The Matrimonial and Family Proceedings (Northern Ireland) Order 1989PART IINTRODUCTORY1Title and commencement2InterpretationPART IITIME RESTRICTIONS ON PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS FOR DIVORCE OR NULLITY OF MARRIAGE3Bar on petitions for divorce within two years of marriage4Extension of period for proceedings for decree of nullity in respect of voidable marriagePART IIIFINANCIAL RELIEF IN MATRIMONIAL PROCEEDINGSProvisions relating to powers of the High Court and county courts5Interest on lump sums6Orders for financial relief after divorce, etc.7Orders for financial relief in case of neglect to maintain8Duration of orders for periodical payments and effect of remarriage9Variation and discharge of orders for periodical payments10Consent orders for financial provision or property adjustment11Restrictions imposed in divorce proceedings etc., on applications under Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) (Northern Ireland) Order 1979Provisions relating to powers of courts of summary jurisdiction12Orders for financial relief made by courts of summary jurisdiction in matrimonial proceedings13Orders for payments which have been agreed by the parties14Variation of consent orders by courts of summary jurisdiction15Domestic proceedings in courts of summary jurisdiction to include applications to alter maintenance agreementsPART IVFINANCIAL RELIEF IN NORTHERN IRELAND AFTER OVERSEAS DIVORCE ETC.Applications for financial relief16Applications for financial relief after overseas divorce etc.17Leave of the court required for applications for financial relief18Interim orders for maintenance19Jurisdiction of the court20Duty of the court to consider whether Northern Ireland is appropriate venue for applicationOrders for financial provision and property adjustment21Orders for financial provision and property adjustment22Matters to which the court is to have regard in exercising its powers under Article 2123Consent orders for financial provision or property adjustment24Restriction of powers of court where jurisdiction depends on matrimonial home in Northern Ireland25Application to orders under Articles 18 and 21 of certain provisions of Part III of the principal OrderOrders for transfer of tenancies26Powers of the court in relation to certain tenancies of dwelling-housesAvoidance of transactions intended to prevent or reduce financial relief27Avoidance of transactions intended to defeat applications for financial relief28Prevention of transactions intended to defeat prospective applications for financial reliefFinancial provision out of estate of deceased party to marriage29Extension of powers under Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 in respect of former spousesInterpretation30Interpretation of Part IVPART VDECLARATIONS OF STATUS31Declarations as to marital statusArt. 31A inserted prosp. by 1993 NI 6 31BDeclarations of parentage32Declaration of parentage, legitimacy or legitimation33Declarations as to adoptions effected overseas34General provisions as to the making and effect of declarations35Provisions relating to the Attorney-General36Supplementary provisions as to declarations37Declarations in respect of polygamous marriages38Repeal of certain statutory provisions relating to declarations39Abolition of right to petition for jactitation of marriage40Meaning of “the court” and appeals from county courtsPart. VI (Art. 41) rep. by 1998 NI 6 Part. VI (Art. 41) rep. by 1998 NI 6 PART VIISUPPLEMENTAL PROVISIONSArt. 42‐Amendments and repeals 43Transitional provisionsSCHEDULESSchedule 1 rep. by 1998 NI 6Schedule 2—AmendmentsSchedule 3—RepealsStatutory Instruments1989 No. 677 (N.I. 4)The Matrimonial and Family Proceedings (Northern Ireland) Order 1989Made 18th April 1989