The Airports (Northern Ireland) Order 1994

Appointment of constables for an airport

19.—(1) An airport operator authorised in that behalf by the Secretary of State may appoint any person employed by the operator to be a constable on the airport managed by that operator.

(2) An authorisation under this Article may be granted subject to such conditions as the Secretary of State thinks fit.

(3) Every person appointed under paragraph (1) shall on his appointment make a declaration before a justice of the peace to execute the office of a constable on the airport for which he was appointed, and, when he has made the declaration, he shall on that airport have the powers and privileges and be liable to the duties and responsibilities of a constable.

(4) Constables appointed under this Article shall be under the exclusive control of the airport operator by whom they are appointed and that operator may suspend or terminate the appointment of any such constable.

(5) For the purposes of—

(a)the Industrial Relations (Northern Ireland) Orders 1976 to 1987; and

(b)the Industrial Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1992(1),

the holding of the office of constable under this Article on any airport shall be treated as work under a contract of employment with the airport operator; and, accordingly, for those purposes, service in such office shall not be treated as police service within the meaning of those Orders.