The Trade Union and Labour Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1995

Right not to be expelled from unionN.I.

38.—(1) An individual shall not be expelled from a trade union unless the expulsion is permitted by this Article.

(2) The expulsion of an individual from a trade union is permitted by this Article if (and only if)—

(a)he does not satisfy, or no longer satisfies, an enforceable membership requirement contained in the rules of the union,

(b)he does not qualify, or no longer qualifies, for membership of the union by reason of the union operating only in a particular part or particular parts of Northern Ireland,

(c)in the case of a union whose purpose is the regulation of relations between its members and one particular employer or a number of particular employers who are associated, he is not, or is no longer, employed by that employer or one of those employers, or

(d)the expulsion is entirely attributable toF1 his conduct.

(3) A requirement in relation to membership of a union is “enforceable” for the purposes of paragraph (2)(a) if it restricts membership solely by reference to one or more of the following criteria—

(a)employment in a specified trade, industry or profession,

(b)occupational description (including grade, level or category of appointment), and

(c)possession of specified trade, industrial or professional qualifications or work experience.

F1(4) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(d) “conduct”, in relation to an individual, does not include—

(a)his being or ceasing to be, or having been or ceased to be—

(i)a member of another trade union,

(ii)employed by a particular employer or at a particular place, or

(iii)a member of a political party, or

(b)conduct to which Article 32 (conduct for which an individual may not be disciplined by a trade union) applies or would apply if the references in that Article to the trade union which is relevant for the purposes of that Article were references to any trade union.

(5) An individual who claims that he has been expelled from a trade union in contravention of this Article may present a complaint to an industrial tribunal.

F1prosp. subst. by 2004 NI 19