1. Introductory Text

  2. Introductory Title and commencement (1) This Order may be cited as the Clean Air...

    1. Introductory

      1. 1.Title and commencement

      2. 2.Interpretation

    2. Dark smoke

      1. 3.Prohibition of dark smoke from chimneys

      2. 4.Prohibition of dark smoke from industrial or trade premises

    3. Smoke from furnaces

      1. 5.Certain furnaces to be so far as practicable smokeless

      2. Art. 6 rep. by 1985 NI 15

    4. Grit and dust from furnaces

      1. 7.Grit and dust from furnaces

      2. 8.New furnaces to be fitted with plant to arrest grit and dust

      3. 9.New furnaces to be fitted with arrestment plant

      4. 10.Exemptions from Article 9

      5. 11.Measurement of grit and dust from furnaces

      6. 12.Information about furnaces and fuel consumed

      7. 13.Grit and dust from outdoor furnaces, etc.

    5. Height of chimneys

      1. 14.Height of chimneys

      2. 15.Height of chimneys serving a furnace

      3. 16.Application to fumes of certain provisions as to grit and dust

    6. Smoke control areas

      1. 17.Smoke control areas

      2. 18.Adaptation of fireplaces in private dwellings

      3. 19.Contributions by Department to district councils

      4. 20.Interpretation of Articles 18 and 19

      5. 21.Variation of provisions in Articles 18, 19 and 20

      6. 22.Power of district council to make grants towards adaptations in certain premises

    7. Smoke nuisances

      1. 23.Abatement of smoke nuisances

      2. 24.New building over-reaching adjacent chimneys

      3. 24A.Relation to Industrial Pollution Control (Northern Ireland) Order 1997

    8. Special cases

      1. 24B.Relation to Environment (Northern Ireland) Order 2002

      2. 25.Relation to, and amendment of, Alkali Act

      3. 26.Railway engines

      4. 27.Vessels

      5. 28.Exemption for purposes of investigations and research

      6. 29.Crown premises, etc.

    9. Miscellaneous

      1. 30.Heating and cooking arrangements in buildings

      2. 31.Powers of district councils as to research and publicity

      3. 32.Power of county court to authorise works and order payments

      4. 33.Recovery of expenses

      5. 34.Suspected offences in relation to motor vehicles

      6. 35.Extension of Order to certain emissions

    10. Administration and enforcement

      1. 36.Unjustified disclosures of information

      2. 37.Duty to notify occupiers of offences

      3. 38.Penalties

      4. 39.Enforcement

      5. 40.Application of Public Health Acts (Northern Ireland) 1878 to 1962

      6. 41.Powers of district councils to act jointly

      7. 42.Premises in two or more districts

    11. General

      1. 43.Notices and regulations

      2. 44.Transitional provision, saving, amendments and repeals


    1. SCHEDULE 1


      1. 1.In this Schedule “application” means an application— (a) for the approval by a district council—...

      2. 2.Where an application is made to a district council, the council may— (a) grant the...

      3. 3.A district council shall give notice in writing to the person who made the application...

      4. 4.If within— (a) two months after an application has been made to a district council;...

      5. 5.If an application for approval is granted (whether unconditionally or subject to conditions) by a...

      6. 6.A person— (a) by or on whose behalf an application was made to a district...

      7. 7.Before determining any appeal under paragraph 6 the Department may, or if the person who...

      8. 8.A decision of the Department on any appeal under paragraph 6 shall be final and...

    2. SCHEDULE 2


      1. 1.In this Schedule “order” means an order made by a district council under Article 17.

      2. 2.After making an order, the district council shall cause to be published in the Belfast...

      3. 3.Besides publishing the notice referred to in paragraph 2, the district council who have made...

      4. 4.If no objection is duly made to the Department within the period mentioned in paragraph...

      5. 5.If any objection duly made to the Department is not withdrawn, the Department— (a) may,...

      6. 6.On receipt of notice that the Department has confirmed an order, the district council shall...

      7. 7.An order when confirmed shall, subject to paragraph 8, come into operation on such date...

      8. 8.If, before the date on which an order is to come into force, the district...

    3. SCHEDULE 3


      1. 1.Any regulations in force immediately before 1st October 1973 which were made under section 23(1)...

      2. 2.The repeal by Article 44(3) and Schedule 6 of the Clean Air Act (Northern Ireland)...

    4. Schedule 4, Part I restates amendments made by 1964 c.16( NI Schedule 4, Part II—Amendments.

      1. Schedule 4, Part I restates amendments made by 1964 c.16( NI

      2. Schedule 4, Part II—Amendments.

    5. Schedule 5—Repeals