Insolvency AccountN.I.

Insolvency AccountN.I.

358.—(1) An account, to be called the Insolvency Account, shall continue to be kept by the Department with such bank as may be agreed with the Department of Finance and Personnel.

(2) The Department may, with the agreement of the Department of Finance and Personnel, invest any money from time to time standing to the credit of the Insolvency Account.

(3) The Department shall in respect of each year ending on 31st March prepare an account, in such form and manner as the Department of Finance and Personnel may direct, of sums credited and debited to the Insolvency Account during that year.

(4) On or before 31st August in each year the Department shall transmit to the Comptroller and Auditor General for Northern Ireland the account prepared under paragraph (3) in respect of the year ending on the preceding 31st March and the Comptroller and Auditor General shall examine and certify such account and the Department shall lay copies thereof, together with the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon, before the Assembly.

(5) On or before 31st March in each year the Department shall pay into the Consolidated Fund the amount of any lodgment made into the Insolvency Account of unclaimed dividends and unapplied or undistributed balances, which has remained unclaimed for a period of at least 2 years from the date of lodgment.