Ejectment proceedings
Recognizance upon appeal against order for possession of premises70.
Where an appeal is made under Part XII by the tenant or occupier against an order made in ejectment proceedings, he shall upon entering the recognizance referred to in Article 149 further undertake according to the condition in the recognizance not to do, or suffer others to do, any waste, injury or dilapidation to the premises pending the appeal and to satisfy all rent, mesne profits or any sum accruing due to the landlord or owner under Article 69 (1) while the tenant or occupier continues in possession.
Where the tenant or occupier fails to observe such undertaking or any other condition of the recognizance, the court of summary jurisdiction which made the order against which the appeal was to be made, may, without prejudice to Article 151, in ordering the estreat of the recognizance order that the landlord or owner may receive out of the sum due under the recognizance, an amount sufficient to cover any loss which the landlord or owner appears to the court to have sustained by the failure of the tenant or occupier to observe any condition of the recognizance.