

Control of vaccines

12.  After Article 8 of the 1981 Order insert—

Control of vaccines

8A.(1) The Department may by order prohibit or regulate—

(a)the manufacture, import, possession, sale or supply of such vaccines as may be specified in the order;

(b)the administration to any animal or bird of such vaccines as may be specified in the order.

(2) Without prejudice to paragraph (1), an order under that paragraph may—

(a)specify the persons who may manufacture, import, possess, sell, or supply vaccines;

(b)specify the persons who may administer vaccine to any animal or bird;

(c)provide for the issue of licences for the manufacture, import, possession, sale, supply or administration of vaccines, subject to such conditions as may be specified in the licences;

(d)require any person—

(i)to keep such records and retain such documents as may be specified in the order;

(ii)to furnish to the Department such information and returns as may be so specified;

(iii)to permit an inspector to inspect and take extracts from such records and documents;

(e)provide for the seizure, detention and disposal of any vaccine manufactured, imported, possessed, sold or supplied in contravention of the order;

(f)provide for the seizure, detention and disposal of any animal or bird to which vaccine has been administered in contravention of the order..