Pharmacy (Northern Ireland) Order 1976

The CouncilN.I.

4.—(1) There shall continue to be a Council of the Society ( “the Council”) with a President and a Vice-President.

[F1(2) The provisions of Schedule 2 shall have effect with respect to the Council.]

(3) The Council may on behalf, and for the benefit, of the Society—

(a)direct and manage the business and affairs of the Society, and exercise all such powers of the Society as are not by this Order required to be exercised by the Society in general meeting, in accordance with and subject to approved bye-laws made by the Council;

(b)control and manage the property and funds of the Society and invest and apply the same in such manner as the Council may determine, subject to such general or special directions (if any) as may be contained in approved bye-laws made by the Council with respect to the control and management of such property and funds;

(c)regulate the functions of the secretary, treasurer, clerks and other subordinate officers and their terms and conditions of service;

(d)employ and pay such auditors, accountants and other advisers as the Council may think fit.