122Adroddiadau am gyflawni swyddogaeth prif gyngor o gadw ardaloedd cymunedol o dan adolygiadLL+C

Ar ôl adran 55(2) o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Leol 1972 mewnosoder y canlynol—

(2A)Each Welsh principal council must, every fifteen years, publish a report which describes what the council has done in the previous fifteen years in order to discharge its duty to keep the whole of their area under review for the purpose described in subsection (2).

(2B)The council must send a copy of any report published under subsection (2A) to the Welsh Commission.

(2C)The first report under subsection (2A) must be published within four years of the day on which that subsection comes into force.

(2D)Further reports must be published within fifteen years of the date on which the last report under subsection (2A) was published..

123Adroddiadau am gyflawni swyddogaeth prif gyngor o gadw trefniadau etholiadol ar gyfer cymunedau o dan adolygiadLL+C

Ar ôl adran 57(4) o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Leol 1972 mewnosoder y canlynol—

(4A)Each Welsh principal council must, every fifteen years, publish a report which describes what the council has done in the previous fifteen years in order to discharge its duty to keep the whole of the area under review for the purpose described in subsection (4).

(4B)The council must send a copy of any report published under subsection (4A) to the Welsh Commission.

(4C)The first report under subsection (4A) must be published within four years of the day on which that subsection comes into force.

(4D)Further reports must be published within fifteen years of the date on which the last report under subsection (4A) was published..

124Arfer swyddogaethau gan Gomisiwn Ffiniau Llywodraeth Leol i Gymru ar ran prif gynghorauLL+C

Ar ôl adran 57 o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Leol 1972 mewnosoder y canlynol—

57AExercise of functions by the Welsh Commission on behalf of principal councils

(1)Arrangements may be made between the Welsh Commission and a principal council in Wales under which the Commission exercises, to whatever extent and subject to whatever terms the parties may agree, all or any of the functions of the principal council referred to in subsection (2).

(2)The functions are—

(a)the principal council’s function of keeping under review the whole of their area for the purpose specified in section 55(2) or the purpose specified in section 57(4);

(b)the principal council’s function of considering requests specified in section 55(2) or section 57(4)..

125Y symiau sy'n daladwy mewn cysylltiad ag arolygiadau a gynhaliwyd gan Gomisiwn Ffiniau Llywodraeth Leol i GymruLL+C

Ar ôl adran 56(4) o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Leol 1972 mewnosoder y canlynol—

(4A)A direction given to the Welsh Commission under subsection (4) may require the principal council to pay to the Commission such sum as is specified, or calculated according to a formula contained, in the direction.

(4B)Any dispute as to the sum payable under the direction is to be determined by the Welsh Ministers.

(4C)Any sum payable under a direction under subsection (4) is to be recoverable as a debt due to the Welsh Commission..