Budget Act (Northern Ireland) 2011

2011 CHAPTER 14

An Act to authorise the issue out of the Consolidated Fund of certain sums for the service of the years ending 31st March 2011 and 2012; to appropriate those sums for specified purposes; to authorise the Department of Finance and Personnel to borrow on the credit of the appropriated sums; to authorise the use for the public service of certain resources for the years ending 31st March 2011 and 2012; and to revise the limits on the use of certain accruing resources in the year ending 31st March 2011.

[22nd March 2011]

BE IT ENACTED by being passed by the Northern Ireland Assembly and assented to by Her Majesty as follows:

Issue of sum out of the Consolidated Fund for the year ending 31st March 2011 and appropriation of that sumN.I.

1—(1) The Department of Finance and Personnel may issue out of the Consolidated Fund and apply to the service of the year ending 31st March 2011 the sum of £15,345,417,000.

(2) That sum is appropriated for the purposes specified in Schedule 1.

(3) The authorisation and appropriations in this section supersede those in section 4 of the Budget Act (Northern Ireland) 2010 (c. 6), section 2 of the Budget (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 2010 (c. 8) and section 1 of the Budget (No. 3) Act (Northern Ireland) 2010 (c. 11); and, in relation to any amount specified in column 2 of Schedule 1, any increase or decrease by virtue of this section in the aggregate amount appropriated by those provisions is given in brackets after the amount.

Use of resources (other than accruing resources) in the year ending 31st March 2011N.I.

2—(1) For the purposes of section 6(1) of the Government Resources and Accounts Act (Northern Ireland) 2001 (c. 6), this section authorises the use of resources in the year ending 31st March 2011.

(2) The use of resources by—

(a)the Northern Ireland departments;

(b)the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission;

(c)the Assembly Ombudsman for Northern Ireland and the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints;

(d)the Food Standards Agency;

(e)the Northern Ireland Audit Office;

(f)the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation; and

(g)the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland,

in that year is authorised to the amount of £16,233,236,000.

(3) In that year, resources may be used by a Northern Ireland department or a body or person mentioned in subsection (2) for the purposes specified in relation to that department, body or person in column 1 of Schedule 2 up to the amounts specified in the corresponding entries in column 2 of that Schedule.

(4) The authorisations in this section supersede those in section 6 of the Budget Act (Northern Ireland) 2010 (c. 6), section 3 of the Budget (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 2010 (c. 8) and section 3 of the Budget (No. 3) Act (Northern Ireland) 2010 (c. 11); and, in relation to any amount specified in column 2 of Schedule 2, any increase or decrease by virtue of this section in the aggregate amount authorised by those provisions is given in brackets after the amount.

(5) In this section “resources” does not include accruing resources within the meaning of section 8(1) of the Government Resources and Accounts Act (Northern Ireland) 2001 (c. 6).

Revised limits on use of certain accruing resources in the year ending 31st March 2011N.I.

3—(1) For the purposes of section 8(1) of the Government Resources and Accounts Act (Northern Ireland) 2001 (c. 6), this section sets the relevant limits on the accruing resources that may be directed to be used for certain purposes in the year ending 31st March 2011 in addition to resources authorised by this Act to be used for those purposes in that year.

(2) In that year accruing resources not exceeding the amount specified in column 3 of Schedule 2 may be directed to be used for the purposes specified in the corresponding entries in column 1 of that Schedule.

(3) The limits set by this section supersede those set by section 4 of the Budget (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 2010 (c. 8) and section 4 of the Budget (No. 3) Act (Northern Ireland) 2010 (c. 11); and, in relation to any amount specified in column 3 of Schedule 2, any increase or decrease by virtue of this section in the amount of the limit set by that section is given in brackets after that amount.

Issue of sum out of the Consolidated Fund for the year ending 31st March 2012 and appropriation of that sumN.I.

4—(1) The Department of Finance and Personnel may issue out of the Consolidated Fund and apply to the service of the year ending 31st March 2012 the sum of £6,654,663,000.

(2) That sum is appropriated for the purposes specified in Schedule 3.

Power of the Department of Finance and Personnel to borrowN.I.

5—(1) Subject to subsection (2), the Department of Finance and Personnel may borrow on the credit of the sum specified in section 4 any sum or sums not exceeding in the whole £3,327,331,000.

(2) Any money so borrowed shall be repaid, with any interest due thereon, out of the Consolidated Fund not later than 31st March 2012.

Use of resources (other than accruing resources) in the year ending 31st March 2012N.I.

6—(1) For the purposes of section 6(1) of the Government Resources and Accounts Act (Northern Ireland) 2001 (c. 6), this section authorises the use of resources in the year ending 31st March 2012.

(2) The use of resources by—

(a)the Northern Ireland departments;

(b)the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission;

(c)the Assembly Ombudsman for Northern Ireland and the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints;

(d)the Food Standards Agency;

(e)the Northern Ireland Audit Office;

(f)the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation; and

(g)the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland,

in that year is authorised to the amount of £7,336,432,000.

(3) In that year, resources may be used by a Northern Ireland department or a body or person mentioned in subsection (2) for the purposes specified in relation to that department, body or person in column 1 of Schedule 4 up to the amounts specified in the corresponding entries in column 2 of that Schedule.

(4) In this section “resources” does not include accruing resources within the meaning of section 8(1) of the Government Resources and Accounts Act (Northern Ireland) 2001 (c. 6).

Short titleN.I.

7  This Act may be cited as the Budget Act (Northern Ireland) 2011.


Section 1.


PurposeSums Granted (£)
For expenditure by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development on development of the agriculture and agricultural products industries and alternative land uses, provision and funding of education, training and development services to the agri-food industry and rural enterprises, provision of veterinary services and veterinary public health services, measures associated with the provision of scientific services (by the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute and other scientific bodies), measures associated with the Innovation Fund, prevention and eradication of animal diseases, protection of animal welfare, legislative responsibility for dog control, protecting plant health, protecting bee health, maintaining marketing standards for horticultural products, eggs and beef carcases, measures for farm support and conservation and enhancement of the countryside, rural development (including anti-poverty and social exclusion) measures, market support, grants and interest rate subsidies for capital and other improvements, support for agriculture in special areas, assistance to production and market development, promoting production hygiene and safety, monitoring the safety of animal feeds, making hardship payments to farmers and fishermen, flood defence measures, maintenance of watercourses, implementation of the European Union Floods Directive, protection and conservation of sea fisheries and aquaculture, prevention and control of serious fish disease, implementation of the European Union Common Fisheries Policy and local fisheries policy, support for the operation of the Loughs Agency of the Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission and the Fishery Harbour Authority, protection and conservation of forests, extension of woodland area, promotion of recreational use of forest areas, exploitation of forests for wood and non-wood products, payments under the European Union Structural Funds Programmes, payments under the European Fisheries Fund, implementation of and payments in relation to the Common Agricultural Policy and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, payments of compensation to farmers for animals culled in disease control programmes, administration costs and settlement of NICS equal pay claims.



For expenditure by the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure on libraries (other than library services to schools), arts and creativity, the North/South Language Body, the Ulster Scots Academy, museums, the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, W5, events, sports, inland fisheries, certain inland waterways (including payments to the Rivers Agency), Waterways Ireland, administration and certain miscellaneous services, costs associated with Review of Public Administration, linguistic and cultural diversity, grants-in-aid to the Northern Ireland Library Authority for the public library services, National Museums and Galleries Northern Ireland, Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Sports Council of Northern Ireland, Armagh Observatory and Planetarium, settlement of NICS equal pay claims and grants-in-aid to certain bodies.



For expenditure by the Department of Education on pre-school education, schools (including library and support services for schools and pupils), other related services, certain services for children, young people and families, and associated departmental administration and services, including settlement of NICS equal pay claims; grants and grants-in-aid to education and library boards for certain services (including for core and school-related administration); grants and grants-in-aid to certain other bodies; payments by the Department in respect of certain teachers' salaries; repayment of loans; the youth service, community relations measures for young people, millennium volunteers, other related services and associated departmental administration and services; grants and grants-in-aid to education and library boards for youth service and community relations provision and directly associated administration; grants and grants-in-aid to certain other bodies for youth service and community relations provision; and payments under the European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation and other European Union Structural Funds Programmes for schools, youth service and community relations provision.



Teachers' superannuation
For expenditure by the Department of Education on pensions, allowances, gratuities etc., certain payments to the Northern Ireland National Insurance Fund, and certain payments on behalf of the education and library boards and the Department for Employment and Learning, in respect of premature retirement compensation.



For expenditure by the Department for Employment and Learning on higher education (including universities and colleges of education); further and adult education; youth and adult skills training; management and enterprise training; student support and other matters relating to tertiary education, including grants-in-aid to certain bodies, grants in respect of Educational Maintenance Allowances and certain payments to the Department of Education in respect of teachers' premature retirement compensation; repayment of loans; labour market services including employment law, tribunals and labour relations; employment schemes and services including those for people with disabilities; payments under the European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation and other European Union Structural Funds Programmes; administration costs, including redundancy payments, settlement of NICS equal pay claims and departmental research.



For expenditure by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment on economic development; innovation and R&D policy; policy evaluation and research; assistance to aircraft and shipbuilding industries (including the residual costs in connection with the privatisation of aircraft and shipbuilding companies); economic infrastructure in support of economic development including energy and minerals; sustainable energy and telecommunications; grant-in-aid to Invest Northern Ireland; development of tourism including grant-in-aid to the Northern Ireland Tourist Board, Tourism Ireland Ltd, InterTradeIreland; payments under European Union Structural Funds Programmes; business regulation; trading standards and consumer affairs services; the provision of a debt advice service; social economy; grant-in-aid to the Consumer Council; grant-in-aid to the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland; assistance to the gas and electricity industries; administration costs, settlement of NICS equal pay claims and other related services.



For expenditure by the Department of Finance and Personnel on central Finance and Personnel Policy, NICS Financial Services, NICS Procurement Services, NICS Personnel Services, NICS ICT Services, NICS Accommodation Services, Departmental Solicitors' Office, Delivery and Innovation Services, Energy Efficiency grants to District Councils, grant-in-aid payments, administration of centralised funds, other common services, administration costs, the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, Land and Property Services, Rates Relief Grants to District Councils, operational and programme costs of the Special European Union Programmes Body, payments and income under the European Union Structural Funds Programmes, sponsorship of secretariats, tribunals and other independent bodies, grant-in-aid payments, other common services and administration costs including the settlement of NICS equal pay claims.



Superannuation and other allowances
For expenditure by the Department of Finance and Personnel on pensions, lump sums and gratuities to or in respect of persons covered by the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme (NI), civil pensions and gratuities.



For expenditure by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety on policy development, hospital, family and community health and personal social services, training, welfare foods, grants to district councils and voluntary bodies, centrally financed services, the Food Safety Promotion Board, the Institute of Public Health in Ireland, European Union community programmes, special initiatives, fire fighting, rescue, fire safety services, administration, related services and settlement of NICS equal pay claims.



Health and Social Care Pension Scheme
For expenditure by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety on pension scheme benefits to or in respect of persons engaged in health and social care or in other approved employment.-
For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on conservation; natural heritage; built heritage; environmental legislation and protection; planning services; the Review of Public Administration; grants to district councils in support of local services, emergency financial assistance, waste management and construction product enforcement regulations; payments to Local Government Staff Commission; road safety services, driver and vehicle licensing, driver and vehicle testing, transport licensing and enforcement; consultants' fees, computer hardware and software, purchase of equipment, plant and vehicles; payments under European Union Structural Funds Programmes; departmental administration costs, repayment of loans and settlement of NICS equal pay claims.



For expenditure by the Department of Justice on Justice Policy and Delivery services; forensic science services; services related to crime; civil and criminal justice including juvenile justice services; probation and after-care; state pathology; compensation schemes; payments under the Asset Recovery Incentivisation Scheme; payment of police reservist gratuities; and certain other grants; expenditure arising from the Northern Ireland Act 2009; implementation of the Independent Commission on Police findings; security; the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland; the Northern Ireland Policing Board; Access Northern Ireland; policing and community safety including police pensions; prisons including the Prison Service Trust; the Prisoner Ombudsman; the Northern Ireland Law Commission; the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Ombudsman; the Courts and Tribunals Service including the Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission and the Criminal Justice Inspectorate.



For expenditure by the Department for Regional Development on support for the Roads Service including design, construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, footpaths, street lighting and car parks; purchase of land, property, vehicles, plant, equipment and stores; public liability claims; costs associated with the decriminalisation of parking enforcement; operation and maintenance of the Strangford Ferry; support for air and sea ports including salary, wages and other costs in respect of the Donaghadee Harbour; grants in respect of the Rathlin Island ferry service and works to Ballycastle and Rathlin Harbours; support for transport services including current and capital grants in respect of rail and road passenger services including fare concessions, fuel duty rebate, transport for people with disabilities, rural transport, provision and maintenance of bus shelters, purchase of buses and rolling stock and capital works; support for regional planning, transport planning and visioning; support to implement the Review of Public Administration; energy matters; consultants' and other fees; research and development; salaries and wages, general administrative expenses and central administration costs; certain early retirement and settlement of NICS equal pay claims; compensation payments; graphics unit; computer hardware and software; office machinery and equipment; related services including services to other departments; payments under European Union Structural Funds Programmes; payments under European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation; repayment of loans; payment of income subsidies, current and capital grants and net lending to NI Water Limited, equity injections, supporting the costs associated with the maintenance of the shareholder and water policy functions; consultants and other fees; salaries and wages, general administrative expenses and central administration costs; settlement of NICS equal pay claims; graphics unit; computer hardware and software and office machinery.



For expenditure by the Department for Social Development on central administration costs including a grant to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive for administering the Housing Benefit Scheme, departmental corporate services costs, the administration costs of the Social Security Agency and Child Maintenance and Enforcement Division including the costs of administering services provided to the Department for Work and Pensions and other departments and on accommodation costs; payment of the cash value of EC officials transferable State Pension rights to the Pension Scheme of the European Communities' Institution, compensation for dust related diseases, payment of social security benefits and/or National Insurance Credits to people of working age, to pensioners and customers abroad and to people with disabilities and their carers, in accordance with the prevailing legislation and regulations, payment of job grant, on grant-in-aid to the Independent Living Fund, grants to Motability; a grant to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive for the payment of rent rebate, rent allowance, rates rebate for tenants and discretionary housing payments, cost of housing benefit rates rebates for owner occupiers; the cost of paying assistance from the Financial Assistance Scheme; sums payable into the Social Fund for expenditure on grants, loans and payments, sums payable to the Northern Ireland National Insurance Fund as compensation payments in respect of statutory sick pay and statutory maternity pay; settlement of NICS equal pay claims; central administration costs relating to the Housing Programme; on housing services, including grants and subsidies; on the Supporting People Programme; on fuel poverty payments; central administration costs relating to the Urban Regeneration and Community Development Programme; on urban regeneration including grants-in-aid and on other services such as property maintenance and events; community development including grants to voluntary bodies and statutory bodies; payments under the European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation; payments under the European Union Structural Funds Programmes.



For expenditure by the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister on support for the government; the North/South Ministerial Council; the British-Irish Council; the Civic Forum; expenses of the Planning Appeals Commission and the Water Appeals Commission; expenses of the Attorney General for Northern Ireland; the Reinvestment and Reform Initiative including grant-in-aid to the Strategic Investment Board and Ilex; grant-in-aid to the Economic Research Institute of Northern Ireland; grant-in-aid to the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission; promotion and administration of sustainable development policy; promotion of human rights, equality of opportunity and social inclusion including older people and people with disabilities and the alleviation of disadvantage, deprivation, poverty and hardship, including in situations of severe stress, crisis, or emergency; the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland; community relations; district council programmes; victims and survivors; the Commission for Victims and Survivors; children and young people; the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People; payments under the European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation; settlement of NICS equal pay claims; administration and other services; grants and grants-in-aid.



For expenditure by the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission on remunerating and supporting Members of the Assembly in discharging their duties in their constituencies, in the Assembly and elsewhere; enhancing public awareness of and involvement in the working of the Northern Ireland Assembly; general administration including staff costs, general expenses; equipment and accommodation costs; and other services.



For expenditure by the Assembly Ombudsman for Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints on administration and other support services for the provision of an independent, effective and free system for investigating complaints from individuals who claim to have suffered injustice through maladministration by Northern Ireland government departments, their agencies, public and local bodies and the health and social care bodies; the provision of an independent investigative resource to support the work of the Committee on Standards and Privileges in dealing with complaints against Members of the Assembly; and settlement of NICS equal pay claims.



For expenditure by the Food Standards Agency on administration and other support services in protecting public health from risks which may arise in connection with the consumption of food, and otherwise protecting the interests of consumers in relation to food including the range of food safety enforcement activities required under European Union and Northern Ireland legislation, providing consumers with accurate and reliable information so that they can make healthy eating choices, facilitating and delivering training courses, commissioning surveys and participating in programmes to increase public awareness of food safety and consumer choice issues and on related services and grants to district councils.



For expenditure by the Northern Ireland Audit Office on administration and other support services in providing objective information, advice and assurance on the use of public funds; encouraging beneficial change in the provision of public services, the highest standards in financial management and reporting and propriety in the conduct of public business; conducting data matching exercises for the purpose of assisting in the prevention and detection of fraud; and settlement of NICS equal pay claims.



For expenditure by the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation on administration costs, regulation of the electricity, gas, water and sewerage industries, protection of electricity, gas, water and sewerage consumers, promotion and development of the natural gas industry, duties and functions as set out in various pieces of enabling legislation, administration of the Climate Change Levy Renewable Exemption Scheme, the Electricity (Guarantees of origin of electricity produced from Renewable Energy Sources) Scheme, and the Renewables Obligation Scheme, development and administration of an all-island energy market, costs associated with the single electricity market committee, co-operation with international regulators, services to other departments and other miscellaneous duties and powers which may arise.



For expenditure by the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland on the prosecution of offences, legal services; employment of independent counsel; court costs and costs awarded; payment and services to other departments; trainee grants; payments under the Asset Recovery Incentivisation Scheme; staffing; administration costs and other related services.






Section 2 and 3.


PurposeResources authorised for use (£)Total Accruing Resources (£)
A. For use by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development on development of the agriculture and agricultural products industries and alternative land uses, provision and funding of education, training and development services to the agri-food industry and rural enterprises, provision of veterinary services and veterinary public health services, measures associated with the provision of scientific services (by the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute and other scientific bodies), measures associated with the Innovation Fund, prevention and eradication of animal diseases, protection of animal welfare, legislative responsibility for dog control, protecting plant health, protecting bee health, maintaining marketing standards for horticultural products, eggs and beef carcases, measures for farm support and conservation and enhancement of the countryside, rural development (including anti-poverty and social exclusion) measures, market support, grants and interest rate subsidies for capital and other improvements, support for agriculture in special areas, assistance to production and market development, promoting production hygiene and safety, monitoring the safety of animal feeds, making hardship payments to farmers and fishermen, flood defence measures, maintenance of watercourses, implementation of the European Union Floods Directive, protection and conservation of sea fisheries and aquaculture, prevention and control of serious fish disease, implementation of the European Union Common Fisheries Policy and local fisheries policy, support for the operation of the Loughs Agency of the Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission and the Fishery Harbour Authority, protection and conservation of forests, extension of woodland area, promotion of recreational use of forest areas, exploitation of forests for wood and non-wood products, payments under the European Union Structural Funds Programmes, payments under the European Fisheries Fund, implementation of and payments in relation to the Common Agricultural Policy and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, payments of compensation to farmers for animals culled in disease control programmes, administration costs, settlement of NICS equal pay claims and associated non-cash items.





A. For use by the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure on libraries (other than library services to schools), arts and creativity, the North/South Language Body, the Ulster Scots Academy, museums, the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, W5, events, sports, inland fisheries, certain inland waterways (including payments to the Rivers Agency), Waterways Ireland, administration and certain miscellaneous services, costs associated with Review of Public Administration, linguistic and cultural diversity, grants-in-aid to the Northern Ireland Library Authority for the public library services, National Museums and Galleries Northern Ireland, Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Sports Council of Northern Ireland, Armagh Observatory and Planetarium, settlement of NICS equal pay claims, grants-in-aid to certain bodies and provision for associated non-cash items.





A. For use by the Department of Education on pre-school education, schools (including library and support services for schools and pupils), other related services, certain services for children, young people and families, and associated departmental administration and services, including settlement of NICS equal pay claims; grants and grants-in-aid to education and library boards for certain services (including for core and school-related administration); grants and grants-in-aid to certain other bodies; payments by the Department in respect of certain teachers' salaries; repayment of loans; payments under the European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation and other European Union Structural Funds Programmes; and provision for associated non-cash items.





B. For use by the Department of Education on the youth service, community relations measures for young people, millennium volunteers, other related services and associated departmental administration, including settlement of NICS equal pay claims and services; grants and grants-in-aid to education and library boards for youth service and community relations provision and directly associated administration; grants and grants-in-aid to certain other bodies; payments under the European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation and other European Union Structural Funds Programmes; and provision for associated non-cash items.



Teachers' superannuation
A. For use by the Department of Education on pensions, allowances, gratuities etc., certain payments to the Northern Ireland National Insurance Fund, certain payments on behalf of the education and library boards and the Department for Employment and Learning, in respect of premature retirement compensation; and provision for associated non-cash items.





A. For use by the Department for Employment and Learning on higher education (including universities and colleges of education); further and adult education; youth and adult skills training; management and enterprise training; student support and other matters relating to tertiary education, including grants-in-aid to certain bodies, grants in respect of Educational Maintenance Allowances and certain payments to the Department of Education in respect of teachers' premature retirement compensation; repayment of loans; labour market services including employment law, tribunals and labour relations; employment schemes and services including those for people with disabilities; payments under the European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation and other European Union Structural Funds Programmes; administration costs, including redundancy payments, settlement of NICS equal pay claims, departmental research; and associated non-cash items.





A. For use by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment on economic development; innovation and R&D policy; policy evaluation and research; assistance to aircraft and shipbuilding industries (including the residual costs in connection with the privatisation of aircraft and shipbuilding companies); economic infrastructure in support of economic development including energy and minerals; sustainable energy and telecommunications; grant-in-aid to Invest Northern Ireland; development of tourism including grant-in-aid to the Northern Ireland Tourist Board, Tourism Ireland Ltd, InterTradeIreland; payments under European Union Structural Funds Programmes; business regulation; trading standards and consumer affairs services; the provision of a debt advice service; social economy; grant-in-aid to the Consumer Council; grant-in-aid to the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland; assistance to the gas and electricity industries; administration costs, settlement of NICS equal pay claims, associated non-cash costs and other related services.





A. For use by the Department of Finance and Personnel on central Finance and Personnel Policy, NICS Financial Services, NICS Procurement Services, NICS Personnel Services, NICS ICT Services, NICS Accommodation Services, Departmental Solicitors' Office, Delivery and Innovation Services, Energy Efficiency grants to District Councils, grant-in-aid payments, administration of centralised funds, other common services, administration costs including the settlement of equal pay claims and associated non-cash items.





B. For use by the Department of Finance and Personnel on the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, Land and Property Services, Rates Relief Grants to District Councils, operational and programme costs of the Special European Union Programmes Body, payments and income under the European Union Structural Funds Programmes, sponsorship of secretariats, tribunals and other independent bodies, grant-in-aid payments, other common services, administration costs including the settlement of NICS equal pay claims and associated non-cash items.





Superannuation and other allowances
A. For use by the Department of Finance and Personnel on pensions, lump sums and gratuities to or in respect of persons covered by the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme (NI), civil pensions and gratuities and associated non-cash items.





A. For use by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety on policy development, hospital, family and community health and personal social services, training, welfare foods, grants to district councils and voluntary bodies, centrally financed services, the Food Safety Promotion Board, the Institute of Public Health in Ireland, European Union community programmes, special initiatives, administration, related services, settlement of NICS equal pay claims and associated non-cash items.





B. For use by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety on fire fighting, rescue, fire safety services, administration, related services, settlement of NICS equal pay claims and associated non-cash items.





Health and Social Care Pension Scheme
A. For use by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety on pension scheme benefits to or in respect of persons engaged in health and social care or in other approved employment and associated non-cash items.





A. For use by the Department of the Environment on conservation; natural heritage; built heritage; environmental legislation and protection; planning services; the Review of Public Administration; grants to district councils in support of local services, emergency financial assistance, waste management and construction product enforcement regulations; payments to Local Government Staff Commission; road safety services, driver and vehicle licensing, driver and vehicle testing, transport licensing and enforcement; consultants' fees, computer hardware and software, purchase of equipment, plant and vehicles; payments under European Union Structural Funds Programmes; departmental administration costs; repayment of loans, settlement of NICS equal pay claims and associated non-cash items.





A. For use by the Department of Justice on Justice Policy and Delivery services; forensic science services; services related to crime; civil and criminal justice including juvenile justice services; probation and after-care; state pathology; compensation schemes; payments under the Asset Recovery Incentivisation Scheme; payment of police reservist gratuities; and certain other grants; expenditure arising from the Northern Ireland Act 2009; implementation of the Independent Commission on Police findings; security; the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland; the Northern Ireland Policing Board; Access Northern Ireland; policing and community safety including police pensions; prisons including the Prison Service Trust; the Prisoner Ombudsman; the Northern Ireland Law Commission; the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointment Ombudsman; the Courts and Tribunals Service including the Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission; the Criminal Justice Inspectorate and associated non-cash items.





A. For use by the Department for Regional Development on support for the Roads Service including design, construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, footpaths, street lighting and car parks; purchase of land, property, vehicles, plant, equipment and stores; public liability claims; costs associated with the decriminalisation of parking enforcement; operation and maintenance of the Strangford Ferry; support for air and sea ports including salary, wages and other costs in respect of the Donaghadee Harbour; grants in respect of the Rathlin Island ferry service and works to Ballycastle and Rathlin Harbours; support for transport services including current and capital grants in respect of rail and road passenger services including fare concessions, fuel duty rebate, transport for people with disabilities, rural transport, provision and maintenance of bus shelters, purchase of buses and rolling stock and capital works; support for regional planning, transport planning and visioning; support to implement the Review of Public Administration; energy matters; consultants' and other fees; research and development; salaries and wages, general administrative expenses and central administration costs; certain early retirement and settlement of NICS equal pay claims; compensation payments; graphics unit; computer hardware and software; office machinery and equipment; related services including services to other departments; payments under European Union Structural Funds Programmes; payments under European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation; repayment of loans and associated non-cash items.





B. For use by the Department for Regional Development on payment of income subsidies, current and capital grants and net lending to NI Water Limited, equity injections, supporting the costs associated with the maintenance of the shareholder and water policy functions; consultants' and other fees; salaries and wages, general administrative expenses and central administration costs; settlement of NICS equal pay claims; graphics unit; computer hardware and software, office machinery; and associated non-cash items.





A. For use by the Department for Social Development on central administration costs including a grant to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive for administering the Housing Benefit Scheme, departmental corporate services costs, the administration costs of the Social Security Agency and Child Maintenance and Enforcement Division including the costs of administering services provided to the Department for Work and Pensions and other departments and on accommodation costs; payment of the cash value of EC officials transferable State Pension rights to the Pension Scheme of the European Communities' Institution, compensation for dust related diseases; payment of social security benefits and/or National Insurance Credits to people of working age, to pensioners and customers abroad and to people with disabilities and their carers, in accordance with the prevailing legislation and regulations, payments of job grant, on grant-in-aid to the Independent Living Fund, grants to Motability; a grant to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive for the payment of rent rebate, rent allowance, rates rebate for tenants and discretionary housing payments, cost of housing benefit rates rebates for owner occupiers; the cost of paying assistance from the Financial Assistance Scheme; sums payable into the Social Fund for expenditure on grants, loans and payments; sums payable to the Northern Ireland National Insurance Fund as compensation payments in respect of statutory sick pay and statutory maternity pay; settlement of NICS equal pay claims; and associated non-cash items.





B. For use by the Department for Social Development on central administration costs relating to the Housing Programme; on housing services, including grants and subsidies; on the Supporting People Programme; on fuel poverty payments; settlement of NICS equal pay claims; and associated non-cash items.





C. For use by the Department for Social Development on central administration costs relating to the Urban Regeneration and Community Development Programme; on urban regeneration including grants-in-aid and on other services such as property maintenance and events; community development including grants to voluntary bodies and statutory bodies; payments under the European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation; payments under the European Union Structural Funds Programmes; settlement of NICS equal pay claims; and associated non-cash items.





A. For use by the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister on support for the government; the North/South Ministerial Council; the British-Irish Council; the Civic Forum; expenses of the Planning Appeals Commission and the Water Appeals Commission; expenses of the Attorney General for Northern Ireland; the Reinvestment and Reform Initiative including grant-in-aid to the Strategic Investment Board and Ilex; grant-in-aid to the Economic Research Institute of Northern Ireland; grant-in-aid to the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission; promotion and administration of sustainable development policy; promotion of human rights, equality of opportunity and social inclusion including older people and people with disabilities and the alleviation of disadvantage, deprivation, poverty and hardship, including in situations of severe stress, crisis, or emergency; the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland; community relations; district council programmes; victims and survivors; the Commission for Victims and Survivors; children and young people; the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People; payments under the European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation; settlement of NICS equal pay claims; administration and other services; grants and grants-in-aid and associated non-cash items.





A. For use by the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission on remunerating and supporting Members of the Assembly in discharging their duties in their constituencies, in the Assembly and elsewhere; enhancing public awareness of and involvement in the working of the Northern Ireland Assembly; general administration including staff costs; general expenses; equipment and accommodation costs; other services; and associated non-cash items.





A. For use by the Assembly Ombudsman for Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints on administration and other support services for the provision of an independent, effective and free system for investigating complaints from individuals who claim to have suffered injustice through maladministration by Northern Ireland government departments, their agencies, public and local bodies and the health and social care bodies; the provision of an independent investigative resource to support the work of the Committee on Standards and Privileges in dealing with complaints against Members of the Assembly; settlement of NICS equal pay claims; and associated non-cash items.



A. For use by the Food Standards Agency on administration and other support services in protecting public health from risks which may arise in connection with the consumption of food, and otherwise protecting the interests of consumers in relation to food including the range of food safety enforcement activities required under European Union and Northern Ireland legislation, providing consumers with accurate and reliable information so that they can make healthy eating choices, facilitating and delivering training courses, commissioning surveys and participating in programmes to increase public awareness of food safety and consumer choice issues and on related services, grants to district councils and associated non-cash items.





A. For use by the Northern Ireland Audit Office on administration and other support services in providing objective information, advice and assurance on the use of public funds; encouraging beneficial change in the provision of public services, the highest standards in financial management and reporting and propriety in the conduct of public business; conducting data matching exercises for the purpose of assisting in the prevention and detection of fraud; settlement of NICS equal pay claims; and associated non-cash items.





A. For use by the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation on administration costs, regulation of the electricity, gas, water and sewerage industries, protection of electricity, gas, water and sewerage consumers, promotion and development of the natural gas industry, duties and functions as set out in various pieces of enabling legislation, administration of the Climate Change Levy Renewable Exemption Scheme, the Electricity (Guarantees of origin of electricity produced from Renewable Energy Sources) Scheme, and the Renewables Obligation Scheme, development and administration of an all-island energy market, costs associated with the single electricity market committee, co-operation with international regulators, services to other departments, other miscellaneous duties and powers which may arise and associated non-cash costs.





A. For use by the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland on the prosecution of offences, legal services, employment of independent counsel; court costs and costs awarded; payments and services to other departments, trainee grants; payments under the Asset Recovery Incentivisation Scheme; staffing; administration costs; other related services and associated non-cash items.










Section 4.


PurposeSums Granted (£)
For expenditure by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development on development of the agriculture and agricultural products industries and alternative land uses, provision and funding of education, training and development services to the agri-food industry and rural enterprises, provision of veterinary services and veterinary public health services, measures associated with the provision of scientific services (by the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute and other scientific bodies), measures associated with the Innovation Fund, prevention and eradication of animal diseases, protection of animal welfare, legislative responsibility for dog control, protecting plant health, protecting bee health, maintaining marketing standards for horticultural products, eggs and beef carcases, measures for farm support and conservation and enhancement of the countryside, rural development (including anti-poverty and social exclusion) measures, market support, grants and interest rate subsidies for capital and other improvements, support for agriculture in special areas, assistance to production and market development, promoting production hygiene and safety, monitoring the safety of animal feeds, making hardship payments to farmers and fishermen, flood defence measures, maintenance of watercourses, implementation of the European Union Floods Directive, protection and conservation of sea fisheries and aquaculture, prevention and control of serious fish disease, implementation of the European Union Common Fisheries Policy and local fisheries policy, support for the operation of the Loughs Agency of the Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission and the Fishery Harbour Authority, protection and conservation of forests, extension of woodland area, promotion of recreational use of forest areas, exploitation of forests for wood and non-wood products, payments under the European Union Structural Funds Programmes, payments under the European Fisheries Fund, implementation of and payments in relation to the Common Agricultural Policy and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, payments of compensation to farmers for animals culled in disease control programmes, administration costs and settlement of NICS equal pay claims.125,449,000
For expenditure by the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure on libraries (other than library services to schools), arts and creativity, the North/South Language Body, the Ulster Scots Academy, museums, the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, W5, events, sports, inland fisheries, certain inland waterways (including payments to the Rivers Agency), Waterways Ireland, administration and certain miscellaneous services, costs associated with Review of Public Administration, linguistic and cultural diversity, grants-in-aid to the Northern Ireland Library Authority for public library services, National Museums and Galleries Northern Ireland, Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Sports Council of Northern Ireland, Armagh Observatory and Planetarium, settlement of NICS equal pay claims and grants-in-aid to certain bodies.70,465,000
For expenditure by the Department of Education on pre-school education, schools (including library and support services for schools and pupils), other related services, certain services for children, young people and families, and associated departmental administration and services, including settlement of NICS equal pay claims; grants and grants-in-aid to education and library boards for certain services (including for core and school-related administration); grants and grants-in-aid to certain other bodies; payments by the Department in respect of certain teachers' salaries; repayment of loans; the youth service, community relations measures for young people, millennium volunteers, other related services and associated departmental administration and services; grants and grants-in-aid to education and library boards for youth service and community relations provision and directly associated administration; grants and grants-in-aid to certain other bodies for youth service and community relations provision; and payments under the European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation and other European Union Structural Funds Programmes for schools, youth service and community relations provision.908,995,000
Teachers' superannuation
For expenditure by the Department of Education on pensions, allowances, gratuities etc., certain payments to the Northern Ireland National Insurance Fund, and certain payments on behalf of the education and library boards and the Department for Employment and Learning, in respect of premature retirement compensation.57,961,000
For expenditure by the Department for Employment and Learning on higher education (including universities and colleges of education); further and adult education; youth and adult skills training; management and enterprise training; student support and other matters relating to tertiary education, including grants-in-aid to certain bodies, grants in respect of Educational Maintenance Allowances and certain payments to the Department of Education in respect of teachers' premature retirement compensation; repayment of loans; labour market services including employment law, tribunals and labour relations; employment schemes and services including those for people with disabilities; payments under the European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation and other European Union Structural Funds Programmes; administration costs, including redundancy payments, settlement of NICS equal pay claims, and departmental research.469,167,000
For expenditure by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment on economic development; innovation and R&D policy; policy evaluation and research; assistance to aircraft and shipbuilding industries (including the residual costs in connection with the privatisation of aircraft and shipbuilding companies); economic infrastructure in support of economic development including energy and minerals; sustainable energy; renewable heat incentive scheme; telecommunications; grant-in-aid to Invest Northern Ireland including hardship payments to industry; development of tourism including grant-in-aid to the Northern Ireland Tourist Board, Tourism Ireland Ltd, InterTradeIreland; payments under European Union Structural Funds Programmes; business regulation; trading standards and consumer affairs services; the provision of a debt advice service; social economy; grant-in-aid to the Consumer Council; grant-in-aid to the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland; assistance to the gas and electricity industries; administration costs, settlement of NICS equal pay claims and other related services.121,667,000
For expenditure by the Department of Finance and Personnel on central Finance and Personnel Policy, NICS shared services for personnel, finance and ICT, the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, Land and Property Services, NICS Accommodation Services, other NICS services including Procurement Services, the Departmental Solicitors' Office and information strategy and Innovation Services, energy efficiency and rates relief grants to District Councils, grant-in-aid payments, operational and programme costs of the Special European Union Programmes Body, payments and income under the European Union Structural Funds Programmes, sponsorship of secretariats, tribunals and other independent bodies, administration of centralised funds, other common services, administration costs including settlement of NICS equal pay claims.


Superannuation and other allowances
For expenditure by the Department of Finance and Personnel on pensions, lump sums and gratuities to or in respect of persons covered by the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme (NI), civil pensions and gratuities.47,250,000
For expenditure by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety on policy development, hospital, family and community health and personal social services, training, welfare foods, grants to district councils and voluntary bodies, centrally financed services, the Food Safety Promotion Board, the Institute of Public Health in Ireland, European Union community programmes, special initiatives, fire fighting, rescue, fire safety services, administration, related services and settlement of NICS equal pay claims.1,841,850,000
Health and Social Care Pension Scheme
For expenditure by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety on pension scheme benefits to or in respect of persons engaged in health and social care or in other approved employment.-
For expenditure by the Department of the Environment on conservation; natural heritage; built heritage; environmental legislation and protection; planning services; the Review of Public Administration; grants to district councils in support of local services, emergency financial assistance, waste management and construction product enforcement regulations; payments to Local Government Staff Commission; road safety services, driver and vehicle licensing, driver and vehicle testing, transport licensing and enforcement; consultants' fees, computer hardware and software, purchase of equipment, plant and vehicles; payments under European Union Structural Funds Programmes; departmental administration costs, repayment of loans and settlement of NICS equal pay claims.70,273,000
For expenditure by the Department of Justice on Justice Policy and Delivery services, forensic science services; services related to crime, civil and criminal justice including juvenile justice services; probation and after-care; state pathology; compensation schemes; payments under the Asset Recovery Incentivisation Scheme; payment of police reservist gratuities; and certain other grants; expenditure arising from the Northern Ireland Act 2009; implementation of the Independent Commission on Police findings; security; the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, the Northern Ireland Policing Board; Access Northern Ireland; policing and community safety including police pensions; prisons including the Prison Service Trust; the Prisoner Ombudsman; the Northern Ireland Law Commission; the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Ombudsman; the Courts and Tribunals Service including the Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission and the Criminal Justice Inspectorate.709,740,000
For expenditure by the Department for Regional Development on support for the Roads Service including design, construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, footpaths, street lighting and car parks; purchase of land, property, vehicles, plant, equipment and stores; public liability claims; costs associated with the decriminalisation of parking enforcement; operation and maintenance of the Strangford Ferry; support for air and sea ports including salary, wages and other costs in respect of the Donaghadee Harbour; grants in respect of the Rathlin Island ferry service and works to Ballycastle and Rathlin Harbours; support for transport services including current and capital grants in respect of rail and road passenger services including fare concessions, fuel duty rebate, transport for people with disabilities, rural transport, provision and maintenance of bus shelters, purchase of buses and rolling stock and capital works; support for regional planning, transport planning and visioning; and sustainable transport; support to implement the Review of Public Administration; energy matters; consultants' and other fees; research and development; salaries and wages, general administrative expenses and central administration costs; certain early retirement and settlement of NICS equal pay claims; compensation payments; graphics unit; computer hardware and software; office machinery and equipment; related services including services to other departments; payments under European Union Structural Fund Programmes; payments under European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation; repayment of loans; payment of income subsidies, current and capital grants and net lending to NI Water Limited, equity injections, supporting the costs associated with the maintenance of the shareholder and water policy functions; consultants and other fees; salaries and wages, general administrative expenses and central administration costs; graphics unit; computer hardware and software and office machinery.384,237,000
For expenditure by the Department for Social Development on central administration costs including a grant to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive for administering the Housing Benefit Scheme, departmental corporate services costs, the administration costs of the Social Security Agency and Child Maintenance and Enforcement Division including the costs of administering services provided to the Department for Work and Pensions and other departments and on accommodation costs; payment of the cash value of EC officials transferable State Pension rights to the Pension Scheme of the European Communities' Institution, compensation for dust related diseases; payment of social security benefits and/or National Insurance Credits to people of working age, to pensioners and customers abroad and to people with disabilities and their carers, in accordance with the prevailing legislation and regulations, payment of job grant; on grant-in-aid to the Independent Living Fund, grants to Motability; a grant to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive for the payment of rent rebate, rent allowance, rates rebate for tenants and discretionary housing payments; cost of housing benefit rates rebates for owner occupiers; the cost of paying assistance from the Financial Assistance Scheme; sums payable into the Social Fund for expenditure on grants, loans and payments, sums payable to the Northern Ireland National Insurance Fund as compensation payments in respect of statutory sick pay and statutory maternity pay; settlement of NICS equal pay claims; central administration costs relating to the Housing Programme; on housing services, including grants and subsidies; on the Supporting People Programme; on fuel poverty payments; central administration costs relating to the Urban Regeneration and Community Development Programme; on urban regeneration including grants-in-aid and on other services such as property maintenance and events; community development including grants to voluntary bodies and statutory bodies; payments under the European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation; payments under the European Union Structural Funds Programmes.1,646,291,000
For expenditure by the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister on support for the government; the North/South Ministerial Council; the British-Irish Council; the Civic Forum; expenses of the Planning Appeals Commission and the Water Appeals Commission; expenses of the Attorney General for Northern Ireland; the Reinvestment and Reform Initiative including grant-in-aid to the Strategic Investment Board and Ilex; grant-in-aid to the Economic Research Institute of Northern Ireland; grant-in-aid to the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission; promotion and administration of sustainable development policy; promotion of human rights, equality of opportunity and social inclusion including older people and people with disabilities and the alleviation of disadvantage, deprivation, poverty and hardship, including in situations of severe stress, crisis, or emergency; the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland; community relations; district council programmes; victims and survivors; the Commission for Victims and Survivors; children and young people; the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People; payments under the European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation; settlement of NICS equal pay claims; administration and other services, grants and grants-in-aid.41,198,000
For expenditure by the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission on remunerating and supporting Members of the Assembly in discharging their duties in their constituencies, in the Assembly and elsewhere; enhancing public awareness of and involvement in the working of the Northern Ireland Assembly; general administration including staff costs; general expenses; equipment and accommodation costs; and other services.20,564,000
For expenditure by the Assembly Ombudsman for Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints on administration and other support services for the provision of an independent, effective and free system for investigating complaints from individuals who claim to have suffered injustice through maladministration by Northern Ireland government departments, their agencies, public and local bodies and the health and social care bodies; the provision of an independent investigative resource to support the work of the Committee on Standards and Privileges in dealing with complaints against Members of the Assembly; and settlement of NICS equal pay claims.766,000
For expenditure by the Food Standards Agency on administration and other support services in protecting public health from risks which may arise in connection with the consumption of food, and otherwise protecting the interests of consumers in relation to food including the range of food safety enforcement activities required under European Union and Northern Ireland legislation, providing consumers with accurate and reliable information so that they can make healthy eating choices, facilitating and delivering training courses, commissioning surveys and participating in programmes to increase public awareness of food safety and consumer choice issues and on related services and grants to district councils.4,248,000
For expenditure by the Northern Ireland Audit Office on administration and other support services in providing objective information, advice and assurance on the use of public funds; encouraging beneficial change in the provision of public services, the highest standards in financial management and reporting and propriety in the conduct of public business; conducting data matching exercises for the purpose of assisting in the prevention and detection of fraud; and settlement of NICS equal pay claims.3,753,000
For expenditure by the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation on administration costs, regulation of the electricity, gas, water and sewerage industries, protection of electricity, gas, water and sewage consumers, promotion and development of the natural gas industry, duties and functions as set out in various pieces of enabling legislation, administration of the Climate Change Levy Renewable Exemption Scheme, the Electricity (Guarantees of origin of electricity produced from Renewable Energy Sources) Scheme and the Renewables Obligation Scheme, development and administration of an all-island energy market, costs associated with the single electricity market committee, co-operation with international regulators, services to other departments and other miscellaneous duties and powers which may arise.


For expenditure by the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland on the prosecution of offences, legal services; employment of independent counsel; court costs and costs awarded; payments and services to other departments, trainee grants; payments under the Asset Recovery Incentivisation Scheme; staffing; administration costs and other related services.15,025,000

Section 6.


PurposeResources authorised for use (£)
A. For use by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development on development of the agriculture and agricultural products industries and alternative land uses, provision and funding of education, training and development services to the agri-food industry and rural enterprises, provision of veterinary services and veterinary public health services, measures associated with the provision of scientific services (by the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute and other scientific bodies), measures associated with the Innovation Fund, prevention and eradication of animal diseases, protection of animal welfare, legislative responsibility for dog control, protecting plant health, protecting bee health, maintaining marketing standards for horticultural products, eggs and beef carcases, measures for farm support and conservation and enhancement of the countryside, rural development (including anti-poverty and social exclusion) measures, market support, grants and interest rate subsidies for capital and other improvements, support for agriculture in special areas, assistance to production and market development, promoting production hygiene and safety, monitoring the safety of animals feeds, making hardship payments to farmers and fishermen, flood defence measures, maintenance of watercourses, implementation of the European Union Floods Directive, protection and conservation of sea fisheries and aquaculture, prevention and control of serious fish disease, implementation of the European Union Common Fisheries Policy and local fisheries policy, support for the operation of the Loughs Agency of the Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission and the Fishery Harbour Authority, protection and conservation of forests, extension of woodland area, promotion of recreational use of forest areas, exploitation of forests for wood and non-wood products, payments under the European Union Structural Funds Programmes, payments under the European Fisheries Fund, implementation of and payments in relation to the Common Agricultural Policy and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, payments of compensation to farmers for animals culled in disease control programmes, administration costs, settlement of NICS equal pay claims and associated non-cash items.122,976,000
A. For use by the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure on libraries (other than library services to schools), arts and creativity, the North/South Language Body, the Ulster Scots Academy, museums, the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, W5, events, sports, inland fisheries, certain inland waterways (including payments to the Rivers Agency), Waterways Ireland, administration and certain miscellaneous services, costs associated with Review of Public Administration, linguistic and cultural diversity, grants-in-aid to the Northern Ireland Library Authority for the public library services, National Museums and Galleries Northern Ireland, Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Sports Council of Northern Ireland, Armagh Observatory and Planetarium, settlement of NICS equal pay claims, grants-in-aid to certain bodies and provision for associated non-cash items.68,451,000
A. For use by the Department of Education on pre-school education, schools (including library and support services for schools and pupils), other related services, certain services for children, young people and families, and associated departmental administration and services, including settlement of NICS equal pay claims; grants and grants-in-aid to education and library boards for certain services (including for core and school-related administration); grants and grants-in-aid to certain other bodies; payments by the Department in respect of certain teachers' salaries; repayment of loans; payments under the European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation and other European Union Structural Funds Programmes; and provision for associated non-cash items.892,822,000
B. For use by the Department of Education on the youth service, community relations measures for young people, millennium volunteers, other related services and associated departmental administration, including settlement of NICS equal pay claims and services; grants and grants-in-aid to education and library boards for youth service and community relations provision and directly associated administration; grants and grants-in-aid to certain other bodies; payments under the European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation and other European Union Structural Funds Programmes; and provision for associated non-cash items.17,133,000
Teachers' superannuation
A. For use by the Department of Education on pensions, allowances, gratuities etc., certain payments to the Northern Ireland National Insurance Fund, certain payments on behalf of the education and library boards and the Department for Employment and Learning, in respect of premature retirement compensation; and provision for associated non-cash items.262,329,000
A. For use by the Department for Employment and Learning on higher education (including universities and colleges of education); further and adult education; youth and adult skills training; management and enterprise training; student support and other matters relating to tertiary education, including grants-in-aid to certain bodies, grants in respect of Educational Maintenance Allowances and certain payments to the Department of Education in respect of teachers' premature retirement compensation; repayment of loans; labour market services including employment law, tribunals and labour relations; employment schemes and services including those for people with disabilities; payments under the European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation and other European Union Structural Funds Programmes; administration costs, including redundancy payments, settlement of NICS equal pay claims, departmental research; and associated non-cash items.413,303,000
A. For use by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment on economic development; innovation and R&D policy; policy evaluation and research; assistance to aircraft and shipbuilding industries (including the residual costs in connection with the privatisation of aircraft and shipbuilding companies); economic infrastructure in support of economic development including energy and minerals; sustainable energy; renewable heat incentive scheme; telecommunications; grant-in-aid to Invest Northern Ireland; development of tourism including grant-in-aid to the Northern Ireland Tourist Board including hardship payments to industry, Tourism Ireland Ltd, InterTradeIreland; payments under European Union Structural Funds Programmes; business regulation; trading standards and consumer affairs services; the provision of a debt advice service; social economy; grant-in-aid to the Consumer Council, grant-in-aid to the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland; assistance to the gas and electricity industries; administration costs, settlement of NICS equal pay claims, associated non-cash costs and other related services.117,477,000
A. For use by the Department of Finance and Personnel on central Finance and Personnel Policy, NICS shared services for personnel, finance and ICT, the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, Land and Property Services, NICS Accommodation Services, other NICS services including procurement services, the Departmental Solicitors' Office and information strategy and Innovation Services, energy efficiency and rates relief grants to District Councils, grant-in-aid payments, operational and programme costs of the Special European Union Programmes Body, payments and income under the European Union Structural Funds Programmes, sponsorship of secretariats, tribunals and other independent bodies, administration of centralised funds, other common services, administration costs including the settlement of NICS equal pay claims and associated non-cash items.98,506,000
Superannuation and other allowances
A. For use by the Department of Finance and Personnel on pensions, lump sums and gratuities to or in respect of persons covered by the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme (NI), civil pensions and gratuities and associated non-cash items.238,559,000
A. For use by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety on policy development, hospital, family and community health and personal social services, training, welfare foods, grants to district councils and voluntary bodies, centrally financed services, the Food Safety Promotion Board, the Institute of Public Health in Ireland, European Union community programmes, special initiatives, administration, related services, settlement of NICS equal pay claims and associated non-cash items.1,784,227,000
B. For use by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety on fire fighting, rescue, fire safety services, administration, related services, settlement of NICS equal pay claims and associated non-cash items.41,326,000
Health and Social Care Pension Scheme
A. For use by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety on pension scheme benefits to or in respect of persons engaged in health and social care or in other approved employment and associated non-cash items.382,573,000
A. For use by the Department of the Environment on conservation; natural heritage; built heritage; environmental legislation and protection; planning services; the Review of Public Administration; grants to district councils in support of local services, emergency financial assistance, waste management and construction product enforcement regulations; payments to Local Government Staff Commission; road safety services, driver and vehicle licensing, driver and vehicle testing, transport licensing and enforcement; consultants' fees, computer hardware and software, purchase of equipment, plant and vehicles; payments under European Union Structural Funds Programmes; departmental administration costs, repayment of loans, settlement of NICS equal pay claims and associated non-cash items.71,981,000
A. For use by the Department of Justice on Justice Policy and Delivery services, forensic science services; services related to crime; civil and criminal justice including juvenile justice services; probation and after-care; state pathology; compensation schemes; payments under the Asset Recovery Incentivisation Scheme, payment of police reservist gratuities; and certain other grants; expenditure arising from the Northern Ireland Act 2009; implementation of the Independent Commission on Police findings; security; the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland; the Northern Ireland Policing Board; Access Northern Ireland; policing and community safety including police pensions; prisons including the Prison Service Trust; the Prisoner Ombudsman; the Northern Ireland Law Commission; the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Ombudsman; the Courts and Tribunals Service including the Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission; the Criminal Justice Inspectorate and associated non-cash items.693,916,000
A. For use by the Department for Regional Development on support for the Roads Service including design, construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, footpaths, street lighting and car parks; purchase of land, property, vehicles, plant, equipment and stores; public liability claims; costs associated with the decriminalisation of parking enforcement; operation and maintenance of the Strangford Ferry; support for air and sea ports including salary, wages and other costs in respect of the Donaghadee Harbour; grants in respect of the Rathlin Island ferry service and works to Ballycastle and Rathlin Harbours; support for transport services including current and capital grants in respect of rail and road passenger services including fare concessions, fuel duty rebate, transport for people with disabilities, rural transport, provision and maintenance of bus shelters, purchase of buses and rolling stock and capital works; support for regional planning, transport planning and visioning; and sustainable transport support to implement the Review of Public Administration; energy matters; consultants' and other fees; research and development; salaries and wages, general administrative expenses and central administration costs; certain early retirement and settlement of NICS equal pay claims; compensation payments; graphics unit; computer hardware and software; office machinery and equipment; related services including services to other departments; payments under European Union Structural Funds Programmes; payments under European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation; repayment of loans and associated non-cash items.234,451,000
B. For use by the Department for Regional Development on payment of income subsidies, current and capital grants and net lending to NI Water Limited, equity injections, supporting the costs associated with the maintenance of the shareholder and water policy functions; consultants' and other fees; salaries and wages, general administrative expenses and central administration costs; graphics unit; computer hardware and software, office machinery; and associated non-cash items.120,000,000
A. For use by the Department for Social Development on central administration costs including a grant to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive for administering the Housing Benefit Scheme, departmental corporate services costs, the administration costs of the Social Security Agency and Child Maintenance and Enforcement Division including the costs of administering services provided to the Department for Work and Pensions and other departments and on accommodation costs; payment of the cash value of EC officials transferable State Pension rights to the Pension Scheme of the European Communities' Institution, compensation for dust related diseases; payment of social security benefits and/or National Insurance Credits to people of working age, to pensioners and customers abroad and to people with disabilities and their carers, in accordance with the prevailing legislation and regulations, payments of job grant; on grant-in-aid to the Independent Living Fund, grants to Motability; a grant to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive for the payment of rent rebate, rent allowance, rates rebate for tenants and discretionary housing payments, cost of housing benefit rates rebates for owner occupiers; the cost of paying assistance from the Financial Assistance Scheme; sums payable into the Social Fund for expenditure on grants, loans and payments; sums payable to the Northern Ireland National Insurance Fund as compensation payments in respect of statutory sick pay and statutory maternity pay; settlement of NICS equal pay claims; and associated non-cash items.1,431,450,000
B. For use by the Department for Social Development on central administration costs relating to the Housing Programme; on housing services, including grants and subsidies; on the Supporting People Programme; on fuel poverty payments; settlement of NICS equal pay claims; and associated non-cash items.201,513,000
C. For use by the Department for Social Development on central administration costs relating to the Urban Regeneration and Community Development Programme; on urban regeneration including grants-in-aid and on other services such as property maintenance and events; community development including grants to voluntary bodies and statutory bodies; payments under the European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation; payments under the European Union Structural Funds Programmes; settlement of NICS equal pay claims; and associated non-cash items.60,277,000
A. For use by the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister on support for the government; the North/South Ministerial Council; the British-Irish Council; the Civic Forum; expenses of the Planning Appeals Commission and the Water Appeals Commission; expenses of the Attorney General for Northern Ireland; the Reinvestment and Reform Initiative including grant-in-aid to the Strategic Investment Board and Ilex; grant-in-aid to the Economic Research Institute of Northern Ireland; grant-in-aid to the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission; promotion and administration of sustainable development policy; promotion of human rights, equality of opportunity and social inclusion including older people and people with disabilities and the alleviation of disadvantage, deprivation, poverty and hardship, including in situations of severe stress, crisis, or emergency; the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland; community relations; district council programmes; victims and survivors; the Commission for Victims and Survivors; children and young people; the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People; payments under the European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation; settlement of NICS equal pay claims; administration and other services, grants and grants-in-aid and associated non-cash items.37,751,000
A. For use by the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission on remunerating and supporting Members of the Assembly in discharging their duties in their constituencies, in the Assembly and elsewhere; enhancing public awareness of and involvement in the working of the Northern Ireland Assembly; general administration including staff costs; general expenses; equipment and accommodation costs; other services; and associated non-cash items.21,416,000
A. For use by the Assembly Ombudsman for Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints on administration and other support services for the provision of an independent, effective and free system for investigating complaints from individuals who claim to have suffered injustice through maladministration by Northern Ireland government departments, their agencies, public and local bodies and the health and social care bodies; the provision of an independent investigative resource to support the work of the Committee on Standards and Privileges in dealing with complaints against Members of the Assembly; settlement of NICS equal pay claims; and associated non-cash items.760,000
A. For use by the Food Standards Agency on administration and other support services in protecting public health from risks which may arise in connection with the consumption of food, and otherwise protecting the interests of consumers in relation to food including the range of food safety enforcement activities required under European Union and Northern Ireland legislation, providing consumers with accurate and reliable information so that they can make healthy eating choices, facilitating and delivering training courses, commissioning surveys and participating in programmes to increase public awareness of food safety and consumer choice issues and on related services, grants to district councils and associated non-cash items.4,038,000
A. For use by the Northern Ireland Audit Office on administration and other support services in providing objective information, advice and assurance on the use of public funds; encouraging beneficial change in the provision of public services, the highest standards in financial management and reporting and propriety in the conduct of public business; conducting data matching exercises for the purpose of assisting in the prevention and detection of fraud; settlement of NICS equal pay claims; and associated non-cash items.3,784,000
A. For use by the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation on administration costs, regulation of the electricity, gas, water and sewerage industries, protection of electricity, gas, water and sewage consumers, promotion and development of the natural gas industry, duties and functions as set out in various pieces of enabling legislation, administration of the Climate Change Levy Renewable Exemption Scheme, the Electricity (Guarantees of origin of electricity produced from Renewable Energy Sources) Scheme, and the Renewables Obligation Scheme, development and administration of an all-island energy market, costs associated with the single electricity market committee, co-operation with international regulators, services to other departments, other miscellaneous duties and powers which may arise and associated non-cash costs.404,000
A. For use by the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland on the prosecution of offences, legal services; employment of independent counsel; court cases and costs awarded; payments and services to other departments; trainee grants; payments under the Asset Recovery Incentivisation Scheme; staffing; administration costs; other related services and associated non-cash items.15,009,000