Inquiry proceedingsN.I.

Public access to inquiry proceedings and informationN.I.

7—(1) Subject to subsection (3) and any restrictions imposed by an order under section 8, the chairperson must take such steps as the chairperson considers reasonable to secure that members of the public (including reporters) are able—

(a)to attend the inquiry or to see and hear a simultaneous transmission of proceedings at the inquiry;

(b)to obtain or to view a record of evidence and documents given, produced or provided to the inquiry or inquiry panel.

(2) No recording or broadcast of proceedings at the inquiry may be made except—

(a)at the request of the chairperson; or

(b)with the permission of the chairperson and in accordance with any terms on which permission is given.

(3) The proceedings of that part of the inquiry described in its terms of reference as the Acknowledgment Forum are to be held in private and references to the inquiry in subsection (1) do not include that part of the inquiry.