Health and Personal Social Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1972


1.  The Agency shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession to which section 19 of the Interpretation Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 [1954 c.33] shall apply.

2.  The Agency shall, notwithstanding that it is exercising functions on behalf of the Ministry or any other body associated with health or personal social services, be entitled to enforce any rights acquired and shall be liable in respect of any liabilities incurred (including liabilities in tort) in the exercise of those functions in all respects as if it were acting as a principal, and all proceedings for the enforcement of such rights or liabilities shall be brought by or against the Agency in its own name.

3.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), the Agency shall consist of a chairman, vice-chairman and such number of other members as the Minister thinks fit.

(2) The chairman and vice-chairman of the Agency shall be appointed by the Minister and other members shall be so appointed after consultation with the Health and Social Services Boards and any other interests which appear to the Minister to be concerned.

4.  The Ministry may, by regulations, make provision for—

(a)the appointment, tenure, and vacation of office, of the chairman, vice-chairman and other members of the Agency;

(b)enabling alternate members to attend in place of any member of the Agency who may be absent;

or if no such regulations are in force, may determine any of those matters.

5.  The proceedings of the Agency or of any committee thereof shall not be invalidated by any vacancy in the membership of the Agency or committee or by any defect in the appointment of any of its members.