Authority (“Awdurdod Heddlu Niwclear Sifil”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

County borough councils and county councils in Wales (“Cynghorau sir a chynghorau bwrdeistref sirol yng Nghymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Promotion standards

Record keeping standards

Community councils (“Cynghorau cymuned”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F2Corporate joint committees (“Cyd-bwyllgorau corfforedig”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Promotion standards

Record keeping standards]

Local authority joint committees (“Cyd-bwyllgorau awdurdodau lleol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

Local authority joint boards (“Cyd-fyrddau awdurdodau lleol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

Local Health Boards (“Byrddau Iechyd Lleol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

Community Health Councils (“Cynghorau Iechyd Cymuned”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

National Health Service Trusts (“Ymddiriedolaethau Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

Special Health Authorities (“Awdurdodau Iechyd Arbennig”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

National Park Authorities (“Awdurdodau Parciau Cenedlaethol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Promotion standards

Record keeping standards

Fire and Rescue Authorities (“Awdurdodau Tân ac Achub”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

Providers of Social Housing (“Darparwyr Tai Cymdeithasol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

F5. . .F5. . .
Aberystwyth University (“Prifysgol Aberystwyth”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

Agricultural Land Tribunal (Wales) (“Tribiwnlys Tir Amaethyddol Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (“Bwrdd Datblygu Amaethyddiaeth a Garddwriaeth”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Alcohol Education and Research Fund (“Cronfa Addysgu ac Ymchwilio Alcohol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Arts Council of Wales (“Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Auditor General for Wales (“Archwilydd Cyffredinol Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

Bangor University (“Prifysgol Bangor”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Bank of England (“Banc Lloegr”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Big Lottery Fund (“Y Gronfa Loteri Fawr”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The British Broadcasting Corporation (“Y Gorfforaeth Ddarlledu Brydeinig”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The British Council (“Y Cyngor Prydeinig”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F1 The British Film Institute (“Y Sefydliad Ffilm Prydeinig”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

The British Wool Marketing Board (“Bwrdd Marchnata Gwlân Prydain”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F1 The Canal & River Trust (“Glandŵr Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

The Carbon Trust (“Yr Ymddiriedolaeth Garbon”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

Cardiff University (“Prifysgol Caerdydd”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F8Social Care Wales (“Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru”)]

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F1 Career Choices Dewis Gyrfa Limited (“Career Choices Dewis Gyrfa Cyfyngedig”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

Charities Commission for England and Wales (“Comisiwn Elusennau Cymru a Lloegr”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission (“Comisiwn Trefnu a Gorfodi Cynhaliaeth Plant”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Children's Commissioner for Wales (“Comisiynydd Plant Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F1Coleg Ceredigion

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

[F1Coleg Sir Gâr

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

Colleges Wales Limited (“Colegau Cymru Cyfyngedig”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Commission for Equality and Human Rights (“Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Commissioner for Older People in Wales (“Comisiynydd Pobl Hŷn Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Community Development Foundation (“Sefydliad Datblygu Cymunedol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards



The Consumer Council for Water (“Y Cyngor Defnyddwyr Dŵr”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F11 The Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (Yr Awdurdod Safonau Proffesiynol ar gyfer Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol”)]

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards



The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (“Yr Awdurdod Digolledu am Anafiadau Troseddol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee (“Pwyllgor Ymgynghorol Trafnidiaeth i'r Anabl”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Electoral Commission (“Y Comisiwn Etholiadol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Energy Saving Trust Limited (“Yr Ymddiriedolaeth Arbed Ynni Cyfyngedig”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (“Bwrdd Hyfforddi'r Diwydiant Adeiladu Peiriannol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Environment Agency (“Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

Finance Wales plc (“Cyllid Cymru ccc”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F14Financial Conduct Authority (“Awdurdod Ymddygiad Ariannol”)]

[F14Record keeping standards]

[F14Service delivery standards]

[F14Policy making standards]

[F14Operational standards.]

Further education corporations (“Corfforaethau addysg bellach”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Gambling Commission (“Y Comisiwn Hapchwarae”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The General Chiropractic Council (“Y Cyngor Ceiropractig Cyffredinol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The General Dental Council (“Y Cyngor Deintyddol Cyffredinol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The General Medical Council (“Y Cyngor Meddygol Cyffredinol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The General Optical Council (“Y Cyngor Optegol Cyffredinol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The General Osteopathic Council (“Y Cyngor Osteopathig Cyffredinol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F1The General Pharmaceutical Council (“Y Cyngor Fferyllol Cyffredinol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

[F15Education Workforce Council (“Cyngor y Gweithlu Addysg”)]

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F1Gofal Cymru

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

The governing bodies of schools (“Cyrff llywodraethu ysgolion”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F17The governing body of Saint David’s Catholic College (“Corff llywodraethu Coleg Catholig Dewi Sant”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards”]


Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

The Health, Education and Social Care Chamber (“Y Siambr Iechyd, Addysg a Gofal Cymdeithasol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F18The Health and Care Professions Council (“Y Cyngor Proffesiynau Iechyd a Gofal”)]

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F1Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education and Training in Wales (“Prif Arolygydd ei Mawrhydi dros Addysg a Hyfforddiant yng Nghymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

Higher education corporations (“Corfforaethau addysg uwch”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (“Cyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Cymru”)

ice delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F1The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (Yr Awdurdod Ffrwythloni ac Embryoleg Dynol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

[F1The Human Tissue Authority (Yr Awdurdod Meinweoedd Dynol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Independent Police Complaints Commission (“Comisiwn Cwynion Annibynnol yr Heddlu”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Information Commissioner's Office (“Swyddfa'r Comisiynydd Gwybodaeth”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

Investors in People UK (“Buddsoddwyr mewn Pobl y DU”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F1Leonard Cheshire Disability

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

[F21The Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales (“Comisiwn Ffiniau a Democratiaeth Leol Cymru”)]

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Local Government Data Unit–Wales (“Uned Ddata Llywodraeth Leol – Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Mental Health Review Tribunal for Wales (“Tribiwnlys Adolygiad Iechyd Meddwl Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F17 “Merthyr Tydfil College Limited (“Coleg Merthyr Tudful Cyfyngedig”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards”]


Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F1The National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux (“Cymdeithas Genedlaethol Cyngor ar Bopeth”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

National Botanic Garden of Wales (“Gardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (“Y Gwaddol Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Gwyddoniaeth, Technoleg a'r Celfyddydau”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (“Sefydliad Cenedlaethol dros Iechyd a Rhagoriaeth Glinigol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The National Library of Wales (“Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The National Museum of Wales (“Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The National Theatre of Wales

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F26 The Natural Resources Body for Wales (“Corff Adnoddau Naturiol Cymru”)]

[F26Service delivery standards]

[F26Policy making standards]

[F26Operational standards]

[F26Record keeping standards]


Service delivery standards

Py making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (“Y Cyngor Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Office of Communications (“Y Swyddfa Gyfathrebiadau”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F27The Office of Rail and Road ("Y Swyddfa Rheiffyrdd a Ffyrdd")]

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Open University (“Y Brifysgol Agored”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F29Transport Focus]

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Pensions Advisory Service (“Gwasanaeth Cynghori ar Bensiynau”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Pensions Ombudsman (“ Yr Ombwdsmon Pensiynau ”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Pensions Regulator (“Y Rheoleiddiwr Pensiynau”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F1Police and Crime Commissioners (“Comisiynwyr Heddlu a Throseddu”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

Providers of career services (“Darparwyr gwasanaethau gyrfaoedd”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F30 Prudential Regulation Authority (“Awdurdod Rheoleiddio Darbodus”)]

[F30Record keeping standards]

[F30Service delivery standards]

[F30Policy making standards]

[F30Operational standards.]

[F1 Qualifications Wales (“Cymwysterau Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (“Asiantaeth Sicrwydd Ansawdd Addysg Uwch”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F31The rent assessment committees for Wales (“Y Pwyllgorau asesu rhenti i Gymru”)]

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Residential Property Tribunal Wales (“Tribiwnlys Eiddo Preswyl Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales (“Comisiwn Brenhinol Henebion Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

Royal Mail Group plc (“Grŵp y Post Brenhinol ccc”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F1Royal Voluntary Service

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama Limited (“Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru Cyfyngedig”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Sector Skills Councils (“Y Cynghorau Sgiliau Sector”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Security Industry Authority (“Awdurdod y Diwydiant Diogelwch”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

Sianel 4 Cymru

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales (“Tribiwnlys Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Sports Council for Wales (“Cyngor Chwaraeon Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F1The Statistics Board (“Y Bwrdd Ystadegau”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

Student Loans Company Limited (“Cwmni Benthyciadau Myfyrwyr Cyfyngedig”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

Swansea University (“Prifysgol Abertawe”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F17Trustees of the National Heritage Memorial Fund (“Ymddiriedolwyr Cronfa Goffa’r Dreftadaeth Genedlaethol”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards”]

UFI Ltd (“UFI Cyf”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The UK Commission For Employment and Skills (“Comisiwn y DU dros Gyflogaeth a Sgiliau”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The UK Sports Council (“Cyngor Chwaraeon y DU”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F38United Kingdom Research and Innovation (“Ymchwil ac Arloesedd y Deyrnas Unedig”)]

[F38Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational Standards

Record keeping standards]

The University of Wales (“Prifysgol Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

University of Wales: Trinity St David (“Prifysgol Cymru: Y Drindod Dewi Sant”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

[F17Valuation Tribunal for Wales (“Tribiwnlys Prisio Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards”]

[F17 WJEC CBAC Limited (“WJEC CBAC Cyfyngedig”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards]

[F1The Wales Audit Office (“Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards”]

Wales Council for Voluntary Action (“Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

Wales Millennium Centre (“Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Welsh Books Council (“Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Welsh Local Government Association (“Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

Welsh National Opera Limited (“Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru Cyfyngedig”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

The Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (“Bwrdd Cyfiawnder Ieuenctid Cymru a Lloegr”)

Service delivery standards

Policy making standards

Operational standards

Record keeping standards

Textual Amendments

F13Sch. 6: entry omitted (1.4.2013) by virtue of Financial Services Act 2012 (c. 21), s. 122(3), Sch. 18 para. 144(b) (with Sch. 20); S.I. 2013/423, art. 3, Sch.

Interpretation etcE+W

1E+WThe table has effect subject to the following provisions—

(a)the entry relating to government departments does not include anything that is within the entry relating to Ministers of the Crown;

(b)the entry relating to persons exercising functions on behalf of the Crown does not include any person that is within any other entry.

Commencement Information

I2Sch. 6 para. 1 in force at 1.4.2012 by S.I. 2012/969, art. 2(j)

2E+WIn this Schedule—

  • Act” (“Deddf”) means an Act of Parliament or an Act of the National Assembly of Wales;

  • Agricultural Land Tribunal (Wales)” (“Tribiwnlys Tir Amaethyddol Cymru”) means the agricultural land tribunal established for Wales by the Agricultural Land Tribunals (Areas) Order 1982;

  • Community Health Council” (“Cyngor Iechyd Cymuned”) means a community health council established under section 182 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006;

  • Consumer Focus” (“Llais Defnyddwyr”) means the National Consumer Council established under section 1 of the Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress Act 2007;

  • [F41“corporate joint committee” (“cyd-bwyllgor corfforedig”) means a corporate joint committee established by regulations made under Part 5 of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021;]

  • Fire and Rescue Authority” (“Awdurdod Tân ac Achub”) means a fire and rescue authority constituted by a scheme under section 2 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004, or a scheme to which section 4 of that Act applies;

  • further education corporation” (“corfforaeth addysg bellach”) means a further education corporation established under section 15 or 16 of the Further and Higher Education Act 1992;

  • governing body of a school” (“corff llywodraethu ysgolion”) means a governing body of a community, foundation or voluntary school or a community F42... special school within the meaning of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, as substituted by section 140(1) and paragraph 50 of Schedule 30 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998;

  • higher education corporation” (“corfforaeth addysg uwch”) means a higher education corporation established under section 121 or 122 of the Education Reform Act 1988;

  • local authority joint board” (“cyd-fwrdd awdurdod lleol”) means a joint board of which the members are two or more of following—


    county councils,


    county borough councils, or


    community councils;

  • local authority joint committee” (“cyd-bwyllgor awdurdod lleol”) means a joint committee of two or more of following—


    county councils,


    county borough councils, or


    community councils;

  • Local Health Board” (“Bwrdd Iechyd Lleol”) means a local health board established under section 11 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006;

  • Minister of the Crown” (“Gweinidog y Goron”) includes the Treasury;

  • National Health Service Trust” (“Ymddiriedolaeth y Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol”) means a National Health Service trust constituted under the National Health Service Act 2006 or the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006;

  • F43......

  • provider of career services” (“darparwr gwasanaethau gyrfaoedd”) means a person with whom the Secretary of State for Wales has made arrangements (not being arrangements which have been terminated) under section 10 of the Employment and Training Act 1973 (provision of career services);

  • Special Health Authority” (“Awdurdod Iechyd Arbennig”) means a special health authority established under section 28 of the National Health Service Act 2006 or section 22 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006.

  • F44...

  • [F45“Transport Focus” means the Passengers’ Council established under the Railways Act 2005;]