Weights and Measures (Northern Ireland) Order 1981

Offences in connection with public equipmentN.I.

18.—(1) Paragraph (2) shall apply where any article, vehicle (whether loaded or unloaded) or animal has been brought for weighing or measuring, being a weighing or measuring for which a charge is made, by means of weighing or measuring equipment which is available for use by the public and is provided for the purpose of weighing or measuring articles, vehicles or animals of the description in question.

(2) If any person appointed to attend to weighing or measuring by means of the equipment in question—

(a)without reasonable cause fails to carry out the weighing or measuring on demand; or

(b)carries out the weighing or measuring unfairly; or

(c)fails to deliver to the person demanding the weighing or measuring or to his agent a statement in writing of the weight or other measurement found; or

(d)fails to make a record of the weighing or measuring, including the time and date thereof and, in the case of the weighing of a vehicle, such particulars of the vehicle and of any load thereon as will identify that vehicle and that load,

he shall be guilty of an offence.

(3) If in connection with the equipment in question—

(a)any person appointed to attend to weighing or measuring by means of the equipment delivers a false statement of any weight or other measurement found or makes a false record of any weighing or measuring; or

(b)any person commits any fraud in connection with any, or any purported, weighing or measuring by means of that equipment,

he shall be guilty of an offence.

(4) If in the case of a weighing or measuring of any article, vehicle or animal carried out by means of the equipment in question the person bringing the article, vehicle or animal for weighing or measuring on being required by the person attending to the weighing or measuring to give his name and address, fails to do so, he shall be guilty of an offence.

(5) The person making any weighing or measuring equipment available for use by the public shall retain for a period of not less than two years any record of any weighing or measuring by means of that equipment made by any person appointed to attend to any such weighing or measuring, and any inspector, subject to the production if so requested of his credentials, may require the first-mentioned person to produce any such record for inspection at any time while it is retained by him; and if the first-mentioned person fails so to retain or produce any such record, or if any person wilfully destroys or defaces any such record before the expiration of two years from the date when it was made, the person in question shall be guilty of an offence.