Animals (Northern Ireland) Order 19761Title and commencement2Interpretation3New provisions as to strict liability for damage done by animals4Liability for damage done by dangerous animals5Liability for damage and expenses due to straying livestock6Exceptions from liability under Articles 4 and 57Duty to take care to prevent damage from animals straying onto the public road8Liability for injury by dogs to livestock9Detention and sale of straying livestock10Animals wandering onto the public road11Penalty for rescuing livestock detained or animals impounded under Article 9 or 1012Application of certain enactments to liability under Articles 4, 5 and 813Application to CrownArt. 14, with Schedule, effects repeals SCHEDULESSchedule — RepealsStatutory Instruments1976 No. 1040 (N.I. 13)Animals (Northern Ireland) Order 1976[2nd July 1976]