1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Duty to have due regard to Convention on the Rights of the Child

  3. 2.The children's scheme

  4. 3.Preparation and publication of the scheme

  5. 4.Reports

  6. 5.Duty to promote knowledge of the Convention

  7. 6.Power to amend legislation etc

  8. 7.Application to young persons

  9. 8.The Convention on the Rights of the Child

  10. 9.Other interpretive provisions

  11. 10.Orders

  12. 11.Commencement

  13. 12.Short title




        1. Article 1

          1. For the purposes of the present Convention, a child means...

        2. Article 2

          1. 1.States Parties shall respect and ensure the rights set forth...

          2. 2.States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that...

        3. Article 3

          1. 1.In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or...

          2. 2.States Parties undertake to ensure the child such protection and...

          3. 3.States Parties shall ensure that the institutions, services and facilities...

        4. Article 4

          1. States Parties shall undertake all appropriate legislative, administrative, and other...

        5. Article 5

          1. States Parties shall respect the responsibilities, rights and duties of...

        6. Article 6

          1. 1.States Parties recognize that every child has the inherent right...

          2. 2.States Parties shall ensure to the maximum extent possible the...

        7. Article 7

          1. 1.The child shall be registered immediately after birth and shall...

          2. 2.States Parties shall ensure the implementation of these rights in...

        8. Article 8

          1. 1.States Parties undertake to respect the right of the child...

          2. 2.Where a child is illegally deprived of some or all...

        9. Article 9

          1. 1.States Parties shall ensure that a child shall not be...

          2. 2.In any proceedings pursuant to paragraph 1 of the present...

          3. 3.States Parties shall respect the right of the child who...

          4. 4.Where such separation results from any action initiated by a...

        10. Article 10

          1. 1.In accordance with the obligation of States Parties under article...

          2. 2.A child whose parents reside in different States shall have...

        11. Article 11

          1. 1.States Parties shall take measures to combat the illicit transfer...

          2. 2.To this end, States Parties shall promote the conclusion of...

        12. Article 12

          1. 1.States Parties shall assure to the child who is capable...

          2. 2.For this purpose, the child shall in particular be provided...

        13. Article 13

          1. 1.The child shall have the right to freedom of expression;...

          2. 2.The exercise of this right may be subject to certain...

        14. Article 14

          1. 1.States Parties shall respect the right of the child to...

          2. 2.States Parties shall respect the rights and duties of the...

          3. 3.Freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs may be subject...

        15. Article 15

          1. 1.States Parties recognize the rights of the child to freedom...

          2. 2.No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of these...

        16. Article 16

          1. 1.No child shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference...

          2. 2.The child has the right to the protection of the...

        17. Article 17

          1. States Parties recognize the important function performed by the mass...

        18. Article 18

          1. 1.States Parties shall use their best efforts to ensure recognition...

          2. 2.For the purpose of guaranteeing and promoting the rights set...

          3. 3.States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that...

        19. Article 19

          1. 1.States Parties shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and...

          2. 2.Such protective measures should, as appropriate, include effective procedures for...

        20. Article 20

          1. 1.A child temporarily or permanently deprived of his or her...

          2. 2.States Parties shall in accordance with their national laws ensure...

          3. 3.Such care could include, inter alia, foster placement, kafalah of...

        21. Article 21

          1. States Parties that recognize and/or permit the system of adoption...

        22. Article 22

          1. 1.States Parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure that a...

          2. 2.For this purpose, States Parties shall provide, as they consider...

        23. Article 23

          1. 1.States Parties recognize that a mentally or physically disabled child...

          2. 2.States Parties recognize the right of the disabled child to...

          3. 3.Recognizing the special needs of a disabled child, assistance extended...

          4. 4.States Parties shall promote, in the spirit of international cooperation,...

        24. Article 24

          1. 1.States Parties recognize the right of the child to the...

          2. 2.States Parties shall pursue full implementation of this right and,...

          3. 3.States Parties shall take all effective and appropriate measures with...

          4. 4.States Parties undertake to promote and encourage international co-operation with...

        25. Article 25

          1. States Parties recognize the right of a child who has...

        26. Article 26

          1. 1.States Parties shall recognize for every child the right to...

          2. 2.The benefits should, where appropriate, be granted, taking into account...

        27. Article 27

          1. 1.States Parties recognize the right of every child to a...

          2. 2.The parent(s) or others responsible for the child have the...

          3. 3.States Parties, in accordance with national conditions and within their...

          4. 4.States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to secure the...

        28. Article 28

          1. 1.States Parties recognize the right of the child to education,...

          2. 2.States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that...

          3. 3.States Parties shall promote and encourage international cooperation in matters...

        29. Article 29

          1. 1.States Parties agree that the education of the child shall...

          2. 2.No part of the present article or article 28 shall...

        30. Article 30

          1. In those States in which ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities...

        31. Article 31

          1. 1.States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest...

          2. 2.States Parties shall respect and promote the right of the...

        32. Article 32

          1. 1.States Parties recognize the right of the child to be...

          2. 2.States Parties shall take legislative, administrative, social and educational measures...

        33. Article 33

          1. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures, including legislative, administrative,...

        34. Article 34

          1. States Parties undertake to protect the child from all forms...

        35. Article 35

          1. States Parties shall take all appropriate national, bilateral and multilateral...

        36. Article 36

          1. States Parties shall protect the child against all other forms...

        37. Article 37

          1. States Parties shall ensure that: (a) no child shall be...

        38. Article 38

          1. 1.States Parties undertake to respect and to ensure respect for...

          2. 2.States Parties shall take all feasible measures to ensure that...

          3. 3.States Parties shall refrain from recruiting any person who has...

          4. 4.In accordance with their obligations under international humanitarian law to...

        39. Article 39

          1. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to promote physical...

        40. Article 40

          1. 1.States Parties recognize the right of every child alleged as,...

          2. 2.To this end, and having regard to the relevant provisions...

          3. 3.States Parties shall seek to promote the establishment of laws,...

          4. 4.A variety of dispositions, such as care, guidance and supervision...

        41. Article 41

          1. Nothing in the present Convention shall affect any provisions which...



          1. Article 1

            1. States Parties shall take all feasible measures to ensure that...

          2. Article 2

            1. States Parties shall ensure that persons who have not attained...

          3. Article 3

            1. 1.States Parties shall raise the minimum age for the voluntary...

            2. 2.Each State Party shall deposit a binding declaration upon ratification...

            3. 3.States Parties that permit voluntary recruitment into their national armed...

            4. 4.Each State Party may strengthen its declaration at any time...

            5. 5.The requirement to raise the age in paragraph 1 of...

          4. Article 4

            1. 1.Armed groups that are distinct from the armed forces of...

            2. 2.States Parties shall take all feasible measures to prevent such...

            3. 3.The application of the present article under this Protocol shall...

          5. Article 5

            1. Nothing in the present Protocol shall be construed as precluding...

          6. Article 6

            1. 1.Each State Party shall take all necessary legal, administrative and...

            2. 2.

            3. 3.States Parties shall take all feasible measures to ensure that...

          7. Article 7

            1. 1.States Parties shall cooperate in the implementation of the present...

            2. 2.States Parties in a position to do so shall provide...


          1. Article 1

            1. States Parties shall prohibit the sale of children, child prostitution...

          2. Article 2

            1. For the purpose of the present Protocol:

          3. Article 3

            1. 1.Each State Party shall ensure that, as a minimum, the...

            2. 2.Subject to the provisions of a State Party's national law,...

            3. 3.Each State Party shall make these offences punishable by appropriate...

            4. 4.Subject to the provisions of its national law, each State...

            5. 5.States Parties shall take all appropriate legal and administrative measures...

          4. Article 4

            1. 1.Each State Party shall take such measures as may be...

            2. 2.Each State Party may take such measures as may be...

            3. 3.Each State Party shall also take such measures as may...

            4. 4.This Protocol does not exclude any criminal jurisdiction exercised in...

          5. Article 5

            1. 1.The offences referred to in article 3, paragraph 1, shall...

            2. 2.If a State Party that makes extradition conditional on the...

            3. 3.States Parties that do not make extradition conditional on the...

            4. 4.Such offences shall be treated, for the purpose of extradition...

            5. 5.If an extradition request is made with respect to an...

          6. Article 6

            1. 1.States Parties shall afford one another the greatest measure of...

            2. 2.States Parties shall carry out their obligations under paragraph 1...

          7. Article 7

            1. States Parties shall, subject to the provisions of their national...

          8. Article 8

            1. 1.States Parties shall adopt appropriate measures to protect the rights...

            2. 2.States Parties shall ensure that uncertainty as to the actual...

            3. 3.States Parties shall ensure that, in the treatment by the...

            4. 4.States Parties shall take measures to ensure appropriate training, in...

            5. 5.States Parties shall, in appropriate cases, adopt measures in order...

            6. 6.Nothing in the present article shall be construed to be...

          9. Article 9

            1. 1.States Parties shall adopt or strengthen, implement and disseminate laws,...

            2. 2.States Parties shall promote awareness in the public at large,...

            3. 3.States Parties shall take all feasible measures with the aim...

            4. 4.States Parties shall ensure that all child victims of the...

            5. 5.States Parties shall take appropriate measures aimed at effectively prohibiting...

          10. Article 10

            1. 1.States Parties shall take all necessary steps to strengthen international...

            2. 2.States Parties shall promote international cooperation to assist child victims...

            3. 3.States Parties shall promote the strengthening of international cooperation in...

            4. 4.States Parties in a position to do so shall provide...


        1. Declarations

          1. (a) The United Kingdom interprets the Convention as applicable only...