Local Government (Postponement of Elections and Reorganisation) (Northern Ireland) Order 19721Title and commencement2InterpretationArt. 3(a) amends ss. 11, 65 of 1962 c. 14...Art. 4(1) spent; para. (2)(a) (b) (c), with Schedules 1,...Art. 5(1) rep. in pt. by 1977 NI 28, residue...SCHEDULESSchedule 1—AmendmentsSchedule 2 rep. in pt. by 1977 NI 28; 1978 NI 11, residue spentSchedule 3 rep. by 1975 NI 21; 1977 NI 28Statutory Instruments1972 No. 1998 (N.I. 21)Local Government (Postponement of Elections and Reorganisation) (Northern Ireland) Order 1972[20th December 1972]