Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 2011

Chair and vice-chair

10.—(1) For each PCSP there shall be—

(a)a chair appointed by the council from among the political members; and

(b)a vice-chair elected by the independent members from among such members.

(2) In appointing to the office of chair, the council shall ensure that, so far as practicable—

(a)a person is appointed to that office for a term of 12 months at a time or, where that period is shorter than 18 months, for a period ending with the reconstitution date next following that person’s appointment;

(b)that office is held in turn by each of the four largest parties represented on the council immediately after the last local general election.

(3) A person may at any time resign as chair or vice-chair by notice in writing to the PCSP.

(4) If the person holding office as chair or vice-chair ceases to be a member of the PCSP, that person shall also cease to hold that office.