The Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986

Exercise of functions of [F1RQIA]N.I.

87.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), [F1RQIA] may appoint—

(a)any member of [F1RQIA] or any committee of members of [F1RQIA] ;

(b)any person, not being a member of [F1RQIA] ; or

(c)any committee consisting of members of [F1RQIA] and persons who are not members;

to carry out any of the functions of [F1RQIA] .

(2) The power medically to examine a patient conferred by Article 86(3)(b) and the power conferred by Article 86(3)(c) shall be exercisable only by—

(a)a member of [F1RQIA] who is a medical practitioner; or

(b)a medical practitioner appointed by [F1RQIA] for that purpose.

(3) Any member of [F1RQIA] or committee or person appointed in pursuance of paragraph (1) shall exercise the functions so conferred in accordance with the directions of [F1RQIA] .