Period Products (Free Provision) Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 Explanatory Notes

Background and Policy Objectives

3.England, Scotland and Wales each have varying schemes in place to provide sanitary products free of charge in schools and some other public buildings. Northern Ireland has been the only place in the United Kingdom where such products are not provided free of charge in schools (although pilots are now commencing in schools and Higher Education Institutions). The Member considers that there is an undeniable need to provide sustained free access to period products in education settings and other public buildings.

4.The Period Products (Free Provision) Act has three broad policy objectives:


To place a duty on the Executive Office to ensure that period products are available free of charge on a universal basis in appropriate locations.


To require the Executive Office to specify by way of regulations public service bodies who have a duty to ensure period products are widely obtainable free of charge in their premises.


To place a number of duties on departments and other specified public service bodies in respect of their obligations under this Act and to place a duty on Departments to issue guidance on the exercise of the functions conferred on specified public service bodies.

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