PART 3Reports and Statements against Targets and Budgets etc

Carbon budgets

Requirements for proposals and policies under section 29

30.—(1) In deciding its proposals and policies for the purposes of section 29, each Northern Ireland department must—

(a)have regard to the desirability of co-ordinating those proposals and policies with corresponding proposals and policies in other parts of the United Kingdom, in the Republic of Ireland (recognising that the island of Ireland is a single biogeographic unit) or elsewhere;

(b)consult such persons as it considers appropriate (including, where appropriate, any public body responsible in any other jurisdiction for providing advice or making recommendations in connection with adaptation to, or the mitigation of the effects of, climate change);

(c)commission a financial, social, economic and rural impact assessment on the effects of the proposals and policies; and

(d)give due regard to the special economic and social role of agriculture, including the distinct characteristics of biogenic methane.

(2) In deciding its proposals and policies for the purposes of section 29, each Northern Ireland department must also have regard to—

(a)the just transition principle (see subsection (3)), and

(b)the desirability of using and supporting nature-based projects (see subsection (5)), whether alone or together with other types of action.

(3) The just transition principle is the importance, in taking action to reduce Northern Ireland emissions and increase Northern Ireland removals, of doing so in a manner which, so far as possible, achieves the objectives of—

(a)supporting jobs and the growth of jobs that are climate resilient and environmentally and socially sustainable,

(b)in particular, supporting the agriculture sector and other sectors of the economy in Northern Ireland that are likely to be most affected by action to reduce those emissions and increase those removals,

(c)supporting low-carbon investment and infrastructure,

(d)developing and maintaining consensus through engagement with (among others) workers, trade unions, communities, non-governmental organisations and representatives of the interests of business and industry,

(e)creating decent, fair and high-value work in a way which does not negatively affect the current workforce,

(f)contributing to a resource-efficient and sustainable economy,

(g)supporting persons who are most affected by climate change, particularly those who may have done the least to cause it or may be the least equipped to adapt to its effects,

(h)reducing, with a view to eliminating, poverty, inequality and social deprivation,

(i)eliminating gender inequality and advancing equality of opportunity between men and women,

(j)supporting the social and economic needs of people in rural areas, and

(k)taking into account the future generations principle.

(4) In this section—

(a)“climate resilient” when used in relation to jobs and job growth, refers to the ability of social, economic and environmental systems to adapt to the effects of climate change;

(b)“environmentally and socially sustainable”, when used in relation to jobs and job growth, refers to the creation and promotion of jobs in a way which conserves and improves natural resources in accordance with the future generations principle;

(c)the “future generations principle” means acting in a manner which seeks to ensure that the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

(5) “Nature-based projects” are projects to protect, restore or sustainably manage ecosystems in order to—

(a)promote both human well-being and biodiversity, or

(b)provide other environmental, social and economic benefits.

(6) Each climate action plan must explain how the proposals and policies set out in the plan take account of the just transition principle.

(7) Each climate action plan must explain how the Department intends to mitigate any negative effects uncovered in the relevant financial, social, economic and rural impact assessment.

(8) The duty under subsection (2) is in addition to, and does not limit, the duty under section 25 of the Northern Ireland (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2006 (sustainable development).

(9) The Department may by regulations amend subsection (3).