Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 Explanatory Notes

Commentary on Sections

Part 7 – Communities and Community councils

Section 89 – Notice of community meeting convened by local government electors

100.Inserts a new paragraph 30B in Schedule 12 to the 1972 Act which sets out the information required to be provided to enable the relevant local council to decide whether a community meeting has been duly convened when the convenors of the meeting are local government electors. The relevant local council, to which the notice of a community meeting must be given, is a community council in communities where one exists and the principal council where one does not.

101.The information required to support a notice is set out in subsections (2)-(7). The provisions allow for the notice to be given in electronic form to a principal council (provided it meets technical requirements set by the principal council under section 90) and for the supporting electors to retain anonymity if they are registered anonymously in the register of local government electors.

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