PART 4Reports by Committee on Climate Change

43Progress report during first budgetary period


Before the end of 2027, the Committee on Climate Change must send a report to the Department setting out the Committee’s views on—


the progress that has been made towards meeting—


the emissions targets that have been set by section 1, 3 and 4, and


the carbon budgets that have been set under section 23,


whether those targets and budgets are likely to be met, and


any further measures that are needed to meet those targets and budgets.


The Department must lay a copy of the report before the Assembly as soon as reasonably practicable after receiving it.

44Progress reports after statement about each budgetary period


No later than six months after the Department lays the final statement for a budgetary period before the Assembly under section 39, the Committee on Climate Change must send a report to the Department setting out the Committee’s views on—


the way in which the carbon budget for the period was, or was not, met,


the action taken by the Northern Ireland departments to reduce net Northern Ireland emissions of greenhouse gases during the period,


the progress that has been made towards meeting—


the emissions targets that have been set by section 1, 3 and 4, and


the carbon budgets that have been set under section 23,


whether those targets and budgets are likely to be met, and


any further measures that are needed to meet those targets and budgets.


Subsection (1)(c) to (e) do not require the Committee to set out its views on the matters mentioned in those paragraphs to the extent that they concern targets and budgets relating to periods of time that end before the report is sent.


The Department must lay a copy of the report before the Assembly as soon as reasonably practicable after receiving it.

45Progress report after statement about emissions target for 2030


No later than six months after the Department lays the statement under section 41 for 2030 before the Assembly, the Committee on Climate Change must send a report to the Department setting out the Committee’s views on—


whether the emissions targets for 2040 and 2050 are the highest achievable targets,


if any of them is not the highest achievable target—


what is the highest achievable target, and


what further measures are needed to meet the highest achievable target.


The Department must lay a copy of the report before the Assembly as soon as reasonably practicable after receiving it.

46Progress report after statement about emissions target for 2040


No later than six months after the Department lays the statement under section 41 for 2040 before the Assembly, the Committee on Climate Change must send a report to the Department setting out the Committee’s views on—


whether the emissions targets for 2050 are the highest achievable targets,


if either of them is not the highest achievable target—


what is the highest achievable target, and


what further measures are needed to meet the highest achievable target.


The Department must lay a copy of the report before the Assembly as soon as reasonably practicable after receiving it.

47Response to progress reports


The Department must prepare a response to the points raised by each report of the Committee on Climate Change under sections 43 to 46.


Each Northern Ireland department must provide such assistance as the Department requires in the preparation of the response.


The Department must lay the response before the Assembly within six months of receiving the report from the Committee.

48Adaptation programme reports


This section applies where a programme is laid before the Assembly under section 60 of the Climate Change Act 2008 (programme for adaptation to climate change for Northern Ireland).


No later than 3 years after the programme is laid, the Committee on Climate Change must send a report to the Department setting out—


the Committee’s assessment of the progress made towards implementing the objectives, proposals and policies set out in the programme, and


the Committee’s recommendations for the next programme to be laid under section 60 of that Act.


The Department must lay a copy of the report before the Assembly as soon as reasonably practicable after receiving it.

49Response to adaptation programme reports


The Department must prepare a response to the points raised by each report of the Committee on Climate Change under section 48.


Each Northern Ireland department must provide such assistance as the Department requires in the preparation of the response.


The Department must lay the response before the Assembly within six months of receiving the report from the Committee.