Section 27.


Schedules 1 and 2 and 4 to 9 to the Wildlife Order are amended as follows.



Schedule 1 (birds which are protected by special penalties) is amended as follows.


In Part 1 at the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entry—

Common name

Scientific name


Cuculus canorus


Numenius arquata

Dove, Stock

Columba oenas

Egret, Little

Egretta garzetta

Flycatcher, Spotted

Musciapa striata

Gull, Mediterranean

Larus melanocephalus


Falco rusticolus


Falco subbuteo

Kite, Red

Milvus milvus


Vanellus vanellus

Martin, Sand

Riparia riparia

Owl, Snowy

Bubo scandiacus


Fratercula arctica


Tringa totanus

Shearwater, Manx

Puffinus puffinus

Sparrow, Tree

Passer montanus


Saxicola rubetra

Whitethroat, Lesser

Sylvia curruca


Emberiza citrinella


In Part 1 omit the following entries—

Common name

Scientific name


Turdus pilaris


Regulus ignicapillus

Phalarope, Red–necked

Phalaropus lobatus

Tit, Bearded

Panurus biarmicus



Schedule 2 (birds which may be taken or killed) is amended as follows.


In Part 1 at the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entry—

Common name

Scientific name

Duck, Ruddy

Oxyura jamaicensis


In Part 1 omit the following entry—

Common name

Scientific name


Numenius arquata



Schedule 4 (birds which may be shown for competition purposes) is amended as follows.


At the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—

Common name

Scientific name


Turdus merula

Crossbill (all species)

Loxia (all species)


Prunella modularis


Coccothraustes coccothraustes


Phoenicurus phoenicurus


Saxicola torquata

Thrush, Mistle

Turdus viscivorus

Thrush, Song

Turdus philomelos

Tit, Blue

Cyanistes caeruleus

Tit, Coal

Periparus ater

Tit, Great

Parus major

Tit, Long tailed

Aegithalos caudatus

Tit, Marsh

Poecile palustris

Wagtail, Pied

Motacilla alba yarrelli

Wagtail, Yellow

Motacilla flava


Bombycilla garrulus



Schedule 5 (animals which are protected at all times) is amended as follows.


At the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—

Common name

Scientific name

Butterfly, Real's Wood White

Leptidea reali

Crayfish, White-Clawed

Austropotamobius pallipes

Damselfly, Irish

Coenagrion lunulatum

Lobster, Spiny

Palinurus elaphus

Mussel, Fan

Atrina fragilis

Seahorse, Short Snouted

Hippocampus hippocampus

Seahorse, Spiny

Hippocampus guttulatus

Skate, Common (in respect of Article 10(1) only and with respect to coastal waters only)

Dipturus batis

Shark, Angel (in respect of Article 10(1) only and with respect to coastal waters only)

Squatina squatina

Shark, Basking

Cetorhinus maximus


After the Note at the end of the Schedule insert— “ Note 2. In this Schedule “coastal waters” means the part of the territorial waters adjacent to Northern Ireland which is not more than 6 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of those waters is measured; and “nautical mile” means an international nautical mile of 1,872 metres. ”.



Schedule 6 (animals which may not be taken or killed by certain methods) is amended as follows.


At the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—

Common name

Scientific name

Crayfish, White-Clawed

Austropotamobius pallipes

Lobster, Spiny

Palinurus elaphus

Mussel, Fan

Atrina fragilis

Seahorse, Short Snouted

Hippocampus hippocampus

Seahorse, Spiny

Hippocampus guttulatus

Shark, Basking

Cetorhinus maximus

Shrew, Pygmy




Schedule 7 (animals which may not be sold alive or dead at any time) is amended as follows.


At the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—

Common name

Scientific name

Butterfly, Real's Wood White

Leptidea reali

Crayfish, White-Clawed

Austropotamobius pallipes

Damselfly, Irish

Coenagrion lunulatum

Lobster, Spiny

Palinurus elaphus

Mussel, Fan

Atrina fragilis

Seahorse, Short Snouted

Hippocampus hippocampus

Seahorse, Spiny

Hippocampus guttulatus

Shark, Basking

Cetorhinus maximus


Omit the following entry—

Common name

Scientific name


Vulpes vulpes



Schedule 8 (plants which are protected) is amended as follows.


In Part 1 at the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—

Common name

Scientific name

Beak–sedge, Brown

Rhynchospora fusca


Ornithopus perpusillus

Bristle-moss, Spruce's

Orthotrichum sprucei

Burnet, Great

Sanguisorba officinalis

Clubmoss, Alpine

Diphasiastrum alpinum

Clubmoss, Marsh

Lycopodiella inundata

Clubmoss, Stag's Horn

Lycopodium clavatum

Cranesbill, Meadow

Geranium pratense


Cuscuta epithymum

Feather-moss, Elegant

Eurhynchiastrum pulchellum

Fern, Parsley

Cryptogramma crispa

Figwort, Green

Scrophularia umbrosa

Gentian, Autumn

Gentianella amarella


Hyoscyamus niger

Hornwort, Soft

Ceratophyllum submersum

Jelly-lichen, River

Collema dichotomum


Juniperus communis


Enterographa elaborata


Lobaria virens

Meadow-rue, Alpine

Thalictrum alpinum

Notchwort, Ragged

Leiocolea heterocolpos

Orchid, Dense-flowered

Neotinea maculata

Orchid, Lapland Marsh

Dactylorhiza lapponica

Orchid, Narrow-leaved Marsh

Dactylorhiza traunsteineri


Petalophyllum ralfsii


Crambe maritima

Sedge, Stiff

Carex bigelowii

Small-reed, Wood

Calamagrostis epigejos

St John's Wort, Hairy

Hypericum hirsutum

Thistle, Melancholy

Cirsium heterophyllum

Thread-moss, Slender

Orthodontium gracile

Vetch, Wood Bitter

Vicia orobus

Wormwood, Sea

Seriphidium maritimum


In Part 1, omit the following entries—

Common name

Scientific name

Barley, Wood

Hordelymus europaeus


Stachys officinalis

Clubmoss, Marsh

Lycopodium inundatum

Orchid, Bird's Nest

Neottia nidus–avis

Orchid, Narrow-leaved Marsh

Dactylorchis traunsteineri

Pea, Marsh

Lathyrus palustris


Pilularia globulifera

Thistle, Melancholy

Cirsium helenioides

Waterwort, Eight–stamened

Elatine hydropiper


In Part 2 at the appropriate place in alphabetical order insert the following entry—

Common name

Scientific name


Hyacinthoides non-scripta



Schedule 9 (animals and plants to which Article 15 applies) is amended as follows.


In Part 1 at the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—

Common name

Scientific name

Amphipod, Freshwater

Crangonyx pseudogracilis

Crayfish, Signal

Pacifastacus leniusculus

Crayfish, Narrow-clawed

Astacus leptodactylus

Crayfish, Noble

Astacus astacus

Crayfish, Spiny-cheek

Orconectes limosus

Crayfish, Marbled

Procambarus sp.

Deer, Chinese water

Hydropotes inermis

Deer, Muntjac

Muntiacus reevesi

Deer, Roe

Capreolus capreolus

Duck, Mandarin

Aix galericulata

Hare, Brown

Lepus europaeus

Hedgehog (with respect to islands in territorial waters only)

Erinaceus europaeus

Fox (with respect to islands in territorial waters only)

Vulpes vulpes

Limpet, Slipper

Crepidula fornicata

Mussel, Zebra

Dreissena polymorpha

Rat, Common Brown (with respect to islands in territorial waters only)

Rattus norvegicus

Sea squirt

Didemnum vexillum

Sea squirt, Club

Styela clava

Shrimp, Freshwater

Gammarus pulex

Shrimp, Freshwater

Gammarus tigrinus

Shrimp, Japanese skeleton

Caprella mutica

Stoat, Irish (with respect to islands in territorial waters only)

Mustela erminea hibernicus


In Part 1 omit the following entries—

Common name

Scientific name

Duck, Carolina Wood

Aix sponsa


Accipiter gentilis

Pheasant, Golden

Chrysolophus pictus


In Part 2 at the appropriate places in alphabetical order insert the following entries—

Common name

Scientific name

Balsam, Himalayan

Impatiens glandulifera.

Bluebell, Spanish

Hyacinthoides hispanica

Cabbage, Skunk

Lysichiton americanum

Eelgrass, Dwarf

Zostera japonica


Cabomba caroliniana

Fig, Hottentot

Carpobrotus edulis

Honeysuckle, Japanese

Lonicera japonica

Kelp, Japanese

Undaria pinnatifida

Knotweed, Giant

Fallopia sachalinensis

Knotweed, Himalayan

Polygonum wallichii

Knotweed, Japanese

Fallopia japonica

Leek, Few-flowered

Allium paradoxum

Mile-A-Minute Weed

Polygonum perfoliatum

Parrot's Feather

Myriophyllum aquaticum

Pennywort, Floating

Hydrocotyle ranunculoides

Reed, Giant

Arundo donax

Rhubarb, Giant

Gunnera tinctoria


Rubus spectabilis

Salvinia, Giant

Salvinia molesta


Hippophae rhamnoides

Stonecrop, Australian swamp

Crassula helmsii

Water Chestnut

Trapa natans

Water Fern

Azolla filiculoides

Water Lettuce

Pistia stratiotes

Water Primrose


Water Soldier

Stratiotes aloides

Waterlily, Fringed

Nymphoides peltata

Waterweeds (all species)

Elodea (all species)

Waterweed, Curly

Lagarosiphon major

Waterweed, Large flowered

Egeria densa


In Part 2 omit the following entries—

Common name

Scientific name


Reynoutria sachalinensis

Knotweed, Japanese

Reynoutria japonica


After the Note at the end of the Schedule insert— “ Note 2. In this Schedule “territorial waters” means the territorial waters adjacent to Northern Ireland. ”.