The Dogs (Northern Ireland) Order 1983PART IINTRODUCTORY1Title and commencement2InterpretationPART IILICENCES AND REGISTRATIONLicences3Prohibition on keeping dog without a licence4Persons to whom dog licences may be issued5Exemptions6Issue of dog licences7Fees for dog licences8Block licenceGuard dog kennels9Prohibition on guard dog kennels10Registration in respect of guard dog kennels11Appeal against refusal of, or cancellation of, registration in respect of guard dog kennels...12Prohibition on breeding establishments13Registration in respect of breeding establishmentsSupplementary provisions14Display of registration certificate15Registers of licences, guard dog kennels ...16Evidence of registersPART IIICONTROL OF DOGS17Penalty for keeping dog without a licence18Penalty for applying for or obtaining a licence or registration while disqualified19Penalty for obtaining dog before a licence is issued20Restriction on giving or selling dogs21Production of licencesStray dogs22Penalty for a dog straying23Seizure of stray dog24Finding of unaccompanied dog25Control of dogs on certain roads and on land25ADogs bred for fighting25BOther specially dangerous dogs25CSeizure of dangerous dogs and powers of entryGuard dogs26Notice of guard dogs27Control of guard dogsAttacks by dogs28Attacks on livestock and certain other animals29Attacks on persons30Defences to legal proceedings for shooting dogsControl conditions on dog licences30AGrounds for imposition of control conditions30BControl conditions30CAppeal against imposition of control conditions30DReview of control conditions30ETransfer of dogs subject to control conditions30FContravention of control conditionMiscellaneous31Regulation with respect to dogsArt. 32 rep. by SR 2003/495 PART IVDESTRUCTION OF DOGS, SUSPENSION OF LICENCES AND OTHER PROVISIONSDestruction of dogs33Power of court to order destruction of dogsDisqualification for keeping a dog33ADisqualification ordersSuspension of licences34Suspension of licencesPunishment without prosecution of certain offences35Offences to which Articles 36 to 39 apply36Procedure37Payment of fixed penalty37AUse of fixed penalty receipts38Amount of fixed penalty39References in proceedings to notices and fixed penalties under Articles 36 to 38PART VENFORCEMENT40Enforcement by district councils41Powers of officers42Entry onto land for certain purposes43Inspection of certain kennels and breeding establishments44Penalty for assaulting officers, etc.45Obstruction of officers, etc.PART VIMISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS46Power to extend provisions relating to breeding establishments to other establishments47Records48Power to collect, and dispose of, unwanted dogs49Grants to district councils50Fees for certain services51Expenses of veterinary examination recoverable from dog owner52Information to Department53Civil liability54Orders55Transitional provisions56Amendments and repealsSCHEDULESSchedule 1 — AmendmentsSchedule 2 — RepealsStatutory Instruments1983 No.764 (N.I. 8)The Dogs (Northern Ireland) Order 198318th May 1983