Section 185 - The criteria for continuation
This section sets out the criteria that must be met in order to extend a public protection order by 6 months in the case of a first extension or one year in the case of a further extension. The criteria are that: the person subject to the order has an impairment of, or disturbance in the functioning of, the mind or brain; appropriate care or treatment is available for him/her in the establishment concerned; failure to detain him/her in circumstances amounting to a deprivation of liberty in an appropriate establishment in which such care or treatment is available for him or her would create a risk, linked to the impairment or disturbance, of serious physical or psychological harm to other persons; and that detaining him or her in the establishment concerned, in circumstances amounting to a deprivation of liberty, would be a proportionate response to the likelihood of the harm concerned and the seriousness of that harm.