Libraries Act 2008 Explanatory Notes

Options Considered

8.Following the proposal in the Review of Public Administration that a new education support body will replace the five Education and Library Boards, three options were considered for the future delivery of the library service: that they should remain institutionally linked with education delivery; be delivered via a free-standing regional Library Authority; or be part of local government on the basis of no more than seven local authorities.

9.The local government option was inappropriate because it would fragment the service through increasing from 5 bodies to 7 and would break up an increasingly unified system where joint working at regional level has brought benefits. Retaining the link with education was also less attractive because libraries have cultural, recreational and community roles, as well as educational, and because the library service would benefit from a separate dedicated managing body.  A single library service will also provide for efficiencies in the longer term.

10.A non-departmental public body requires to be incorporated by statute or Royal Charter.

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