Schedules 1 and 2 and 4 to 9 to the Wildlife Order are amended as follows.
Schedule 1 (birds which are protected by special penalties) is amended as follows.
In Part 1 at the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entry—
Common name | Scientific name |
Cuckoo | Cuculus canorus |
Curlew | Numenius arquata |
Dove, Stock | Columba oenas |
Egret, Little | Egretta garzetta |
Flycatcher, Spotted | Musciapa striata |
Gull, Mediterranean | Larus melanocephalus |
Gyrfalcon | Falco rusticolus |
Hobby | Falco subbuteo |
Kite, Red | Milvus milvus |
Lapwing | Vanellus vanellus |
Martin, Sand | Riparia riparia |
Owl, Snowy | Bubo scandiacus |
Puffin | Fratercula arctica |
Redshank | Tringa totanus |
Shearwater, Manx | Puffinus puffinus |
Sparrow, Tree | Passer montanus |
Whinchat | Saxicola rubetra |
Whitethroat, Lesser | Sylvia curruca |
Yellowhammer | Emberiza citrinella |
In Part 1 omit the following entries—
Common name | Scientific name |
Fieldfare | Turdus pilaris |
Firecrest | Regulus ignicapillus |
Phalarope, Red–necked | Phalaropus lobatus |
Tit, Bearded | Panurus biarmicus |
Schedule 2 (birds which may be taken or killed) is amended as follows.
In Part 1 at the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entry—
Common name | Scientific name |
Duck, Ruddy | Oxyura jamaicensis |
In Part 1 omit the following entry—
Common name | Scientific name |
Curlew | Numenius arquata |
Schedule 4 (birds which may be shown for competition purposes) is amended as follows.
At the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—
Common name | Scientific name |
Blackbird | Turdus merula |
Crossbill (all species) | Loxia (all species) |
Dunnock | Prunella modularis |
Hawfinch | Coccothraustes coccothraustes |
Redstart | Phoenicurus phoenicurus |
Stonechat | Saxicola torquata |
Thrush, Mistle | Turdus viscivorus |
Thrush, Song | Turdus philomelos |
Tit, Blue | Cyanistes caeruleus |
Tit, Coal | Periparus ater |
Tit, Great | Parus major |
Tit, Long tailed | Aegithalos caudatus |
Tit, Marsh | Poecile palustris |
Wagtail, Pied | Motacilla alba yarrelli |
Wagtail, Yellow | Motacilla flava |
Waxwing | Bombycilla garrulus |
Schedule 5 (animals which are protected at all times) is amended as follows.
At the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—
Common name | Scientific name |
Butterfly, Real's Wood White | Leptidea reali |
Crayfish, White-Clawed | Austropotamobius pallipes |
Damselfly, Irish | Coenagrion lunulatum |
Lobster, Spiny | Palinurus elaphus |
Mussel, Fan | Atrina fragilis |
Seahorse, Short Snouted | Hippocampus hippocampus |
Seahorse, Spiny | Hippocampus guttulatus |
Skate, Common (in respect of Article 10(1) only and with respect to coastal waters only) | Dipturus batis |
Shark, Angel (in respect of Article 10(1) only and with respect to coastal waters only) | Squatina squatina |
Shark, Basking | Cetorhinus maximus |
After the Note at the end of the Schedule insert— “
Note 2. In this Schedule “coastal waters” means the part of the territorial waters adjacent to Northern Ireland which is not more than 6 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of those waters is measured; and “nautical mile” means an international nautical mile of 1,872 metres.
Schedule 6 (animals which may not be taken or killed by certain methods) is amended as follows.
At the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—
Common name | Scientific name |
Crayfish, White-Clawed | Austropotamobius pallipes |
Lobster, Spiny | Palinurus elaphus |
Mussel, Fan | Atrina fragilis |
Seahorse, Short Snouted | Hippocampus hippocampus |
Seahorse, Spiny | Hippocampus guttulatus |
Shark, Basking | Cetorhinus maximus |
Shrew, Pygmy | Sorexminutus |
Schedule 7 (animals which may not be sold alive or dead at any time) is amended as follows.
At the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—
Common name | Scientific name |
Butterfly, Real's Wood White | Leptidea reali |
Crayfish, White-Clawed | Austropotamobius pallipes |
Damselfly, Irish | Coenagrion lunulatum |
Lobster, Spiny | Palinurus elaphus |
Mussel, Fan | Atrina fragilis |
Seahorse, Short Snouted | Hippocampus hippocampus |
Seahorse, Spiny | Hippocampus guttulatus |
Shark, Basking | Cetorhinus maximus |
Omit the following entry—
Common name | Scientific name |
Fox | Vulpes vulpes |
Schedule 8 (plants which are protected) is amended as follows.
In Part 1 at the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—
Common name | Scientific name |
Beak–sedge, Brown | Rhynchospora fusca |
Birds-foot | Ornithopus perpusillus |
Bristle-moss, Spruce's | Orthotrichum sprucei |
Burnet, Great | Sanguisorba officinalis |
Clubmoss, Alpine | Diphasiastrum alpinum |
Clubmoss, Marsh | Lycopodiella inundata |
Clubmoss, Stag's Horn | Lycopodium clavatum |
Cranesbill, Meadow | Geranium pratense |
Dodder | Cuscuta epithymum |
Feather-moss, Elegant | Eurhynchiastrum pulchellum |
Fern, Parsley | Cryptogramma crispa |
Figwort, Green | Scrophularia umbrosa |
Gentian, Autumn | Gentianella amarella |
Henbane | Hyoscyamus niger |
Hornwort, Soft | Ceratophyllum submersum |
Jelly-lichen, River | Collema dichotomum |
Juniper | Juniperus communis |
Lichen | Enterographa elaborata |
Lichen | Lobaria virens |
Meadow-rue, Alpine | Thalictrum alpinum |
Notchwort, Ragged | Leiocolea heterocolpos |
Orchid, Dense-flowered | Neotinea maculata |
Orchid, Lapland Marsh | Dactylorhiza lapponica |
Orchid, Narrow-leaved Marsh | Dactylorhiza traunsteineri |
Petalwort | Petalophyllum ralfsii |
Sea-kale | Crambe maritima |
Sedge, Stiff | Carex bigelowii |
Small-reed, Wood | Calamagrostis epigejos |
St John's Wort, Hairy | Hypericum hirsutum |
Thistle, Melancholy | Cirsium heterophyllum |
Thread-moss, Slender | Orthodontium gracile |
Vetch, Wood Bitter | Vicia orobus |
Wormwood, Sea | Seriphidium maritimum |
In Part 1, omit the following entries—
Common name | Scientific name |
Barley, Wood | Hordelymus europaeus |
Betony | Stachys officinalis |
Clubmoss, Marsh | Lycopodium inundatum |
Orchid, Bird's Nest | Neottia nidus–avis |
Orchid, Narrow-leaved Marsh | Dactylorchis traunsteineri |
Pea, Marsh | Lathyrus palustris |
Pillwort | Pilularia globulifera |
Thistle, Melancholy | Cirsium helenioides |
Waterwort, Eight–stamened | Elatine hydropiper |
In Part 2 at the appropriate place in alphabetical order insert the following entry—
Common name | Scientific name |
Bluebell | Hyacinthoides non-scripta |
Schedule 9 (animals and plants to which Article 15 applies) is amended as follows.
In Part 1 at the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—
Common name | Scientific name |
Amphipod, Freshwater | Crangonyx pseudogracilis |
Crayfish, Signal | Pacifastacus leniusculus |
Crayfish, Narrow-clawed | Astacus leptodactylus |
Crayfish, Noble | Astacus astacus |
Crayfish, Spiny-cheek | Orconectes limosus |
Crayfish, Marbled | Procambarus sp. |
Deer, Chinese water | Hydropotes inermis |
Deer, Muntjac | Muntiacus reevesi |
Deer, Roe | Capreolus capreolus |
Duck, Mandarin | Aix galericulata |
Hare, Brown | Lepus europaeus |
Hedgehog (with respect to islands in territorial waters only) | Erinaceus europaeus |
Fox (with respect to islands in territorial waters only) | Vulpes vulpes |
Limpet, Slipper | Crepidula fornicata |
Mussel, Zebra | Dreissena polymorpha |
Rat, Common Brown (with respect to islands in territorial waters only) | Rattus norvegicus |
Sea squirt | Didemnum vexillum |
Sea squirt, Club | Styela clava |
Shrimp, Freshwater | Gammarus pulex |
Shrimp, Freshwater | Gammarus tigrinus |
Shrimp, Japanese skeleton | Caprella mutica |
Stoat, Irish (with respect to islands in territorial waters only) | Mustela erminea hibernicus |
In Part 1 omit the following entries—
Common name | Scientific name |
Duck, Carolina Wood | Aix sponsa |
Goshawk | Accipiter gentilis |
Pheasant, Golden | Chrysolophus pictus |
In Part 2 at the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—
Common name | Scientific name |
Balsam, Himalayan | Impatiens glandulifera. |
Bluebell, Spanish | Hyacinthoides hispanica |
Cabbage, Skunk | Lysichiton americanum |
Eelgrass, Dwarf | Zostera japonica |
Fanwort | Cabomba caroliniana |
Fig, Hottentot | Carpobrotus edulis |
Honeysuckle, Japanese | Lonicera japonica |
Kelp, Japanese | Undaria pinnatifida |
Knotweed, Giant | Fallopia sachalinensis |
Knotweed, Himalayan | Polygonum wallichii |
Knotweed, Japanese | Fallopia japonica |
Leek, Few-flowered | Allium paradoxum |
Mile-A-Minute Weed | Polygonum perfoliatum |
Parrot's Feather | Myriophyllum aquaticum |
Pennywort, Floating | Hydrocotyle ranunculoides |
Reed, Giant | Arundo donax |
Rhubarb, Giant | Gunnera tinctoria |
Salmonberry | Rubus spectabilis |
Salvinia, Giant | Salvinia molesta |
Sea-buckthorn | Hippophae rhamnoides |
Stonecrop, Australian swamp | Crassula helmsii |
Water Chestnut | Trapa natans |
Water Fern | Azolla filiculoides |
Water Lettuce | Pistia stratiotes |
Water Primrose | Ludwigia |
Water Soldier | Stratiotes aloides |
Waterlily, Fringed | Nymphoides peltata |
Waterweeds (all species) | Elodea (all species) |
Waterweed, Curly | Lagarosiphon major |
Waterweed, Large flowered | Egeria densa |
In Part 2 omit the following entries—
Common name | Scientific name |
Knotweed | Reynoutria sachalinensis |
Knotweed, Japanese | Reynoutria japonica |
After the Note at the end of the Schedule insert— “
Note 2. In this Schedule “territorial waters” means the territorial waters adjacent to Northern Ireland.