The Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989

Mode of registrationN.I.

211.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), a deed of arrangement under this Chapter shall be registered by presenting to and filing with the registrar within 7 clear days from the execution of the deed—

(a)such number of copies as the registrar may determine of the deed, and of every schedule or inventory annexed to the deed or referred to in the deed; and

(b)an affidavit verifying the time of execution, and containing—

(i)the name, residential address and occupation of, the debtor; and

(ii)the address of the place or places where his business is carried on; and

(c)an affidavit by the debtor stating—

(i)the total estimated amount of property and liabilities included under the deed; and

(ii)the total amount of the composition (if any) payable under the deed; and

(iii)the names and addresses of his creditors.

(2) A deed of arrangement shall not be registered unless the original of the deed, duly stamped with the proper revenue duty, is produced to the registrar at the time of the registration.