Rights of owners of policies

Proposals for policies26


Every proposal for an industrial assurance policy shall, except where—


the policy is taken out on the life and on behalf of a child under the age of 16 years; or


the policy assures a payment of money on the death of a parent or grandparent and is effected in exercise of the power conferred by Article 16; or


the person whose life is to be assured under the policy is a person in whom the proposer has an insurable interest;

contain a declaration by the person whose life is to be assured that the policy is to be taken out by him, and that the premiums thereon are to be paid by him.


Where the person whose life is to be assured under the policy is a person in whom the proposer has an insurable interest, the proposal shall contain a statement of the nature of that interest.


A collecting society or industrial assurance company shall not, nor shall any collector or agent of such a society or company, issue a proposal form or accept a proposal which does not comply with the foregoing provisions of this Article.