The Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order 1985


Common nameScientific name
Avens, MountainDryas octopetala
F1. . . F1. . .
[F2Beak-sedge, Brown] [F2Rhynchospora fusca]
F3. . . F3. . .
[F2Birds-foot] [F2Ornithopus perpusillus]
[F2Bristle-moss, Spruce's] [F2Orthotrichum sprucei]
Broomrape, IvyOrobanche hederae
Buckthorn, AlderFrangula alnus
Bugle, PyramidalAjuga pyramidalis
[F2Burnet, Great] [F2Sanguisorba officinalis]
Campion, MossSilene acaulis
Cat's‐ear, SmoothHypochoeris glabra
Centaury, SeasideCentaurium littorale
CloudberryRubus chamaemorus
[F2Clubmoss, Alpine] [F2Diphasiastrum alpinum]
[F2Clubmoss, Marsh] [F2Lycopodiella inundata]
F4. . . F4. . .
[F2Clubmoss, Stag's Horn] [F2Lycopodium clavatum]
CowslipPrimula veris
Cow‐wheat, WoodMelampyrum sylvaticum
[F2Cranesbill, Meadow] [F2Geranium pratense]
Cranesbill, WoodGeranium sylvaticum
Cress, Shepherd'sTeesdalia nudicaulis
Crowfoot, WaterRanunculus fluitans
[F2Dodder] [F2Cuscuta epithymum]
[F2Feather-moss, Elegant] [F2Eurhynchiastrum pulchellum]
Fern, HollyPolystichum lonchitis
F5. . . F5. . .
Fern, OakGymnocarpium dryopteris
[F2Fern, Parsley] [F2Cryptogramma crispa]
[F2Figwort, Green] [F2Scrophularia umbrosa]
Fleabane, BlueErigeron acer
[F2Gentian, Autumn] [F2Gentianella amarella]
Globe‐flowerTrollius europaeus
Grass, Blue‐eyedSisyrinchium bermudiana
Grass, HolyHierochloe odorata
Heath, CornishErica vagans
Helleborine, Green‐floweredEpipactis phyllanthes
Helleborine, MarshEpipactis palustris
[F2Henbane] [F2Hyoscyamus niger]
[F2Hornwort, Soft] [F2Ceratophyllum submersum]
[F2Jelly-lichen, River] [F2Collema dichotomum]
[F2Juniper] [F2Juniperus communis]
[F2Lichen] [F2Enterographa elaborata]
[F2Lichen] [F2Lobaria virens]
[F2Meadow-rue, Alpine] [F2Thalictrum alpinum]
Moschatel, or Town Hall ClockAdoxa moschatellina
MudwortLimosella aquatica
[F2Notchwort, Ragged] [F2Leiocolea heterocolpos]
Orchid, BeeOphrys apifera
F6. . . F6. . .
Orchid, BogHammarbya paludosa
[F2Orchid, Dense-flowered] [F2Neotinea maculata]
Orchid, Green‐wingedOrchis morio
Orchid, Irish Lady's TressesSpiranthes romanzoffiana
[F2Orchid, Lapland Marsh] [F2Dactylorhiza lapponica]
F7. . . F7. . .
[F2Orchid, Narrow-leaved Marsh] [F2Dactylorhiza traunsteineri]
Orchid, Small whitePseudorchis albida
Oyster‐plantMertensia maritima
F8. . . F8. . .
PennyroyalMentha pulegium
[F2Petalwort] [F2Petalophyllum ralfsii]
F9. . . F9. . .
Rosemary, BogAndromeda polifolia
Saw‐wort, MountainSaussurea alpina
Saxifrage, PurpleSaxifraga oppositifolia
F10. . . F10. . .
Saxifrage, Yellow MountainSaxifraga aizoides
[F2Sea-kale] [F2Crambe maritima]
Sea‐lavender, RockLimonium binervosum
Sedge, Broad‐leaved MudCarex magellanica
Sedge, Few‐floweredCarex pauciflora
[F2Sedge, Stiff] [F2Carex bigelowii]
Small‐reed, NorthernCalamagrostis stricta
[F2Small-reed, Wood] [F2Calamagrostis epigejos]
Spike‐rushEleocharis parvula
[F2St John's Wort, Hairy] [F2Hypericum hirsutum]
F11. . . F11. . .
[F2Thistle, Melancholy] [F2Cirsium heterophyllum]
[F2Thread-moss, Slender] [F2Orthodontium gracile]
[F2Vetch, Wood Bitter] [F2Vicia orobus]
Violet, FenViola persicifolia
Violet, WaterHottonia palustris
F12. . . F12. . .
Wintergreen, SerratedRamischia secunda
[F2Wormwood, Sea] [F2Seriphidium maritimum]
Yellow Bird's‐nestMonotropa hypopitys

F1Sch. 8 Pt. I: entry relating to "Barley, Wood" omitted (17.8.2011) by virtue of Wildlife and Natural Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (c. 15), ss. 27, 40(1), Sch. 1 para. 8(3); S.R. 2011/285, art. 2, Sch.

F2Sch. 8 Pt. I: entries at the appropriate places in alphabetical order inserted (17.8.2011) by Wildlife and Natural Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (c. 15), ss. 27, 40(1), Sch. 1 para. 8(2); S.R. 2011/285, art. 2, Sch.

F3Sch. 8 Pt. I: entry relating to "Betony" omitted (17.8.2011) by virtue of Wildlife and Natural Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (c. 15), ss. 27, 40(1), Sch. 1 para. 8(3); S.R. 2011/285, art. 2, Sch.

F4Sch. 8 Pt. I: entry relating to "Clubmoss, Marsh" omitted (17.8.2011) by virtue of Wildlife and Natural Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (c. 15), ss. 27, 40(1), Sch. 1 para. 8(3); S.R. 2011/285, art. 2, Sch.

F5Sch. 8: entry relating to "Fern, Killarney" deleted (21.8.2007) by virtue of Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007 (S.R. 2007/345), reg. 40

F6Sch. 8 Pt. I: entry relating to "Orchid, Bird's Nest" omitted (17.8.2011) by virtue of Wildlife and Natural Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (c. 15), ss. 27, 40(1), Sch. 1 para. 8(3); S.R. 2011/285, art. 2, Sch.

F7Sch. 8 Pt. I: entry relating to "Orchid, Narrow-leaved Marsh" omitted (17.8.2011) by virtue of Wildlife and Natural Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (c. 15), ss. 27, 40(1), Sch. 1 para. 8(3); S.R. 2011/285, art. 2, Sch.

F8Sch. 8 Pt. I: entry relating to "Pea, Marsh" omitted (17.8.2011) by virtue of Wildlife and Natural Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (c. 15), ss. 27, 40(1), Sch. 1 para. 8(3); S.R. 2011/285, art. 2, Sch.

F9Sch. 8 Pt. I: entry relating to "Pillwort" omitted (17.8.2011) by virtue of Wildlife and Natural Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (c. 15), ss. 27, 40(1), Sch. 1 para. 8(3); S.R. 2011/285, art. 2, Sch.

F10Sch. 8: entry relating to "Saxifrage, Yellow Marsh" deleted (21.8.2007) by virtue of Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007 (S.R. 2007/345), reg. 40

F11Sch. 8 Pt. I: entry relating to "Thistle, Melancholy" omitted (17.8.2011) by virtue of Wildlife and Natural Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (c. 15), ss. 27, 40(1), Sch. 1 para. 8(3); S.R. 2011/285, art. 2, Sch.

F12Sch. 8 Pt. I: entry relating to "Waterwort, Eight-stamened" omitted (17.8.2011) by virtue of Wildlife and Natural Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (c. 15), ss. 27, 40(1), Sch. 1 para. 8(3); S.R. 2011/285, art. 2, Sch.