1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 Emissions Targets And Sectoral Plans

    1. The emissions targets

      1. 1.The emissions targets for 2050

      2. 2.Emissions targets for 2030 and 2040

      3. 3.The emissions target for 2040

      4. 4.The emissions target for 2030

    2. Power to amend targets

      1. 5.Power to amend emissions targets

      2. 6.Duty to consider whether to revise targets

    3. Meaning of key concepts

      1. 7.Meaning of “baseline”

      2. 8.Meaning of “net Northern Ireland emissions account”

    4. Meaning of underlying concepts

      1. 9.Meaning of “net Northern Ireland emissions”

      2. 10.Meaning of “Northern Ireland emissions”: international aviation and shipping

      3. 11.Crediting and debiting of carbon units

      4. 12.Carbon units: accounting scheme

    5. Sectoral plans

      1. 13.Sectoral plans

      2. 14.Sectoral plans for energy

      3. 15.Renewable electricity consumption

      4. 16.Sectoral plans for infrastructure

      5. 17.Sectoral plans for industrial processes

      6. 18.Sectoral plans for waste management

      7. 19.Sectoral plans for agriculture

      8. 20.Sectoral plans for fisheries

      9. 21.Sectoral plans for transport

      10. 22.Active travel

  3. PART 2 Carbon Budgets

    1. 23.Carbon budgets

    2. 24.Emissions not to exceed carbon budget

    3. 25.Setting of carbon budgets: principles

    4. 26.Setting of carbon budgets: social, environmental and economic factors

    5. 27.Setting of carbon budgets: timing

    6. 28.Carrying amounts from one budgetary period to another

  4. PART 3 Reports and Statements against Targets and Budgets etc

    1. Carbon budgets

      1. 29.Proposals and policies for meeting carbon budget

      2. 30.Requirements for proposals and policies under section 29

      3. 31.Just Transition Fund for Agriculture

      4. 32.Proposals and policies: targets

      5. 33.Proposals and policies: further provision

      6. 34.Proposals and policies: nature based solutions

      7. 35.Proposals and policies: workforce, employers and communities

      8. 36.Proposals and policies: carbon leakage

      9. 37.Just Transition Commission

      10. 38.Interim progress reporting for budgetary period

      11. 39.Final statement for budgetary period

      12. 40.Proposals and policies where carbon budget not met

    2. Emissions targets

      1. 41.Statements on compliance with emissions targets

    3. Other reports

      1. 42.Climate change reporting by public bodies

  5. PART 4 Reports by Committee on Climate Change

    1. 43.Progress report during first budgetary period

    2. 44.Progress reports after statement about each budgetary period

    3. 45.Progress report after statement about emissions target for 2030

    4. 46.Progress report after statement about emissions target for 2040

    5. 47.Response to progress reports

    6. 48.Adaptation programme reports

    7. 49.Response to adaptation programme reports


    1. 50.Northern Ireland Climate Commissioner

    2. 51.Climate action plan

  7. PART 6 Supplementary

    1. Duties in relation to emissions

      1. 52.Duties to ensure that targets etc are met

    2. Regulation-making powers: general

      1. 53.Regulations: general

    3. Regulation-making powers: restrictions and considerations

      1. 54.Regulations that amend or add an emissions target or amend a carbon budget

      2. 55.Regulations that specify a different baseline year or change a budgetary period

    4. Regulation-making powers: advice

      1. 56.Requirement to obtain advice about proposals to make regulations

      2. 57.Advice about proposed regulations relating to targets

      3. 58.Advice about proposed regulations relating to budgets

    5. Definitions

      1. 59.Meaning of “carbon unit”

      2. 60.Meaning of “greenhouse gas”

      3. 61.Meaning and measurement of emissions

      4. 62.Meaning of “sector”

      5. 63.Other definitions

    6. General

      1. 64.Commencement

      2. 65.Short title