Explanatory Memorandum

Licensing and Registration of Clubs (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 2011

2011 CHAPTER 18

29 March 2011

Background and Policy Objectives

3.Northern Ireland law on liquor licensing and registered clubs has remained largely unchanged since 1997 despite major changes in expectations, in our environment and in social and economic circumstances during that time. The law needed to be examined to see if and how it should be reformed and updated to reflect developments in that period, good and bad. Unwelcome developments included the rising level of alcohol abuse in our society and related ill-health, disorder, crime, domestic violence and other problems. Policy reviews that were completed considered the key elements of Northern Ireland’s liquor licensing and clubs’ law with particular reference to implications for health and public order. They led to proposals aimed at striking a balance between facilitating the sale of alcohol, public safety and the public interest.