Child Maintenance Act (Northern Ireland) 2008 Explanatory Notes

Commentary on Sections

Part 2 – Child Support etc.


Section 32: Pilot schemes

This section inserts a new Article 47A into the Child Support (Northern Ireland) Order 1991, enabling the power to pilot any regulation-making power made under that Order.

Paragraph (1) prevents a pilot scheme from lasting more than twenty four months.

Paragraph (2) provides that for the purposes of this section, regulations being piloted will be referred to as a ‘pilot scheme’.

Paragraph (3) enables a pilot scheme to apply in relation to specific areas, classes of person or persons who meet prescribed criteria, or are selected by sampling.

Paragraph (4) enables transitional arrangements to be made where necessary for cases involved in any pilot schemes, when the pilot period ends.

Paragraph (5) enables a further pilot to operate under the same or similar circumstances once the initial, or any further, pilot ends.

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