Forestry Act (Northern Ireland) 2010 Explanatory Notes

  • Explanatory Notes Table of contents
  1. Introduction

  2. Background and Policy Objectives

  3. Consultation

  4. Options Considered

  5. Overview

  6. Commentary on Sections

    1. Part 1 – Functions of the Department

      1. Section 1 General duty of the Department

      2. Section 2 Principal powers of the Department

      3. Section 3 Provision of facilities on forestry land

      4. Section 4 Use or development of forestry land

      5. Section 5 Compulsory acquisition of land

      6. Section 6 Inquiries, information,

      7. Section 7 Incidental Powers

    2. Part 2 Protection of Forest Trees from Damage

      1. Section 8 Control of animals in forests

        Section 9 Control (with permission of occupier) of animals on land adjacent to forest

        Section 10 Control of animals on land adjacent to forests

      2. Section 11 – Removal or destruction of vegetation on adjoining land

      3. Section 12 – Protection for persons acting under sections 8 to 11

      4. Section 13 – Burning of vegetation

      5. Section 14 – Protection of forest trees, from pests

    3. Part 3 Felling of Trees (Restriction of felling)

      1. Section 15 – Requirement of licence for felling

      2. Section 16 – Application for felling licence

      3. Section 17 – Compensation on refusal of felling licence

      4. Section 18 – Operation and conditions of felling licence

      5. Section 19 – Deferred decision on an application for felling licence

      6. Section 20 – Appeal against decision of Department on application for felling licence

        Section 23 – Appeal against restocking notice

        Section 25 – Appeal against enforcement notice

      7. Section 26 – Appeals under this Part

      8. Section 27 – Identification of trees

      9. Section 29 – Application of this part to Crown land

    4. Part 4 Miscellaneous and Supplementary

      1. Section 31 – Public right of access to, and byelaws for, forestry land

      2. Section 32 – Powers of entry

      3. Section 33 – Obstruction of officers,

      4. Section 34 – Prosecutions under this Act

  7. Hansard Reports

  • Explanatory Notes Table of contents

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