Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order.)

This Order makes miscellaneous amendments to the Licensing Act (Northern Ireland) 1971. The main amendments are—

(a)to prohibit the consumption of intoxicating liquor at entertainments organised for gain;

(b)to provide new general permitted hours for off-sales;

(c)to extend the permitted hours for public houses, airport refreshment rooms and theatres to the same hours on Sunday and Christmas Day as for hotels and restaurants;

(d)to provide for public houses which meet certain standards to have the same additional permitted hours as hotels and restaurants;

(e)to extend the places of public entertainment which may obtain a licence;

(f)to provide for public houses to keep accommodation for guests;

(g)to enable the court to suspend the operation of certain aspects of the licence; and

(h)to increase the penalties for certain offences.