Imposition of penalties, etc.

Losses sustained by boards to be recoverable in the same way as penalties12 F1


Where a contravention of a provision of a scheme (being a contravention for which the disciplinary committee has the duty to impose, and the board the duty to recover, a penalty) causes loss to the board, the disciplinary committee may, if the written statement of the charge served on the producer in accordance with the provisions of Article 11(4) embodies an estimate by the board of the amount of the loss, together with a statement of the grounds on which that estimate is based, require by its decision that the producer shall pay to the board, in addition to any penalty imposed, each sum, to be stated in the decision, as the committee may think fit, not exceeding either—


the sum which appears to the committee justly to represent the amount of the loss; or


the amount stated in the said estimate.


Where the written statement of the charge served on a producer in accordance with the provisions Article 11(4) embodies such an estimate of the loss caused to the board as is referred to in paragraph (1), no loss caused to the board by the contravention to which the charge relates shall be recoverable from the producer otherwise than in the manner for which provision is made by paragraph (1), and, whether or not the written statement of the charge embodies such an estimate as aforesaid, the penalty itself shall not be fixed with a view to recovering the whole or any part of any loss caused to the board by the contravention.


Where such a contravention as aforesaid is concerned with the giving of information or returns to the board and as a result of the contravention the board fails to assess on or demand from the producer a contribution or other payment, or the full amount of a contribution or other payment, which it is entitled to receive from him, the contribution or payment, or the amount not assessed or demanded, as the case may be, shall, if the board so elects by including an estimate of the amount thereof in the written statement of the charge served on the producer in accordance with the provisions of Article 11(4), be treated for the purposes of this Article as lost to the board by reason of the contravention.